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Left over Mastery Points

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @Ayakaru.6583 said:

> > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > > @Ayakaru.6583 said:

> > > > But what's wrong with a post HoT vendor?

> > > > After you've unlocked everything you spend left over points at a vendor for secondary trash.

> > > > Nothing that would make a casual player feel forced to hunt extra points, but just enough to make worth of the efforts of adventurers.

> > > > The point of spare points wont be jeopardized this way

> > >

> > > Spare means spare; it means they are extra, no additional uses, surplus to utility. Offering any use for them makes them something other than 'spare'.

> > >

> > > Every use for an item puts pressure on players to complete it: look at the folks saying they went out of their way to collect excess mastery points. Adding an actual use increases the existing pressure.

> > >

> > > Additionally, it takes development resources to add anything to the game. Is this really a change that will improve the game for enough people to make it worth the effort? If the "leftover" points translate to "secondary trash," why does it even matter all that much to go without?

> >

> > If people feel so threatened by a second use, then just remove them? And seriously, pressure? No one is feeling pressured to pick up every single gathering node in the world, why woyld they feel more pressure from a mastery point?

> > After you unlocked everything hide the mastery points so theyre not constantly staring at me


> Look, there's no way to have this both ways: either there are spare mastery points or there aren't spare points. I don't think ANet is going to spend time changing this on the basis of "so they're not constantly staring at me."

> Or put another way: if you feel so threatened by no further use, then just stop going after extra points.


Again though, you CAN have it both ways, in a sense. The point of "spare" points is to make sure that you can unlock all the abilities that you NEED and not feel compelled to get every last point. You can have a system that accomplishes that, but also, once you've crossed that finish line, if you have points left over you can spend those on spare stuff, unimportant stuff, stuff where if you would feel compelled to keep collecting Mastery Points just to unlock this added stuff, then you would probably feel equally compelled to hunt them down just because you could.


I certainly wouldn't argue that this is the most important issue out there, but just in terms of hypotheticals, it *is* something that's possible to do, and it *would* give players some meaningful purpose for spare mastery points without putting undue pressure on people to collect more points than they'd care to.

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I have not completed everything like OP has done, though, with what I did, I have a reserve of 15 green points, 14 red points and 18 purple points, and can use them nowhere. Of course, I would be happy be able to use all those points for something. However, I also see the problem linked to that.


The intention with an amount of available points bigger than the amount needed for tracks, was to ensure that all players can find their own way to get points, without being forced to an activity they dislike. For me, it is very well done and I would not like that to change. I was very happy about that.

Now, if something would be added to use the excess of points, and that it is a "nice-to-have-thing", everybody will want it and this will force people to go for the activities they had intentionally let aside, in order to earn more points: This would be exactly the situation that had been avoided by giving more activities than necessary. To my eyes, it would not be good.


Therefore, my opinion is that if something should be added allowing to use our excess of points, it should be something "little" and "neutral enough", that does not create an attractive new objective. For example, they could be converted into a reasonable amount of currency (spirit shard, any dungeon currency, whatever....), or something of this type. That way, we can use them, but players missing the points to do so will not feel like they really lose something. Not sure I explain well enough, but I hope you get the idea of what I mean... :3

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