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PvP Discussion: Rewards

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> @Majirah.5089 said:

> > @Ashyri.5426 said:

> > **Remove pip rewards for defeats from ranked match during the seasons.**

> > This will end afk/botting pips farming, people actually have to play to in order to win the game. Also it might increase the match quality on low tiers and newcomers to pvp might actually enjoy and learn enough of it to stay playing PvP.


> I disagree with this. It may effect the afk rate of players, but it will alienate people who are trying, but end up with loss streaks. Those people will eventually quit playing the mode. I think that is a much more likely outcome with your suggestion.


> I don’t agree with the only reward those who win or only reward top players mindset. It’s only good for a small portion of the player base (especially if the only good rewards are for the top players). Some players just aren’t as good as others. So they will lose more often even if they are putting in as much effort as they can. If they aren’t rewarded at all they will likely quit the mode. This the population will diminish. Having a low population is a huge problem.


> I’m not against having the best rewards or the coolest skins locked behind winning a lot, but those who lose should be rewarded enough to keep on playing the mode. Both sides should be happy with pvp. If both sides aren’t then the population dies. I have gotten better each season, but I still have loss streaks that make me just want to give up on the season. But I don’t because I’m at least getting something.


> One “reward” I would like is for the victory screen to be removed and put it back to how it used to be.


It's a championship within a competitive game mode, expecting you to win in order to give you a reward isn't absurd I'm this context. They can buff pips for winning to make it feel more rewarding, but they must end pips farming defeats for everyone's sake.

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> @Spurnshadow.3678 said:

> Remove the ascended and legendary rewards. All they do is attract PvE and WvW pip farmers. PvPers don't need them. Add more unique PvP rewards that are skins. perhaps one set for each season. There's a lot that could be open to imagination here. Passes to the exclusive areas of the lobby, for example.


The devs can probably not say it but the number of players who play PvP and nothing else must be really insignificant and this won't happen. I see more pvp skins playing fractals/dungeons than I see in pvp every day.

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> @Ashyri.5426 said:

> > @Majirah.5089 said:

> > > @Ashyri.5426 said:

> > > **Remove pip rewards for defeats from ranked match during the seasons.**

> > > This will end afk/botting pips farming, people actually have to play to in order to win the game. Also it might increase the match quality on low tiers and newcomers to pvp might actually enjoy and learn enough of it to stay playing PvP.

> >

> > I disagree with this. It may effect the afk rate of players, but it will alienate people who are trying, but end up with loss streaks. Those people will eventually quit playing the mode. I think that is a much more likely outcome with your suggestion.

> >

> > I don’t agree with the only reward those who win or only reward top players mindset. It’s only good for a small portion of the player base (especially if the only good rewards are for the top players). Some players just aren’t as good as others. So they will lose more often even if they are putting in as much effort as they can. If they aren’t rewarded at all they will likely quit the mode. This the population will diminish. Having a low population is a huge problem.

> >

> > I’m not against having the best rewards or the coolest skins locked behind winning a lot, but those who lose should be rewarded enough to keep on playing the mode. Both sides should be happy with pvp. If both sides aren’t then the population dies. I have gotten better each season, but I still have loss streaks that make me just want to give up on the season. But I don’t because I’m at least getting something.

> >

> > One “reward” I would like is for the victory screen to be removed and put it back to how it used to be.


> It's a championship within a competitive game mode, expecting you to win in order to give you a reward isn't absurd I'm this context. They can buff pips for winning to make it feel more rewarding, but they must end pips farming defeats for everyone's sake.


Buffing pips for wins does nothing, but further drive the divide. Removing rewards completely will only diminish the player base. If people are “farming” losses then they should end up at a low rating and not be a bother to people who have been trying. I always try in all my games. Sometimes I would say I even carry some of my games. I don’t afk. I don’t flame my teammates. But I still have loss streaks sometimes. It just happens. I also have won streaks. But if they just took away the reward for losing even when it is already significantly less than winning (which is fine), then it would make loss streaks even more frustrating and I would probably just end the season early. I guarranty that I wouldn’t be the only one.


