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PVE Daily rewards

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Can we get an update to these please? I hate PVP and WvW but find myself doing those dailies at least because they're more rewarding than the PVE ones Scraps of XP are so worthless that I just throw them away, because the game throws more than enough tomes of experience at you (I'm going to start throwing those away too at some point if I'm reaching about 2 stacks of them). I have so many spirit shards that I don't even know what to do with them at this point. It costs a lot of gold to actually make use of the things.

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I think at this point the scraps of XP could probably stand to be made available to be used by level 80 characters again as a source of Tyrian mastery XP. Tyrian masteries have been in the game for years now, so it's not like someone hoarding up on them to quickly unlock Tyrian masteries is a major issue at this stage.


At the moment, though, even if all you care about is getting three for your daily, there is a distinct difference between the level of effort required for most PvE dailies compared to most sPvP and WvW dailies. You can usually get 2 sPvP dailies just from playing a match, three if you actually win, and depending on the states of the maps, there's usually a couple in WvW that you can get within a similar timeframe. PvE dailies, on the other hand, tend to take quite a bit more time to complete, apart from the foraging/mining/logging dailies.

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I don't understand you OP.


The main objective of doing daily is the amount of 2 gold (fixed whatever 3 activities you do) and the 10 Achievement points (as long as below cap). What we get from the chest is more to be seen as a "bonus" earnings, but it is not meant to be - and I believe can hardly be - the objective of doing daily.

Therefore, if those rewards are your motivation to do daily, I understand your disappointment, and maybe that you should just stop with doing daily and rather swap to another activity being more rewarding for your views/needs.


Side note: That you don't need spirit shards is your personal choice. It is not the same for everybody. Me for example, I have never enough of them and glad for each I earn (I use them a lot to buy items at mystic forge attendant).

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the 2G and 10 achievement points can be gotten with the WvW dailies and PVP dailies, they're not exclusive to the PVE dailies so trying to say that the 2G and 10 achievement points are rewards for the PVE dailies is just wholly untrue.


PvP dailies give shards of glory which go towards legendary gifts, and ascended gear, resonating slivers (which like the xp writs are kind of trash really), and potions that progress your reward tracks, the reward tracks are generally decent and give you PVE rewards for at times, less grind, and generally for free where getting them in PVE may cost gold, materials, karma, and other currencies.


WvW dailies give badges which have a variety of ways to spend, from cheaper 20 slot bags, to cheap stat infusions, to reducing the laurel price on ascended gear and gold price on cultural armor, resonating slivers, and reward track progress, which like the PVP reward tracks, often lead to free things that you have to pay for in PVE. With the living season tracks you can get the meta achievement rewards in just a few hours of getting your participation up to tier 6 and then just taking a camp once every 10 minutes or killing a player, bypassing doing a bunch of timed achievements and "don't get hit at all during this fight" or "don't let any stupid NPC's get hit by an enemy attack" achievements. The crystal desert track which is what I have mine set on, is rewarding me with free warbeast skins, that in PVE cost roughly 15g+ in mats to make. This is in wvw remember so you still get loot from NPC and player corpses , lots of champ bags if you aren't on zombie coast like I am and actually have led groups taking towers, rank up chests that can contain ascended gear, etc. So you can't really say well the reward track makes up for PVE play giving loot for kills and events. Anyway, the WvW dailies are quite a deal, if you actually enjoy PVP and are on a non Zombie Coast server that is.


Meanwhile PVE dailies give.. between 2-5 events worth of karma, a resonating sliver, and a writ of xp (central tyria) that clogs your inventory unless you destroy it, or gather 20 to make a tome of xp which is probably already clogging your inventory with multiple stacks of those, or an autoconsumed bit of xp for Hot?PoF maps, which when you're capped on masteries.. is basically just like throwing it away anyway, it's nothing. Spirit shards have some minor uses but when you have thousands of them and it generally costs gold to use them, it's not exactly comparable. So basically... for hopping from waypoint to waypoint on maps without any meta events or group events that can actually handle the number of people trying to do events on the map, you get a tiny bit of karma for your effort. Woohoo. I don't even bother. I might do the vista daily or node daily but only if the wvw dailies are taking keeps and towers which might be hard to find a group on a crappy server to do, but then I basically throw away the "rewards" aside from the karma... since it's just xp writs which is garbage. I don't know what to replace it with but all I can say is that xp is just pointless when this game smothers you in leveling tomes.

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The effort for the different dailies seems all over the place. A vista viewer or gathering resources is very fast. Doing several events in a region is quite slow. Jumping puzzles are variable, but often fast if they can be completed with portals. Even WvW is somewhat inconsistent - capture 2 camps is going to take longer than capturing 1 monument.

While I often go to WvW to finish up the daily if the PVE ones are slow, I wonder if this is really good for the game - some number of people doing WvW maps just for the daily, thus using up spaces on the map. When I do the veteran creature slayer, I often see half a dozen people hanging out there, and most of them disappear after it is done.

As for solutions:

- Perhaps add a few more PvE ones each day, so there is a greater chance of getting a reasonable set to complete. Maybe also for PVP, WvW

- Maybe make the daily completion a requirement that 3 in the same area (PVE, WvW, PVP) need to be done, so you can't do 2 PVE and 1 WvW. For serious WvW or PVP player, probably makes minimal difference, and actually keeps people from those area who are there just for the daily.


Aside from difficulty of the PVE ones, one there is a daily adventure from HOT, you can just get in the situation where due to the meta, you can't do it for another 10-15 minutes. I prefer to due to my dailies, home node farming, and guild hall farming when I log in for each day - I don't want to have to think about coming back sometime later.


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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> Dailies for AP!

> Who does specifically dailies for golds guess should search the web for a guide instead.


You get the achievement points no matter which 3 dailies you do, the point is that the wvw and PVP dailies are just frankly more rewarding to someone who's level capped and mastery capped.

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> @Devildoc.6721 said:

> > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > Dailies for AP!

> > Who does specifically dailies for golds guess should search the web for a guide instead.


> You get the achievement points no matter which 3 dailies you do, the point is that the wvw and PVP dailies are just frankly more rewarding to someone who's level capped and mastery capped.


And I do agree with you.

I was just stating that doing dailies only for golds is a waste of time since there are better way like sw or the new exploit in ls4.

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