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A way of learning my orb controls faster


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Everyone know how many people complained about Dhuum's orb mechanic being broken. I wouldn't calling it broken, but is it difficult to learn and this is true. I tried learning it but I find it annoying for the following reason, to learn it, you need to do it at least 25-30 times which means around 25-30 failed attempts on boss. Is hard to find a pug squad where people will not leave or you will not be kicked after the first 10 attempts. So what I am asking now? A way to train it. Maybe a special option is training room where you are turned into an orb and have the opportunity to collect red globes or something like this. Even a tonic would work. I really want to be very possitive, I killed the first 3 bosses and I want Dhuum so I am ready to spend time learning the orb control, but is just annoying to lose 5-6 minutes every try just to have the opportunity to train the control itself for 10 seconds. Can we get a new way of training for it, please?

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> @"Chris McSwag.4683" said:

> You shouldn’t need 25-30 attempts once you realise it’s not as difficult as it may seem. Keep to the left side and avoid the mid cylinder and you should be fine. On a different note, it seems like the amount of orbs depend on how many spiders that have been killed, so make sure your team is doing that well


There are enough orbs, but i have problems with up-down control become the red orbs are small and I have to looks for above to see them

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> @Linken.6345 said:

> I thought w5 was 2 bosses 2 events


River and Statues are simple events but considering they give you tokens and LI, they are the equivalent of a boss. So we can say that W5 has 4 bosses even if River is an escort event and statues are 3 smaller bosses

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> @"Chris McSwag.4683" said:

> You don’t need to go up/down, there should be more than enough on your “height”. At least I don’t recall going up/down and I’ve probably done over 50 greens at this point


yeah, from time to time is tricky because they have some delay until they count as collected.

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> @Daniel.5428 said:

> > @"Chris McSwag.4683" said:

> > You don’t need to go up/down, there should be more than enough on your “height”. At least I don’t recall going up/down and I’ve probably done over 50 greens at this point


> yeah, from time to time is tricky because they have some delay until they count as collected.


You don't need, nor can go up/down (unlike in the Soul Eater event), you can only stay at one height.


Something that helped me a lot when I started doing it is to realize that the "part" of your character that needs to "touch" the orbs in order to collect them is slightly below the middle of your screen (there's the "core" of your soul in the middle, and a bit below it there's some king of glowing orb with a static aura), try looking for it.


Also worth noticing that if you are at a corner and ran out of orbs to collect, they keep re-spawning all the time from the edges, so it might be worth just waiting in place.

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A "Boss golem" that does mechanics would be a nice addition to the Special Training Area, even though I'm not sure how hard it would be to develop. Everyone would benefit (even the people claiming they have no assistance to get into raids) and it would only become a richer feature in time as more raids are released. Just reuse assets and have the golem repeat the boss maneuvers (would probably require modifying the area though, where the hard part comes into).

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> @maxwelgm.4315 said:

> A "Boss golem" that does mechanics would be a nice addition to the Special Training Area, even though I'm not sure how hard it would be to develop. Everyone would benefit (even the people claiming they have no assistance to get into raids) and it would only become a richer feature in time as more raids are released. Just reuse assets and have the golem repeat the boss maneuvers (would probably require modifying the area though, where the hard part comes into).


They can do something like Taimi's simulator from LS3. They can reuse that simulator map and just spamm mechanics.

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The pre-events being properly done is the best way possible to solve this I think. But now that you mentioned Taimi's simulator that would actually be pretty fun. AND if it was "inside" the Special Training you could also test yourself with different mechanics and buff setups. Still think it's too much work though...

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I found this guide from Kairos to be extremely helpful just watching the route they take on multiple orb phases made a big difference for me


On that note though I'm somewhat 2 sided on the implementation of having a raid mech practice room outside of the actual raid. Some ppl actually look at that as the best way to learn and love the challenging aspect of figuring it out inside the raid itself. While on the other hand like you stated most the time pug groups want ppl that have the orb phase down to perfection.

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mmm it looks easy ya hahahahaha! :P

i compared the video.... she stayed at the orb for a bit before moving ahead.. i sorta move too fast ahead around the world... mmm i should try that. still worry about it due to the high ping i guess i never know until i try again. thanks for the video


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I would like to update this... Thanks to kairos video and a sketch he made and explanation.. I can do green really easily now even with high ping. I thought it's important to update bcos earlier I was question about my ping for this mechanic. Watch kairos video and read the comment in his video.. he provided a very very useful sketch to help.

I find myself perfect every green now .. only fail if I'm greedy lol

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I tried it first time on Friday, had very little problems with it. I didn't even watch a video, nor a guide, on how to do it. I hope you are talking about the orbs you eat when you go up when you save a Reaper (Green circles) and not some other orbs that I don't know about.

Some tips from a first timer:

1) Aim your camera up to see where is the nearest big orb then plan your path to go eat that one (you will get little ones on the way), also if you aim up you can clearly see if the left or the right side has more orbs to eat.

2) If timer is running out, don't go for the big orb, better you don't eat it and survive

3) I was playing a human and my character was ABOVE the orbs, still I was eating them but in a 3D environment it's rather hard to know if you are above, or below an orb. I think what the developers can try and do is make the orbs float at the center of the player model, that way, regardless of how tall you are, you can eat the orbs properly.

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> @"Lalainnia.3598" said:

> I found this guide from Kairos to be extremely helpful just watching the route they take on multiple orb phases made a big difference for me



> On that note though I'm somewhat 2 sided on the implementation of having a raid mech practice room outside of the actual raid. Some ppl actually look at that as the best way to learn and love the challenging aspect of figuring it out inside the raid itself. While on the other hand like you stated most the time pug groups want ppl that have the orb phase down to perfection.


Thank you for the video, I'm having issues where I would go left to catch the big orb and then there are barely any orb dots on the left side of the room. I've gotten faster but normally miss the 5th orb. One person recommended for me just to wait at the beginning and a ton of orbs will spawn. I'll have to try that out but mostly people are looking for experience orb collectors in groups.

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