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Legendary Ring, free for some of us.

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So, first of all, I started doing my legendary ring collection. Unlocked it by doing an easy escort and then I jumped happy into W5 to kill the bosses. 1..2..3, did Desmina and nothing dropped. It was still early, I did not knew what happened, that's it. Tried river a bit and left. I then jumped on reddit and found out that you need to loot 3 chests (different than boss chests). Everything fine. Did Desmina again, took the item 1. Next day I completed River of Souls too, got my second item. Then trained for statues a bit, until a found out some Dhuum training and jumped for it. The boss itself is not that hard, but the orb control is a little bit broken. Anyway, I got used to it. Did not kill Dhuum yet, I still try, but somethign else happened that enraged me. Some random guy, joining a random clear instance and looting the 3 needed chests for items. I was like "Ok, I tought I have to actually kill them so I can loot". So I did the same and guess what.....of course I was not able to loot because I still believe chests were intended to spawn only for the ones who got credit.


So now I am asking, what's the deal with some players having the privilege of getting a free ring precursor while some of us have to spend hours learning and trying bosses so we can kill them and loot? And yes, I am doing W5 only for ring.

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> @Daniel.5428 said:

> So, first of all, I started doing my legendary ring collection. Unlocked it by doing an easy escort and then I jumped happy into W5 to kill the bosses. 1..2..3, did Desmina and nothing dropped. It was still early, I did not knew what happened, that's it. Tried river a bit and left. I then jumped on reddit and found out that you need to loot 3 chests (different than boss chests). Everything fine. Did Desmina again, took the item 1. Next day I completed River of Souls too, got my second item. Then trained for statues a bit, until a found out some Dhuum training and jumped for it. The boss itself is not that hard, but the orb control is a little bit broken. Anyway, I got used to it. Did not kill Dhuum yet, I still try, but somethign else happened that enraged me. Some random guy, joining a random clear instance and looting the 3 needed chests for items. I was like "Ok, I tought I have to actually kill them so I can loot". So I did the same and guess what.....of course I was not able to loot because I still believe chests were intended to spawn only for the ones who got credit.


> So now I am asking, what's the deal with some players having the privilege of getting a free ring precursor while some of us have to spend hours learning and trying bosses so we can kill them and loot? And yes, I am doing W5 only for ring.


it´s actually good, so the not so raid enjoying crowd can also get the ring with not to much dedication (at least the precursor, we don´t know what to do for it in the future)

what they don´t get is the special feeling of "the firt down", which is far more rewarding than any loot in my opinion.

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> @sigur.9453 said:

> it´s actually good, so the not so raid enjoying crowd can also get the ring with not to much dedication (at least the precursor, we don´t know what to do for it in the future)

> what they don´t get is the special feeling of "the firt down", which is far more rewarding than any loot in my opinion.


If you think is ok to give precursors for free to some of us and make others work for it, then you have really strange point of views.



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> @Daniel.5428 said:

> > @sigur.9453 said:

> > it´s actually good, so the not so raid enjoying crowd can also get the ring with not to much dedication (at least the precursor, we don´t know what to do for it in the future)

> > what they don´t get is the special feeling of "the firt down", which is far more rewarding than any loot in my opinion.


> If you think is ok to give precursors for free to some of us and make others work for it, then you have really strange point of views.




its a random asc. ring. which is basicly free to get nowadays, and as told above, we don´t know yet what else to do. maybe do all cm´s of the new wings. maybe kill every boss 10 times. maybe mining 100 gold nodes. the worth of the precusor (for know) is basicly 500 winterberrys to me.


they are free for ALL of us btw. and i think you need to buy an item from the vendor which can only be obtained after you kill dhumm (correct me if i am wrong here)


Edit: cheast after dhuum was/is bugged, and you need to buy it of vendor after defeating him, don´t know if this is still the case, haven´t killed him yet.

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> @sigur.9453 said:

> its a random asc. ring. which is basicly free to get nowadays, and as told above, we don´t know yet what else to do. maybe do all cm´s of the new wings. maybe kill every boss 10 times. maybe mining 100 gold nodes. the worth of the precusor (for know) is basicly 500 winterberrys to me.


> they are free for ALL of us btw. and i think you need to buy an item from the vendor which can only be obtained after you kill dhumm (correct me if i am wrong here)


You need to loot a chest behind Dhuum's throne. That chest was supposed to be seen and available only to the ones who were in the instance when the boss was killed. But for a strange reason, some players can see these chests when they join a cleared instance where they were not part and loot them while the majority cannot see them (so for most of us it works as intended). That is not a free ascended ring, is a precursor for a legendary ring and you cannot buy it from everywhere. Anyway, I am against putting it in raid, I wanted to see it in LS4 like Aurora was for LS3. But even if they put it in raid, it is not ok to give it for free to some players. Raids have to kill a huge boss, with tons of mechanics and a broken orb controll. If you think Dhuum is easy then you never tried it with LFG.



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> @Daniel.5428 said:

> > @sigur.9453 said:

> > its a random asc. ring. which is basicly free to get nowadays, and as told above, we don´t know yet what else to do. maybe do all cm´s of the new wings. maybe kill every boss 10 times. maybe mining 100 gold nodes. the worth of the precusor (for know) is basicly 500 winterberrys to me.

