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Anyone as frustrated as me by this games current pvp?


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I've been playing this game since launch, and since forever I've wished they would make two things different to what is now and what it has always been.

The first thing is that there are no duel button like wow, or similar games, because many people myself included go back and fourth between different mmo's for the sake of opportunities and if you cannot do the same in this game then why should I play it? And when I cannot take a dual with a random person except for guild halls, it complicates the whole situation alot because often, it is so that I wanna do some kind of pvp but not in 5v5, wvw with 50+ people or in custom arena, just in the world on the spot with a random guy like wow etc. I dont want to "have" to join a specific game mode in order in doing so?


The second thing are the current game modes in pvp. I simply cannot understand why your not making games modes for 1v1, 2v2 or even 3v3 without the damm circles as main objektives. In my opinion pvp means player vs player and not point vs point, why not make it so actually count if you die or not and if you do then you have lost? Don't you look at other games and see how successful they are on that front? Likewise on the first thing I talked about duel, I simply dont get it because nearly every person I've been trying to get into this game have ditched it in end because they said they didn't have enough opportunities in pvp, okay you can do 5v5 but what if you wanna test how good you and your friend are solo? then u have to join wvw for that and get ganked by a group of 10-50 peeps or spent half a day looking for two similar opponents who'd had the same thought of doing a 2v2. Thought guild arena's would fix these problems but it hasn't.


In my opinion this game have a tendency to shut itself out on that fact, because it simply cannot compete with similar games on these two fronts, and I know that if it gets implemented there would be a lot of people who would consider coming back to this beautiful game with excellent combat which aren't being used the right way. Have maybe 5-10 friends I've recommended the game for who ditched it in the end because of these two things.


Sorry for the language but I am not the best at English :)


Looking forward for some answers since I am pretty frustrated by it.

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Duel is something which is not needed, since the game is not balanced for SPvP and WvW... it could possibly be balanced around 1v1?

But, if you want to do 1v1, go in WvW ( **OBSIDIAN SANCTUM ARENA** or **under the middle ruin in GREEN and BLUE BORDER**. They do duels everytime ).


About SPvP different categories


* 1v1 - is not needed, nor the game is built around it. So there's no reason for ranked or unranked. If you want to 1v1 join a 1v1 custom map and play with the others.

* 2v2 and 3v3 - maps have been made with 3 capture points, which explains why a 3v3 wouldn't be a good choice. if you like 2v2 and 3v3 with no equip to farm, i really suggest you to play BATTLERITE which rocks!

* EVERYTHING BUT THE CURRENT ONES - We don't have enough players. That's why the current situation with Rankeds. They will probably make rankeds a soloq only starting from the next seasons, because the try they made this one worked perfectly.

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I am not talking about what the game is not balanced for, Gods sake the balance have never been near good enough. But the opportunities you give your current player base and the ones who joins the game as a new player. As mentioned above I have a lot of friends who would play the game if these things were implemented. And if you have been in wvw you can clearly see that it is only dedicated players who do it? but aren't the objective to get more players into the game and gamemodes in general? A way to do this is to give theme more opportunities while their playing it. And by saying that duel isn't needed, is a way of saying my friends should play wow or some other similar mmo where it is implemented instead, because they have that option there and not here?

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> @Michael.1406 said:

> I am not talking about what the game is not balanced for, Gods sake the balance have never been near good enough. But the opportunities you give your current player base and the ones who joins the game as a new player. As mentioned above I have a lot of friends who would play the game if these things were implemented. And if you have been in wvw you can clearly see that it is only dedicated players who do it? but aren't the objective to get more players into the game and gamemodes in general? A way to do this is to give theme more opportunities while their playing it. And by saying that duel isn't needed, is a way of saying my friends should play wow or some other similar mmo where it is implemented instead, because they have that option there and not here?


If the only thing that stop em to come here from wow is the /1v1 ( since the 1v1 do exist in both spvp and wvw ), they probably should remain on wow. The problems is within them, if this is the only problem. Trust me.

Also they will eventually drop because no stats farm, no dungeons grind, no new equipment and nonsense like this.


To make it clear, if you compare the 2 mmos ( WoW and GW2 ) you will see that


* WoW has a bigger team which develops content, while GW2 doesn't ( also SPvP and WvW only have few resources ).

* WoW has a subscription, and milions of accounts, which means even more resources which can be invested into development ( both content and balances ). GW2 is B2P + gemstore ( gw2 managed also to show the fact that a MMO does not need a sub like wow in order to take the servers alive, but that's a different argument )


Playerbase is low here on Tyria, and devs don't have resources to work on content as wow could do ( and i say could do because if you see how many cash they get from subs, the content should be XXXXXXXX more. it's something which makes me laugh every single time ), and they have to prioritize CONTENT over QoL for modalitis that already exist.


You would prefer that they invest resources in 1v1, 2v2, 3v3 + new maps for those modalities + a ranking + duel everywhere ... than balances or simply PvE content.

