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Returning player LFG to help me get back into things, PvE and WvW


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It's been almost 3 years since I played, but I finally got a better computer so hopefully I won't have horrible FPS in fractals and the more demanding maps! I don't remember much so I'm basically a noob, but I'm mostly comfortable with the controls again. I'm in US Central time and I play mostly in the evening and through the night occasionally. Since having to become an adult and work I'm more of a casual player now, though I do get semi-hardcore when I can if the game is really captivating. I would love to join an active guild that I can do dungeons and fractals and world bosses with <3 as for my personality, I don't trash talk but don't mind it as long as it doesn't get cruel, (I've played a lot of League of Legends, I've probably seen worse) but really the only thing that irks me is sticks in the mud who complain about cussing or edgy jokes. I don't curse like a sailor but I don't enjoy being chastised like a child for dropping an occasional f-bomb.


If you think I'll fit and you don't mind helping to mold me back into a decent player, please consider letting me join! :D

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Hey hey hey gentleman, lady, alien or quaggan, how its going? <3 im from The Mystic crusaders [TMC] we are a small and new guild made by fat cats, little asuras, hot silvarys and other no so sexy races rofl like a i said we are new as a guild and not as players :3 we like to do all and laugh our butts off, got achievements hunters, pvp maniacs and *cof cof* wvw blood seekers like me xP (i like to do all actually) we are looking for new and veterans players who enjoy gaming whit friends, laugh and chill, talk about food... ok thats just me... you can join 5 guilds un game so why dont give us a try? If you dont like to run whit us you allways can leave (and be shoot down from the back coz nobody leaves...) most of our people talk english, we also speak spanish and some speak chinese xP join us! Join our discord to hear our sexy voices! And join us to become a master chef! lol send a mail to XxlocuraxX.1356 inside the game or leave your ID, my discord is XxlocuraxX.1356 (Sin)#5444 have a nice day, wash your hands and dont forget to breathe (trust me on that one)

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If your interested in WvW, we can help you there. We are based on Kain, run 4 times a week from 8est-11est and we only ask you show up when you can. As far as PvE is concern we have a few who do it, but other then that i wouldn't count on it i recommend finding a PvE guild. But as for WvW we can help you build from the ground up (builds, callouts, etc...). Oh, its pretty much open door policy with language and whatnot. Hit me up ingame email QuickRain.4735


[AoEs] Blast Red

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I'm not sure if you're still looking for a guild, but I'll pitch outs. [HERO] is a PvX guild located on MAG NA server, where we have a close knit, active, and helpful community. We are just like you, with regards to joking and cursing, we do it a lot, however, we also know when to get our serious hats out and play to win. Heroes engage in all content, PvP, WvW, FoTM, and Raids.


Mainly, we are a pick-up and play team, wherein, players sign on and group up with guild members and do the content they like most. We also have a structured Game Night on most Saturdays, where we do guild missions, WvW, and other content. If you'd like more information, or if this sounds good, send me a mail or message me in game.

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