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LWS4 - My Thoughts, Good and Bad

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I'll start with the very quick tl;dr version to protect from spoilers and boredom:

As a GW1 vet there was a lot to like here, especially if you are into the lore and exploration. Kudos on that front. The story was most good too in how it flowed. Unfortunately the way it ends has left a REALLY sour taste in my mouth. Almost to the point that I might not revisit the map as I'm that annoyed.


Now, beyond this point there be spoilers. Seriously, just stop reading here if you've not done the story.



OK, so as I said, I thought it started off well with a decent pacing of story and many of the side conversations were fun. My favorite character being the Sly medic carrying the heavy barrel of grog. Also, seeing dervishes and paragons better mean that A- we are going to see spears and scythes as weapons soon and B- I want to see Paragons and Dervishes as brand new classes and not just elite specs. Seriously, they deserve their own place as fully realized classes. I know you won't do that, but still.


More fun stuff was getting to close the chapter on another GW1 hero and his story at least.


Now. The bad. First there's the voltaic magic nonsense. That was honestly a waste of hero points and time. All that being said that was the least annoying thing about this.


No, the most annoying things are Whiny McMommy Dead and Mary Sue in a Can.

I am truly sick and tired of that pissy norn and his need to be petulant on such an overblown scale. He's grown enough to be over this BS by now, or at least be able to see what is going on. When he is the one that has killed numerous dragons and a god, then he gets to have an attitude with me. Either we get to "this is sparta" him off of a cliff or he stays home. I'm over his nonsense. He literally brings nothing to the story at this point, and if he's not going to be funny or useful he can leave. Seriously sick of his manchild BS.


That being said, I am most disappointed with this next one as I actually liked her when she was first introduced. I liked that Taimi was spunky and had more initiative than those around her and I liked that she didn't want her disability to define her or want to be the damsel in distress.

Then Anet took this Deus Ex Machina thing waaaaaay too far and turned her into both the biggest Mary Sue ever created while ALSO constantly making her the damsel in distress, but this time you also made her harder to beat than a god AND we "win" that fight by basically waiting her out at the end?!?!? Really? Did you just waste my time with an overly/needlessly complicated fight only to make the last 2-5 minutes of it be "don't die and run in circles until its just over"???


So let's do some recapping: I'm traveling with a Charr that doesn't use the sword he wields in any meaningful way (since i know what it CAN do), and now find out that Taimi's golem could easily beat down a god, yet I'm the one constantly running in and risking my own neck. All that aside, given what scruffy could do, she was STILL captured by Joko, which means what? Oh I'll get to fight someone that could over power that robot with no problems, with a squad that won't actually seem to help me and if I bring some IRL friends along, they might be reduced to using skills that aren't their own since Anet likes to neuter the skill bars of people you choose to play with.



Its like someone there is trying their hardest to make a tasty meal and then someone else comes along at the last minute and thinks dropping spoiled milk into the dish is making it better. How is it you guys manage to royally screw up something like that???


In short: Let me kill the crybaby or at least let him die already and either cut it out with Taimi being a Mary Sue or actually let her die next time.

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