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Balancing Goals Moving Forward


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> @Morwath.9817 said:

> Quaggan would suggest posting your thoughts about PvP balance in [profession subforums](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/professions "profession subforums"), as balance team members are active mainly there.


Would quaggan suggest posting it in all the forums? I considered that originally but I didn't want my thread deleted or moved so I went here instead. I could copy paste it into the prof sections I suppose...

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> @Ario.8964 said:

> > @Morwath.9817 said:

> > Quaggan would suggest posting your thoughts about PvP balance in [profession subforums](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/professions "profession subforums"), as balance team members are active mainly there.


> Would quaggan suggest posting it in all the forums? I considered that originally but I didn't want my thread deleted or moved so I went here instead. I could copy paste it into the prof sections I suppose...


There is "general" profession section, if you scroll down below subsections (before you choose any), Quaggan would suggest leaving it there.

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> @Morwath.9817 said:

> > @Ario.8964 said:

> > > @Morwath.9817 said:

> > > Quaggan would suggest posting your thoughts about PvP balance in [profession subforums](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/professions "profession subforums"), as balance team members are active mainly there.

> >

> > Would quaggan suggest posting it in all the forums? I considered that originally but I didn't want my thread deleted or moved so I went here instead. I could copy paste it into the prof sections I suppose...


> There is "general" profession section, if you scroll down below subsections (before you choose any), Quaggan would suggest leaving it there.


Hmmm, I appear to have missed that... good to know.

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Our game modes will not allow for such changes OP, your opting to slow down pvp in a game where the goal is point control slowing the pace of pvp yes will highlight more skill but would make every match take 30-40mins which i don't disagree with but they would have to substantially increase the rewards for doing something like that.

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> @"Genesis.5169" said:

> Our game modes will not allow for such changes OP, your opting to slow down pvp in a game where the goal is point control slowing the pace of pvp yes will highlight more skill but would make every match take 30-40mins which i don't disagree with but they would have to substantially increase the rewards for doing something like that.


Ooo? Matches got time limit of 15 mins, once it runs out, team with more points win...

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> @"Morwath.9817" said:

> > @"Genesis.5169" said:

> > Our game modes will not allow for such changes OP, your opting to slow down pvp in a game where the goal is point control slowing the pace of pvp yes will highlight more skill but would make every match take 30-40mins which i don't disagree with but they would have to substantially increase the rewards for doing something like that.


> Ooo? Matches got time limit of 15 mins, once it runs out, team with more points win...


Might work, only downside i see that a bunker meta might rise out of that which may issues. Since the goal is point control and not killing or destroying the enemy base (yeah i know we have a game mode for this but really who plays it) put a time limit would just make people want to hold points and be as tanky as possible instead of taking them because there's a time limit, it might have to be longer then 15mins to not force a huge meta shift in one direction.

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> @"Genesis.5169" said:

> Our game modes will not allow for such changes OP, your opting to slow down pvp in a game where the goal is point control slowing the pace of pvp yes will highlight more skill but would make every match take 30-40mins which i don't disagree with but they would have to substantially increase the rewards for doing something like that.


The game modes could easily handle those changes imo. Fights would seem slower at first but in reality would end pretty quickly due to a lack of invuln chains, waiting through people's passives, etc. Kills would come out faster and due to fights being decided in less time the game could progress quickly despite a technically slower pace. At least theoretically.

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> @"Genesis.5169" said:

> > @"Morwath.9817" said:

> > > @"Genesis.5169" said:

> > > Our game modes will not allow for such changes OP, your opting to slow down pvp in a game where the goal is point control slowing the pace of pvp yes will highlight more skill but would make every match take 30-40mins which i don't disagree with but they would have to substantially increase the rewards for doing something like that.

> >

> > Ooo? Matches got time limit of 15 mins, once it runs out, team with more points win...


> Might work, only downside i see that a bunker meta might rise out of that which may issues. Since the goal is point control and not killing or destroying the enemy base (yeah i know we have a game mode for this but really who plays it) put a time limit would just make people want to hold points and be as tanky as possible instead of taking them because there's a time limit, it might have to be longer then 15mins to not force a huge meta shift in one direction.


Quaggan meant that we **already** have time limit of 15 minutes.

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And really I don't see a tank meta being a problem from this. Tank builds will be heavily nerfed as well as damage builds so you would end up with a similar balance to what we have now with just smaller numbers being put out. That and pvp amulets don't have many good "tank" options so point control wouldn't be too hard to shift.

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