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Renegade [Suggestions]


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* Legendary Renegade summons should be invulnerable or with stab stacks and a higher health pool ( i would prefer the second, since i prefer to being able to counter somehow every skill ).

* Alacrity should work for all utility skills, regardless the legend you are using ( using LEG A. Alacrity will work for the current utility skills but also for those in LEG B ).

* Legendary Renegade skills cast time reduce from 3/4 to 1/2.

* Reworking the Adept tier in order to have some passives which enhance utility skills instead of favor of kalla ( 1 sec of fight and we are full stacks. There's no need to enhance some other skills ). Maybe 1 per utility skill, depends which one you want to improve.

* Brutal momentum. While not full endurance, critical chance bonus halved ( instead of removed ).

* Heroic Command ( Cost reduced from 15 to 10 ).

* Citadel's Bombardment ( Cost reduced from 35 to 30 ).

* Orders From Above ( Cost reduced from 25 to 20 ).

* Fix Soulcave's Summit ( if it expires because of missin points, it needs a little bit before energy starts to recover ).

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This wouldn't fix anything.


Renegade utilities are simply too weak. They need major buffs or even complete reworks. Renegade also needs sustain buffs and maybe even a damage buff to compensate for its lack of sustain and the difficulty in even landing attacks with the main weaponset (mace/axe).


Renegade is the easiest target in pvp and wvw out of near every class/spec.


Alacrity does almost nothing for rev. The legend skills CDs are too short to benefit from it, and unless the buff is tied into a skill that is actually needed for another reason, it's generally a complete waste to blow energy on it

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> @JayAction.9056 said:

> This wouldn't fix anything.


> Renegade utilities are simply too weak. They need major buffs or even complete reworks. Renegade also needs sustain buffs and maybe even a damage buff to compensate for its lack of sustain and the difficulty in even landing attacks with the main weaponset (mace/axe).


> Renegade is the easiest target in pvp and wvw out of near every class/spec.


> Alacrity does almost nothing for rev. The legend skills CDs are too short to benefit from it, and unless the buff is tied into a skill that is actually needed for another reason, it's generally a complete waste to blow energy on it


Yeah i am currently trying it in wvw, but not condi.

But i am not sure it's meant to be competitive into a PVP or WVW scenario, since the combat is Dynamic and not static.

That's why i hope to see it a really good PvE class, and somehow a choice for WvW and SPvP ( not top class indeed but still not this weak ).

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > @JayAction.9056 said:

> > This wouldn't fix anything.

> >

> > Renegade utilities are simply too weak. They need major buffs or even complete reworks. Renegade also needs sustain buffs and maybe even a damage buff to compensate for its lack of sustain and the difficulty in even landing attacks with the main weaponset (mace/axe).

> >

> > Renegade is the easiest target in pvp and wvw out of near every class/spec.

> >

> > Alacrity does almost nothing for rev. The legend skills CDs are too short to benefit from it, and unless the buff is tied into a skill that is actually needed for another reason, it's generally a complete waste to blow energy on it


> Yeah i am currently trying it in wvw, but not condi.

> But i am not sure it's meant to be competitive into a PVP or WVW scenario, since the combat is Dynamic and not static.

> That's why i hope to see it a really good PvE class, and somehow a choice for WvW and SPvP ( not top class indeed but still not this weak ).


Renegade is 100% worse than herald for power builds. It doesn't do anything better. It's not even a damage upgrade.

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The problem with Renegade, Short bow is dreadful! ignoring the broken skills that will rarely hit, even when to do, the damage is laughable. Its a "hybrid" weapon that isnt a good hyrbid weapon and it isnt a good Condi or power weapon either. Then you get onto the Ulities that are just laughable. The Elite isnt too bad all can be countered too easily and the traits are a mess.


My ideas:




Shattershot: Increased direct damage, Change the Bleeding to 3seconds of Burning

Bloodbane Path: Firstly it needs to be fixed so that it will actually HIT someone. I would then change the Bleeding to Torment

Sevenshot: I would decrease the focal point of the attack, but make the arrows still go 900 distance. Or maybe, rather than a moving directional ability. Change it to a target one, that no matter the distance (excluding out of range) that it will make the hits all hit that target

Spiritcrush: Fix no line of sight issues (firing behind) and fix no valid path issues (it hates cliffs and heights)


Other than that it could do with tweaks to improve its damage and threat.



Blood Fury: Now increases all condition duration by 3% per a Kalla's Fervor

Wrought-Iron Will: Now also grants Aegis for 3seconds

All For one: This is just lazy, feels like the Herald trait. Changed so that each ability grants a different boon that pulses in its AoE Bastion: Grants Regen, Ire: Grants something, Rage grants: something, Daring grants: Stability, Soulcleave: Grants Might


Vindication: When you gain Kalla's Favor You grant allies Might for 5seconds. 5 Targets

Righteous Rebel: Condition damage is decreased by 10% per a stack of Kallas Fervor.


Heartpircer- Same effect, change the Increased Bleeding duration to Increased Burning damage for each stack of Kella's Ferver


Citadel Orders: They just seem like they were picked at the last minute just for the sake of having them. What would i change them to? No idea. But they do need to be changed to feel like they belong. Heroic Command is pretty solid. Citadel Bombardment even with the trait SUCKS too high an energy cost, will barely hit anything, near useless unless you're zerging or farming mobs Orders from above just seems lazy and boring


Citadel Bombardment: Increase the radius of the damaging bombs. Increase the damage the bombs do, decrease the energy cost from 35! down to 20



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Reducing energy costs by 5 doesn't really help the skills at all... When you think of 10 second legend swaps, you have 100 energy in Kalla and 50 Energy in your channeling legend to spend (including upkeep costs)... So at most you'd get one more damaging weapon skill out of it, but that would delay your swap, which would be a dps loss. I suppose it'd help in getting off a skill in PvP or something one second earlier. But not having a renegade f-utility skill one second earlier has never cost anyone anything in there.

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