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Reposting Removed Content: Don't Do It

Gaile Gray.6029

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  • ArenaNet Staff

I will give a minor update and then close this thread, as I feel it's served its purpose:


I looked through ticket logs and the player who started the threads, and presumably asked others re-post copies, has been answered several times. Claiming there has been "no response" is not accurate. From what I can see in a light review, the player may have cited third-party records, or provided evidence that isn't acceptable by CS's standards. (As it would not be accepted by other companies, either.) They are welcome to continue the discussion with CS.


But let me give you an example of another type of report so you can see how things work: Occasionally, we get reports of player harassment. We'll look into those claims, of course, but when someone backs their complaint by saying, "I have a Skype chat records" or "Here are screenshots of Discord logs" that doesn't really help in looking into **in-game activities,** which is were our responsibility lies. We're dedicated to keeping our game safe and pleasant for everyone, but we're not able to "moderate the world." Any company generally focuses their enforcement efforts on their own products. If a company sells you a cell phone, they're not going to get involved if someone sends you nasty messages through a chat program. They'll give you the tools to block that person, but they're not going to try to police that chat program -- they're refer you to the hosting program or perhaps even law enforcement. By the same token, if someone sends unacceptable messages *in our game* we'll investigate and take appropriate action. If someone engages in unacceptable behavior *outside our game* then the person who is impacted by that behavior needs to address it through the proper medium.


I hope this helps explain how we can and cannot react to player reports, although of course any player is welcome to contact CS to discuss their personal situation.

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