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[Question][Suggestion] About Legendary Weapons & And Their Marks

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So earlier I saw someone showing off that Ipos Focus which looks like the only Legendary I'm interested in ever as I don't find the others in looks appeal to me.

Then someone asked "What's the footprints?" and shown a trail of mood slime wherever they passed.


I asked if there was a way to turn off the footprints and they said "By equipping a main hand legendary." I would assume though that... main hand legendaries also have footprints?


Is there a way to completely turn off footprints and just have the legendary without it?

If not, can I suggest having an option (maybe a checkbox near the weapon like for when you want headgear hidden or gloves/shoulders/etc) to just turn those off?


If not, it's perfectly fine. Just would make me lose interest in that legendary as well and any in the future personally. Just wondering.

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The footfalls are there to stay, I think. That's why you have to be sure you like the whole aesthetics of a legendary, not just the item itself!


As for me, I think every legendary Weapon except the Dreamer (and maybe Chukka) would be a regret buy. There are better skins in the game, and for the most part, skins are what you're buying them for.

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There is no way to turn off footfall effects on legendaries, or to change other aspects of their appearance and effects. Each one is a complete package - you get the skin, the visual effects, the sound effects etc. all together or you don't have any of them.


Since they're so expensive (and time consuming) to make I definitely recommend making sure you like everything about how they look before making one. And I mean like it, not that you don't mind it or you think you could live with it. If you're going to get bored or frustrated with it after a few days/weeks/months and swap it for something else you're probably better off sticking with non-legendary skins.


And actually if you like a lot of the other skins for that weapon you might not want to make a legendary, because it might feel like a waste to use them. I remember there being lots of shortbow skins I liked for my ranger but I literally haven't look at them in years because I got The Dreamer.

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> @Westenev.5289 said:

> The footfalls are there to stay, I think. That's why you have to be sure you like the whole aesthetics of a legendary, not just the item itself!


> As for me, I think every legendary Weapon except the Dreamer (and maybe Chukka) would be a regret buy. There are better skins in the game, and for the most part, skins are what you're buying them for.


Yeah, I wanted the book because it look like a Necronomicon and thought it looked super cute.

If there's really no way to turn off the footsteps, and if that's the case on all legendaries, I guess they're not for me.


For something that cost thousands of gold to get done and the ton of materials, I thought there was at least some customizing to them outside of stats.

I didn't even mean dying, just a way to show what you want or not.


Is Dreamer that Saints Row 3-like unicorn one with the annoying repeat horse noise...?

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