> >

> > they are free for ALL of us btw. and i think you need to buy an item from the vendor which can only be obtained after you kill dhumm (correct me if i am wrong here)


> You need to loot a chest behind Dhuum's throne. That chest was supposed to be seen and available only to the ones who were in the instance when the boss was killed. But for a strange reason, some players can see these chests when they join a cleared instance where they were not part and loot them while the majority cannot see them (so for most of us it works as intended). That is not a free ascended ring, is a precursor for a legendary ring and you cannot buy it from everywhere. Anyway, I am against putting it in raid, I wanted to see it in LS4 like Aurora was for LS3. But even if they put it in raid, it is not ok to give it for free to some players. Raids have to kill a huge boss, with tons of mechanics and a broken orb controll. If you think Dhuum is easy then you never tried it with LFG.




Never said that dhuum is easy.

But yes, it isn´t working as intended for sure. but as said before, i will start to complain after i see the whole picture.

regarding whatelse we have to do with the precursor (multistaged with folliwing wings?) and regarding other legendary trinkets coming for LS/Wvw/Pvp.


Only thing i will complain for now, that there is no whatsoever communications from anet regarding "things to come" (but i guess after leg. armour debacle, they won´t do that anymore)

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> @sigur.9453 said:

> Only thing i will complain for now, that there is no whatsoever communications from anet regarding "things to come" (but i guess after leg. armour debacle, they won´t do that anymore)


The collection 2 will probably be some gold sink to craft something then bring that something to multiple locations. It was the same for Aurora and the legendary armor set. The Second (last collection) was never related to the first one(raid or LS3). Anet do not communicate about raids at all. They just join forum to say congrats to videos about chars or cool drawings, but just check the raid section and you won't find any response at all. They know the things are broken, they leave them like this and they just hope the plebs will spend more cash on their peacock tyranosaurus rexus skin (what is worthing 2k....for that......2k gems for that thing)



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> @Zaraki.5784 said:

> Dhuum chest for legendary ring is actually bugged and you can't loot it.



That issue is old. It can be looted, is just too hard to find an instance who already cleared dhuum. But the other chests (after desmina and events) can be looted by some players who just join instances.

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> @Daniel.5428 said:

> > @sigur.9453 said:

> > Only thing i will complain for now, that there is no whatsoever communications from anet regarding "things to come" (but i guess after leg. armour debacle, they won´t do that anymore)


> The collection 2 will probably be some gold sink to craft something then bring that something to multiple locations. It was the same for Aurora and the legendary armor set. The Second (last collection) was never related to the first one(raid or LS3). Anet do not communicate about raids at all. They just join forum to say congrats to videos about chars or cool drawings, but just check the raid section and you won't find any response at all. They know the things are broken, they leave them like this and they just hope the plebs will spend more cash on their peacock tyranosaurus rexus skin (what is worthing 2k....for that......2k gems for that thing)




we will see, leg armour had in fact more stages, spread over different wings with 2 complete sets of asc armours before you could actually craft the legendary one.

they could also do 4 precursor rings, one for each following wing (haha, one can dream)

yeah, they prefer the easy side regarding communication, on that we can agree :)

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> @Daniel.5428 said:

> > @Zaraki.5784 said:

> > Dhuum chest for legendary ring is actually bugged and you can't loot it.

> >


> That issue is old. It can be looted, is just too hard to find an instance who already cleared dhuum. But the other chests (after desmina and events) can be looted by some players who just join instances.


Still, to loot the required items you have to kill at least one boss of new wing to unlock the collection, that's fine imo, because in that way people not interested in raid, but only in the ring, are not forced to do every single boss. That is good for both part, raiders won't have unexp ppl, only interested in ring, amassing lfg squads and they will have their beloved ring with minimal raid effort.

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> @Zaraki.5784 said:

> Still, to loot the required items you have to kill at least one boss of new wing to unlock the collection, that's fine imo, because in that way people not interested in raid, but only in the ring, are not forced to do every single boss. That is good for both part, raiders won't have unexp ppl, only interested in ring, amassing lfg squads and they will have their beloved ring with minimal raid effort.


You can kill any boss for collection, not needed to be W5. Well I am interested in ring only and still I am forced to do Dhuum to loot it.


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> @Daniel.5428 said:

> > @Zaraki.5784 said:

> > Still, to loot the required items you have to kill at least one boss of new wing to unlock the collection, that's fine imo, because in that way people not interested in raid, but only in the ring, are not forced to do every single boss. That is good for both part, raiders won't have unexp ppl, only interested in ring, amassing lfg squads and they will have their beloved ring with minimal raid effort.


> You can kill any boss for collection, not needed to be W5. Well I am interested in ring only and still I am forced to do Dhuum to loot it.



Why? Can't you simply camp lfg and wait for a good soul who lists a fresh killed instance map? It works for the other 2 collection items.

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> @Zaraki.5784 said:

> Why? Can't you simply camp lfg and wait for a good soul who lists a fresh killed instance map? It works for the other 2 collection items.


The problem is not that. The problem is that the fresh instance tricks works only for some people. I tried taking the first 2 items like this and it did not worked, while it worked for another guy who joined after me. That's why I started doing the raid and I got the first 2 items by killing the boss. Anet should fix the problem from everyone or let everyone take them from clear instances, even if they did not kill the boss. At the moment, some can pick it from clear instances, others can not. I don't know why is that, maybe some client problems or settings.

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> @Daniel.5428 said:

> > @Zaraki.5784 said:

> > Why? Can't you simply camp lfg and wait for a good soul who lists a fresh killed instance map? It works for the other 2 collection items.


> The problem is not that. The problem is that the fresh instance tricks works only for some people. I tried taking the first 2 items like this and it did not worked, while it worked for another guy who joined after me. That's why I started doing the raid and I got the first 2 items by killing the boss. Anet should fix the problem from everyone or let everyone take them from clear instances, even if they did not kill the boss. At the moment, some can pick it from clear instances, others can not. I don't know why is that, maybe some client problems or settings.

Try again or try with another character, maybe it's random.


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