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playing mes and not casting a illusion spell on spell in story


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im sarry to put this hear but wow this has me soooo confused. i love my mes and when i play mes and Kaz cast all the illusion spells on us its very odd to me. it is even worse when you are 80 and have knowledge on all areas of spell in your finger tips and Kaz is the only one that can cast a illusion on the party. I could see that if i am new to the illusion line i could only cast the spell on myself and not the full party for the story that would make sence and in the human story line in the begining of the game it would make sence i cant do a illusion yet. i hop anet looks into this and fixes this in the futer for us so it feels more natural other then just flat out saying your a mes but your not one. if anyone has a reson why if you play a mes and cant do any of the illusion stuff ples let me know and thanks.

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it makes sense when you realize it would ruined the story if you were able to do everything you can


in the same breath, why not just ask "why can't they use waypoints and resurrect in the story"

nobody would die, there would be no consequences, nothing in the story would really be an issue


it's silly to think about, but obviously you're not supposed to change the story due to your class, they would have to re-do way too much for literally any game company to care about going that in-depth with, and that's at least within reason, that's just... too much


Divinity Original Sin 2 is the only game i've played that has what you're asking for

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> @Levetty.1279 said:

> I think part of the reason that non Mesmers have this warped view of how strong Mesmer is is because all the NPC Mesmers are so much more powerful then us.


oml remember fighting Vevina?

jesus christ that was one ridiculous Chaos Storm that i always wished we had

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I always found that really akward. You're playing a mesmer but you still be abused by 2 mesmer tricks (mesmer zhaitan minion in personnal story and balthazar in lazarus disguise) and you are reliant to Kasmer for both portals and illusions. It don't really make you feel to play as a mesmer.


But well it's actually the same for other classes too (like necromancer who need Marjory's help to create a bone bridge) or guardian who need Braham's help to create a magic shield. But yeah it's actually far more visible when you play as a mesmer because you are far too much reliant to Kasmer's help.


Right now, if you want to feel special in the story you need to play either engineer or elementalist. I suppose that warrior, thief or ranger can be okay too but you are not special.


> @"Levetty.1279" said:

> I think part of the reason that non Mesmers have this warped view of how strong Mesmer is is because all the NPC Mesmers are so much more powerful then us.


Yeah and that's quite unique to mesmer. I mean you are not every random guy too you are the guy called commander who killed 2 elder dragons and one god and you still have mesmer NPC far more powerfull than you.

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