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New engineer help


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Hello all. As stated in the title, I am new to engineer, and I am looking for a good leveling build. Also, I am torn on which of the elite specs I want to unlock first. From most to least, my preferred game modes are OW/LW, fractals/dungeons, PvP/WvW (never raided, though not against it).

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I would suggest going for a Power-based build, where you'll be prioritizing Power, Precision, and Ferocity in your gear. Your damage will come from your Rifle (Blunderbuss, Overcharged Shot, and Jump Shot), Grenade Kit (Grenade Barrage and Shrapnel Grenade), and Bomb Kit (Bomb, Fire Bomb, and Big Ol' Bomb). This, of course, presumes you will start acclimatizing yourself to the multi-kit play style of Engineers.

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> @Ojimaru.8970 said:

> I would suggest going for a Power-based build, where you'll be prioritizing Power, Precision, and Ferocity in your gear. Your damage will come from your Rifle (Blunderbuss, Overcharged Shot, and Jump Shot), Grenade Kit (Grenade Barrage and Shrapnel Grenade), and Bomb Kit (Bomb, Fire Bomb, and Big Ol' Bomb). This, of course, presumes you will start acclimatizing yourself to the multi-kit play style of Engineers.


That is actually why I asked. I was hoping for something that was heavy on class skill. Thank you for the info.

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> @Klowdy.3126 said:

> Hello all. As stated in the title, I am new to engineer, and I am looking for a good leveling build. Also, I am torn on which of the elite specs I want to unlock first. From most to least, my preferred game modes are OW/LW, fractals/dungeons, PvP/WvW (never raided, though not against it).


* If you're leveling, I would recommend trying out flamethrower juggernaut. Tis a bit underwhelming, but it's a silly kind of fun. It exposes you to some of the lesser-used aspects of this class as well.

* If you're looking for simple, open world play, it's also hard to go wrong with the scrapper. The damage isn't amazing, but it's also not bad. Scrapper hammer reduces the need for kits.

* If you want to go kamikaze and see large numbers, holosmith works. It's very fragile in open world, but it can be fun to go nuts.

* When you're ready to step up to the more complex builds, start with just grenade kit and familiarize yourself with its playstyle and weapon swapping. Then add in bomb kit. Then start working out whether you prefer power or condi playstyle --> both power and condi meta use these kits. The meta rotations right now are both complicated, but the condi meta is more complicated.


Personally, I have found the meta condi build (p/p, 4 kit) to be extremely versatile in PvE game modes. It's very survivable when played well, and does a lot of damage. It just plays like an opera (which I enjoy to some extent). In the right hands, it scores some of the higher single-target damage in fractals (I'm always 1st or 2nd in DPS in my t4 runs), although in poor hands it can be woefully bad.


For PvP, right now the meta is power holosmith. There's no way around it with the way the balance is situated. Condi engineer (regardless of spec) is desperately, woefully underpowered and hard-countered in the face of scourges. Scrapper is just too vulnerable to scourge as well.

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Thank you both for the comments, I really appreciate your responses. I would like to add that I have 5 level 80 characters, so there is no need to explain the difference between power and condi, weapon swapping, or other things like that, im just new to the class. I really do not mean to be rude at all, I just don't want people to waste their time explaining things that do not need to be.


Thank you both again very much.

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