We will have to agree to disagree. But I had to put my opinion in this tread so that Anet doesn’t get the idea that everyone thinks that removing rewards from losses is a good idea. I believe it would be very counter productive.

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> The new obsidian weapons will need ascended shards. So there will be some additional options next week! Getting new skins as rewards is a long process. I've had previous ideas like trying to get approval to get cultural armor purchasable with a combo of gold and pvp currency. That would be fairly quick, since the assets already exist.


> that’s really perfect, appreciated it. But I meant getting already existing skins like bl weapon skins like maybe with 1k oder 2k ascended shards = 1 skin or w/e meanwhile u get some from ats as reward as well


> Capes are problematic. They are difficult to animate well. Especially when it comes to tails. I know we had them in GW1, but animations there were much less complicated, including not having the ability to jump.


I see the issue, but still with the pof backpieces there didn’t seem to be those problems. Maybe adjust the capes a bit like having them a little further away from the body. Not to mention that most people wouldn’t mind slight clipping issues as there are some anyways everywhere.

Also if we then have the ability to get trims again life would be complete

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Sorry if this has already been said but I don't feel like reading everything up to this point. :P Rewards need to be given only to those who win, or make it take an incredibly long time to get anything if they consistently lose . There are way to many players screwing around and doing nothing just so they can get the rewards. They don't care if they win or lose let alone try to win. Why should the people who actually want to play to win suffer because of these people?

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> @Rufo.3716 said:

> Sorry if this has already been said but I don't feel like reading everything up to this point. :P Rewards need to be given only to those who win, or make it take an incredibly long time to get anything if they consistently lose . There are way to many players screwing around and doing nothing just so they can get the rewards. They don't care if they win or lose let alone try to win. Why should the people who actually want to play to win suffer because of these people?


Because players who play to win only ever win and never have loss streaks and are instantly better than everyone else...


Just because you play to win and try your best doesn’t mean you will consistently win.

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I'd like to request the removal of Shards of Glory from the pip reward chests; they're just too prevalent at the moment, and have no value. Also, if possible, the removal of Resonating Slivers from the daily PvP reward chests; those things are worth nothing on the market either.


For pips it would be nice if skill tier rewards were shifted a bit - legendary players get 4 extra pips while platinum gets 2, and everyone else gets no bonus. I get my 2 welfare pips from being in platinum, but maybe throw gold a small bone as well? And then give me that bone too, I am actually a dog irl

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I'm a huge supporter of fluff. I want things from PvP that I can show off, that are unique and not obtainable other ways, even if it's just decorative. However I want them to be neat! PvP specific armor skins and weapons are nice, but imo should never have been in question. That should just be something there. however other things like, say, the alliance / horde enthusiast in WoW that you can take into BGs with you and they talk shit about people on the other team, those crack me up! Or special emotes you can earn in pvp. Special useable items like the rose bouqette, harp, etc, with pvp flair! I just like having really cool stuff that make people go "where did you get that?!"


Then when I say "from pvp!" even if they don't think they'll like pvp, they may go try it for the really cool item, find out they love it, and we get another player.

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Hi! I'm going to ask some questions about ranked/unranked rewards here.


1. I really do think PvP rewards were nerfed way too much after S5. Personally I'm playing solely PvP these days but gaining access to proper PvE gear is a very tough process and it discourages me to play PvE again. I think I've played around 80 matches this season and reached almost the top100, yet I'm standing there with 3(!) Grandmaster Marks. Which means I can get one! Ascended piece.

PvP rewards should never be more rewarding than PvE in terms of ascended items (because, as we have seen that will bring PvE people to 'farm' 24/7), but right now the reward system for ranked is just terrible. What I'm trying to say is, if you are keeping the system as the same, the number of obtainable grandmaster marks should be higher at the very least.


I would like to hear if there are any plans to increase the rewards in this case?


2. Also, PvP reward tracks could use some revamps as well. Basically you are farming the same skins over and over again, gaining incredible amounts of useless things in the meantime (like Tomes of Knowledge etc.). Is there any plan to change these? I know this is more delicate as you can farm these in ranked as well, but still..


Thank you for your time.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @bluri.2653 said:

> > On the topic itself, weapons awesome idea same goes with "upgrading" or fixing the look for the armor to make it look more prestigeous.


