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New Player, looking for advice


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Hey all, I'm totally new to the game but I'm looking to start PvP asap. With that in mind, I've bought the lv 80 boost and boosted an elementalist. I'm aware that this has cut out a huge part of the game but I simply don't have the time to level since I'm starting uni this month. Really I'm looking for advice, now that I'm lv 80 what should I do, Raids? Start PvP? What is the most efficient way to get gear suitable for pvp?

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You don't need the boost for PvP, as you get everything there.


You basically just skipped most of your game time. Learning the game, your character and get the gold etc. To even gear up for the hard stuff.


Raids are HoT content and require some advanced understanding of the game, gear and your class.


While it is possible to do that stuff, I highly advice taking the long road.


What you try to do might not reap the results you are looking for, as with guild wars 2 the end game starts partly from level one.

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well your not set to raid yet your going to need ascended gear for that you get from crafting . which your going to have to do that as well . and you can do pvp in exotics gear easy . till you get better gear crafted . and do not worry about doing any thing at all efficient way in regards to pvp as your very much soon find out between the afk people and so forth that efficient way just is not going to happen . be ready to lose a lot of matches even if you still got good gear . oh yeah if you get disconnected from the game while in pvp . look to get dishonor from it if your internet is not good and cuts out a lot .


on the bright side how ever you can get mats and so forth and do events in pve and make gold and get more mats . I will also say most easy crafting skills to level easy and fast is cooking and jeweler they are only 400 the rest will take time to get to 500 tho . good luck and welcome to the game . hope you have a lot of fun and enjoy your self .

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Thank's for the replies, as callous as it sounds, I'm not really looking for anything other than PvP. The progression of leveling/gearing just doesn't do it for me...I've got idea's for builds I'm going to use and I'm planning on learning the controls/rotations myself but my main interest right now is just getting the gear to allow me to do it

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> @BlueEyes.6832 said:

> Thank's for the replies, as callous as it sounds, I'm not really looking for anything other than PvP. The progression of leveling/gearing just doesn't do it for me...I've got idea's for builds I'm going to use and I'm planning on learning the controls/rotations myself but my main interest right now is just getting the gear to allow me to do it


You go into PvP.

You magically got all you need.

Rest is figuring out how to do use it.


Have fun

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First off, welcome!


Since you said you were new I do want to make sure you mean SPvP and are not using PvP as a general term since that could apply to WvW. Difference here in SPvP your level doesn't matter you can PvP at level 1, but the PvP that some might associate to WvW does make a difference. Likewise in SPvP your gear doesn't matter except you want to have something on, but it could be level 1 gear since your gear actually gets defined by the amulet you choose. SPvP uses a gear neutral approach whereas WvW uses the same gear you would gather and use in PvE. Won't bomb you from there without knowing more but links that might help:







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> @TheGrimm.5624 said:

> First off, welcome!


> Since you said you were new I do want to make sure you mean SPvP and are not using PvP as a general term since that could apply to WvW. Difference here in SPvP your level doesn't matter you can PvP at level 1, but the PvP that some might associate to WvW does make a difference. Likewise in SPvP your gear doesn't matter except you want to have something on, but it could be level 1 gear since your gear actually gets defined by the amulet you choose. SPvP uses a gear neutral approach whereas WvW uses the same gear you would gather and use in PvE. Won't bomb you from there without knowing more but links that might help:


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Structured_PvP

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/World_versus_World


> Welcome!



excellent, thank's for the help :)

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> @BlueEyes.6832 said:

> Hey all, I'm totally new to the game but I'm looking to start PvP asap. With that in mind, I've bought the lv 80 boost and boosted an elementalist. I'm aware that this has cut out a huge part of the game but I simply don't have the time to level since I'm starting uni this month. Really I'm looking for advice, now that I'm lv 80 what should I do, Raids? Start PvP? What is the most efficient way to get gear suitable for pvp?


Do PvP. Trust me. No worries about gear. Gear means nothing just cosmetic in PvP. Everything is 100% ready for you to play.


Just go to Heart of the Mists and spend a good 20 min familiarizing yourself win the UI, build panel and mechanics. Start playing UNranked ASAP. Level up PvP levels to get into ranked while you learn.


Forget custom arenas. FORGET THEM. Useless for you. Good luck bud


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