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Being dumb with Power Soulbeast .


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I've been messing around with power soulbeast and this is a build that I've found and stuck to for a bit



It does A STUPID AMOUNT of burst (mind you this is a 1 million HP golem Average Size) but I still think it's freaking crazy. "Sic' em" is stupid strong, however, it's super gimmicky and the dps on 4 million golem is only 21-25k, but I still think it's fun. Only raid boss it may be useful for is KC for the short damage window but that's really about it as far as I can see.

Might use it in WvW to launch a super strong unblock-able barrages into zergs and hope Retal doesn't chew through me instantly.




A screenshot so you can see my buffs and the golem de-buffs along with dps and stats.



Benchmark 1 : 59,244

Benchmark 2 : 58,914

Benchmark 3 : 32,354

Benchmark 4 : 26,413


If only Greatsword auto didn't tickle people to death v.v

If anyone has any ideas on how to make this a better sustained DPS I'm open for suggestions, I'm gonna be messing around with some builds.

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It's funny but power soulbeast really is actually a stupidly interesting thing. You might not believe me but this used to be meta for 40 farm.


Just a few changes I suggest:

Tiger instead of smokescale

Beastmastery instead of skirmishing (beast mastery 3, 2, 3)

Vipers nest instead of frost trap (axe 5 inside of Vipers nest if you can for more damage from the next change)

Predators cunning instead of essence of speed

Sword/axe instead of long bow (spam axe 5 and 4 off cd)


Also you won't notice it on the golem, but for massive burst damage take leader of the pack over oppressive superiority, you should be able to get wayyyyyyy more than 60k opening burst.

I've seen this do around 110k dps on the old flame effigy.

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I'm about to get my precursor armor and since I already have berserk and viper I might grab grieving and see what a Hybrid build can do.

I'm not expecting too much but it's still worth a look I think.


I tried that out btw and I do like it a lot, just need to get used to different rotation. Switched out the signet for vulture stance aswell for more poison and siphon damage.

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Also just as a bonus there is a debate for skirmishing vs marksmanship, but really it comes down to whether there is a druid in your group, with no druid or a condi druid you are better off with skirmishing, with a normal druid you are better off with marksmanship. Skirmishing is only good if you need to cover spotter, also if you use skirmishing use Vicious Quarry because quick draw is almost totally useless on maul, so you benefit only a very small amount from quick drawing axe 5 vs 250 ferocity on everything.

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> @Cheshire.2465 said:

> I'm about to get my precursor armor and since I already have berserk and viper I might grab grieving and see what a Hybrid build can do.

> I'm not expecting too much but it's still worth a look I think.


> I tried that out btw and I do like it a lot, just need to get used to different rotation. Switched out the signet for vulture stance aswell for more poison and siphon damage.


Hmm I don't recommend grieving because poison damage is pretty bad, even the lifesiphon is pretty meaningless but it does add more dps and survivability than essence of speed, and you will lose too much critchance from grieving.

I wouldn't use vulture stance or anything instead of signet tbh, like Vipers trap isn't even that good either but it does have slightly more base dps than frost trap because of the shorter cd. However there just isn't anything better than Vipers nest. Like maybe you could try protect me instead of Vipers nest to proc twice as vicious, but idk I haven't tested that.

Sic em and signet of the wild are the only 2 good utilities you have a a power soulbeast and Vipers nest is the highest dps "useless" utility.

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You get more dmg from beastmastery than from skirmishing in pve( tho you need to change air sigil into accuracy and run 100power 70precision food and have spotter from druid) beastmastery bottom, mid, bottom. And you run gs+sword/axe.


Ive had 27,8k on 4mil golem and 33k on 1mil golem. Just wondering if someone with better rotations/gear would get decent numbers.

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I've been able to get up to at best 37-38k on a 1mil HP golem, with max burst numbers as high as 70k during the initial burst rotation. I use Longbow, Sword/Axe with Marksmanship/Beastmastery/Soulbeast. You guys are on the right track with what to use. I'll post again later on tomorrow with what I use and perhaps can even make a quick vid of my rotation.


I've been using it in raids as DPS, and I've found pretty great success for the most part. Almost every group I've been in I've had highest DPS, other than a few exceptions with skilled weavers. However, even then, they don't pull too far ahead in terms of DPS.


I will say this though, the long-term DPS I've managed on golem stabilizes around 30k, so not as high as what's considered meta. But the burst seems to make up for it in real situations.

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In WvW I've been running a very gimmicky build which is based on the new elite and bursting people down with warhorn #4 and LB #2. It's incredibly fun! Many people just melt and die instantly because no one's expecting that damage. Sic 'Em, Quickening Zephyr and unblockable attacks from Warhorn #5 and Signet of the Hunt work really well. And if they're still alive, hit them hard with your Smokescale skills.

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> @"Mr Greggles.5908" said:

> I've been able to get up to at best 37-38k on a 1mil HP golem, with max burst numbers as high as 70k during the initial burst rotation. I use Longbow, Sword/Axe with Marksmanship/Beastmastery/Soulbeast. You guys are on the right track with what to use. I'll post again later on tomorrow with what I use and perhaps can even make a quick vid of my rotation.


> I've been using it in raids as DPS, and I've found pretty great success for the most part. Almost every group I've been in I've had highest DPS, other than a few exceptions with skilled weavers. However, even then, they don't pull too far ahead in terms of DPS.


> I will say this though, the long-term DPS I've managed on golem stabilizes around 30k, so not as high as what's considered meta. But the burst seems to make up for it in real situations.


That's pretty awesome to hear, I'm kind of excited to see the setup and rotation you have going on to achieve that, this would give me something new to try out for raids which I am all about.


Also glad to hear that Power Soulbeast is something actualy viable outside High bursts, which is more than I would have thought to be honest, and I'll probably stick with it for a little to try and get comfertable with it because I'm getting bored of doing mainly condi specs for DPS roles.

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I'm lazy and my internet has decided to play up, so doing the rotations in a video won't be very good. Try this variant out for yourselves.




A basic all-rounder burst rotation goes:


>One Wolf Pack > Barrage > Sic 'Em > Point Blank Shot (Against Defiant Targets or to Interrupt them) > Rapid Fire > Weapon Swap > Path of Scars > Whirling Defense > Worldly Impact > Charge > Kick


That's the end of the burst rotation, then you go into a more sustained dps rotation which follows after Kick:


>Kick > Auto Atks > Path of Scars > Kick > Charge > Auto Atks > Path of Scars + Sic 'Em > Whirling Defense > Worldly Impact > Charge > Kick > Auto Atks


This should sustain your dps at about 30-31k+ if done properly with realistic buffs. I'm playing at around 250-300 ping, so people should have no problem reaching these sorts of benchmarks.


When One Wolf Pack comes off cooldown, you should switch to longbow to restart the burst rotation, or incorporate it into the melee sustain rotation:


>ie. Path of Scars + Sic 'Em > Whirling Defense > Worldly Impact ---> One Wolf Pack -> Path of Scars + Sic 'Em > Whirling Defense > Worldly Impact, etc.


I'll give you a link instead to an interesting video I came across last night of a player doing Fractal 40 farms with a build which utilizes a lot more mechanics of the Soulbeast weapons like GS Maul for the % buff for extra burst and other neat things. But I'll let that video speak for itself. If you can manage rotations similar to those in the video, or ones I mentioned above, you will be able to compete in with people in raids for top DPS.



Hope that helps, good luck.

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