> We're working on another version of the Glorious armor. I'm specifically aiming to have the tournament version look noticeably different than the League version. It will basically be a paint over/effect treatment on the current armor. Some work has been done, but it's still a ways out.


Ben just for clarity, do you intend to update the existing ardent glorious(aka league version) and glorious hero(aka tournament version) armor (inlcuding updating the skins for peopel that already own pieces of these armors) or replace them with the overhauled skins and turn the old ones into legacy skins? I think u meant just updating the skins but just wanna be sure.

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Adding unique stuffs to reward tracks is good to attract new ppl. to PVP.

The only thing I'm asking for is to restrict them from Ranked until they have at least 15-30 unranked games done (if we'll still have SPVP leagues in the future).

This way we can filter out totally unexperienced gold diggers. Once they'll have the experience they can join ranked games of course.

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> @Bazooka.3590 said:

> Adding unique stuffs to reward tracks is good to attract new ppl. to PVP.

> The only thing I'm asking for is to restrict them from Ranked until they have at least 15-30 unranked games done (if we'll still have SPVP leagues in the future).

> This way we can filter out totally unexperienced gold diggers. Once they'll have the experience they can join ranked games of course.

[You already have a rank 20 requirement for players before they can join in Ranked]

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I would totaly simplify it. No reward tracks. You gain ONE type of coinage from PvP. E.g. Shards ...

Then there is a trader in lions arch that exchanges this coinage into the following:

All map currencies (eg) ley line crystals, lumps of aurilium, any dungeon coinage ...


Hero points


And thats it.

Of course the ascended vendors in the PvP zone stays.

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Is there any way to stop progress in pips for lost matches? Lots of players was talking in teamchat they only play for grinding shards and i allways have the feeling they dont care about the outcome of a match or an comeback because they gets the reward they wants to have. Instad of this maybe give the lost team some more progress to the reward tracks.


I know you lure the players into spvp because of this, but it allways tends to make them lazy and more focussed about playing the system, not the game or match!

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I get that it was a little _too_ easy to get ascended armor in season 5, but it seemed to help bring a lot of new players to PvP and was great for someone like me who can't cope with the rigmarole of getting it through PvE.


I'm not suggesting we go back to season 5 levels of availability, but perhaps we could at least earn more grandmaster marks each season - say, one per repeatable byzantium chest, or make grandmaster marks be purchasable for ascended shards (or even regular shards)?

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> @Sihmm.9236 said:

> I get that it was a little _too_ easy to get ascended armor in season 5, but it seemed to help bring a lot of new players to PvP and was great for someone like me who can't cope with the rigmarole of getting it through PvE.


> I'm not suggesting we go back to season 5 levels of availability, but perhaps we could at least earn more grandmaster marks each season - say, one per repeatable byzantium chest, or make grandmaster marks be purchasable for ascended shards (or even regular shards)?


Why? It should be a long term goal for you. I played 8 of 9 seasons and i crafted yesterday my legendary armor. I improved, i learned all classes, i did my way to plat.2. I grabbed myself into every meta. This is the way you needs to play pvp, not the system for loot. One grandmaster mark is okey! Why should we create a farmtrain in pvp?

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Simply put, more rewards unique to PvP.

I'm not fussed about getting pve rewards from pvp, and that includes pve legendaries or generic ascended pve equipment.


What I would love is anything that marks you out to the rest of the map that you are a pvp'er - valuable titles (i.e. not something that anyone can farm, but which requires long term commitment or success in leagues/ AT), weapons, armour, gizmos, logos etc. But all unique to pvp.

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I mentioned this in the Matchmaking thread, but realise this is the appropriate place for it:


I'd like it if players earned a one-time achievement for reaching a given ranking tier (e.g. Platinum) that could be displayed either as a sort of legacy badge in place of whatever your current season badge is, or as a title. I always get a bit disheartened towards the end of a season because maintaining my badge for display during the off-season becomes more important than, y'know, having fun in PvP. I actually turned off my badge this season in a bid to try to stop this, but honestly I miss the sense of being identified as a PvPer, and a half decent one at that.

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