I can accept your point, no problem at all, but i doubt they are going to work towards that direction, because of the reasons i exposed to you.

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I respect your points, however - my friends do not care about gear grind, items, dungeons etc. There u have fractals or raids which are fine for dungeons and raids in other games. But the way some pvp are locked away in wvw/guild halls/custom arena's spvp, that makes them go rage, myself included at times. And if you had played wow recently you would know that items doesn't matter that much in pvp anymore. Guildwars 2 should just make a new game mode for spvp and a bottom for 1v1.

Another example of gw2's way of hiding away content could be raids, they decided to make them because the player base needed some new content - the only problem is that it is way to hard to find a group which are compatible or the game mode itself are to hard for new players at getting into, but that's the problem with learning the combat and the way that is at the moment and have always been in this game.

They have to make existing and new content more easy and attractive at getting into which for every game concern should be prioritized highest because if haven't had a good experience getting into the content, then why join in the next day if it is still as hard? For me a Que in pvp with 3v3 or 2vs2 without points and a bottom for 1vs1 anywhere u want to, an easy and not that expensive way compared too time spent on a new flashy outfit, weapon skin on auction house or making a new map for 5v5 point capture. Which would make a large portion of the players playing mmo in general and current player base gw2 happy with pvp, though they still have to balance it out more in general and in the existing pvp content. 80% of the people I play pvp in wow with (I play both games) said they love the combat in gw2 pvp but hate the way is it constructed because of the lack of freedom.

I know that gw2 is a smaller company compared too blizzard but why it is that gw2 don't want to give the players an easy and swift time entering some ways of pvp? I dont say they should take the resources from other departments, just focus on that instead of 2 new maps for 5v5 point capture? What's is the point? we already had 6 5v5 point capture maps. Then they made a 2v2 custom map without a Que system and stronghold mode, which is still 5v5? In pretty sure a 2v2 or 3v3 mode would be a lot more popular than stronghold mode. And in wvw the only new thing since forever has been the reward system? -.-'

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> @Michael.1406 said:

> I respect your points, however - my friends do not care about gear grind, items, dungeons etc. There u have fractals or raids which are fine for dungeons and raids in other games. But the way some pvp are locked away in wvw/guild halls/custom arena's spvp, that makes them go rage, myself included at times. And if you had played wow recently you would know that items doesn't matter that much in pvp anymore. Guildwars 2 should just make a new game mode for spvp and a bottom for 1v1.

> Another example of gw2's way of hiding away content could be raids, they decided to make them because the player base needed some new content - the only problem is that it is way to hard to find a group which are compatible or the game mode itself are to hard for new players at getting into, but that's the problem with learning the combat and the way that is at the moment and have always been in this game.

> They have to make existing and new content more easy and attractive at getting into which for every game concern should be prioritized highest because if haven't had a good experience getting into the content, then why join in the next day if it is still as hard? For me a Que in pvp with 3v3 or 2vs2 without points and a bottom for 1vs1 anywhere u want to, an easy and not that expensive way compared too time spent on a new flashy outfit, weapon skin on auction house or making a new map for 5v5 point capture. Which would make a large portion of the players playing mmo in general and current player base gw2 happy with pvp, though they still have to balance it out more in general and in the existing pvp content. 80% of the people I play pvp in wow with (I play both games) said they love the combat in gw2 pvp but hate the way is it constructed because of the lack of freedom.

> I know that gw2 is a smaller company compared too blizzard but why it is that gw2 don't want to give the players an easy and swift time entering some ways of pvp? I dont say they should take the resources from other departments, just focus on that instead of 2 new maps for 5v5 point capture? What's is the point? we already had 6 5v5 point capture maps. Then they made a 2v2 custom map without a Que system and stronghold mode, which is still 5v5? In pretty sure a 2v2 or 3v3 mode would be a lot more popular than stronghold mode. And in wvw the only new thing since forever has been the reward system? -.-'


Yeah wow took years to realize that PvP is meant to PvP and not equip farm.


Raids are probably something which they will look into ( an easy mode with less rewards ), because though they are not impossible, pugs seem to be unable to complete them ( whatever the reason, they will probably prefer to use old content instead of making new content for no hands players. It would be a win win, though i don't really like when instead of training and give instruments to players you semplify the gameplay ).


About SPvP, i doubt something would change with an arena map ( we had courtyard and it was an epic fail. A stompfeast ).

They should indeed spend more resources into SPvP and WvW but i doubt they will ever...


Lowering the numbers of players semplifies everything, i do agree ( it's easier to find 1 or 2 team mates than 3 or 4 ), but then they should modify the whole SPvP.

I mean, adding a modality apart will remove players from ranked queue.

With higher playerbase, and more cash from players, there will be probably more possibilities like the ones you proposed, but i don't expect anything currently.



S9 Started with unbalanced classes ( like scourge ).

Let's see if they will fix something before the end of the season.

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