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BUG: Holosmith (Engineer) Photon Blitz skill not activating properly

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For the last couple of days, the Holosmith Photon Blitz skill is not activating properly for me. Sometimes when I press the key for the skill, it doesn't activate, and then immediately goes on either partial or full cool down. Sometimes I can see the animation for Photon Blitz begin, but then abruptly stop when this happens. I especially notice this when I try to use Photon Forge too quickly after Corona Burst. It sometimes happens when I'm moving while trying to use the skill. It is a bit frustrating and I am wondering if this could be looked into.


Other details: This happens in open world PvE, in the new PoF maps, and I've been playing solo. I'm running Explosives/Tools/Holosmith trait lines.

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No clue about the angle, but using the action cam allows you to use it without a target. With the correct settings (allow channel skills to switch targets) it is even more easy to use and land.


It only applies if you like the action cam and if you have everything bound to your keyboard and mouse ofc (which is basic for me... But I know it's not for many players out there)

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> @"Aetatis.5418" said:

> A bit late answer tho, but this happens a lot for such skills, when you are facing your target in the wrong angle.

> Happens to me on all channel skills little photon blitz ( e.g. axe 2 on necro)


That's pretty much the problem Stone cold, for confirm this even more further, take the p/p set of engineer and try to hit an enemy when hes behind you, you will notice that all your skills will go on full cd without doing anything, you must be in line of sight in order to make it workout, thats the philosophy mechanic from where photon blitz comes from.

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