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Raid Pre- Events

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People have already claimed it for deimos, but with the recent dhuum preevent it took to another level:

preevents are just beyond annoying.

Sure, on deimos challange mote the performance at the prevent took an effect on the fight, but on normal mode it often just annoys people.

These prevents are there to teach people mechanics and i think vale guardian does it perfect. You learn each mechanic through 1 miniboss and after you killed them, you can just retry the boss if your group wipes.


On Deimos normal mode it teaches the mechanic of ghosts, but after the first kill it does not really server any purpose. Sure, if a new group would kill deimos for the 1st time they may have problems with killing statues at the same time, but after even a new group did it 1 time succesfully the preevent has no use.

On Dhuum the prevent teaches the mechanics pretty well, but there is no reason to repeat if every time your group wipes. Dhuum has an excellent fight but the prevent tends to kill the concentration on groups even more after doing multiple tries. And once a player accidentally dies at the start of the fight it just pisses off 9 people since they have to redo this prevent.


I really think the Deimos normal mode, and both Dhuum normal and challange mote should change to one time just like vale guardian!



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> @"crosknight.3041" said:

> Yeah pre-events in daimos and dhuum are annoying: xeras is also annoying


to be honest i never felt like the xera islands were a preevent because i did have an effect on the fight (like deimos CM). Depending on your speed you would have less time to fight xera (or less time until enrage began). Even though you are technically correct (2 islands serve to teach mechanic) i do not believe that the preevent should be removed. But i guess same applies to deimos fight after all, so myabe both events are fine.


Dhuum pre-event on the other hand has a fixed timer until it starts and it feels much more like purely teaching about the fight's mechanic (just as vale guardian).

I can understand that designwise it would make more sense that dhuum would just send his minions to slay the reapers until realizing that he has to do it himself, but gameplaywise it is just killing nerves when you have to deal with the preevent every time you wipe at trying challange mote.


I hope the team decides to hotfix the dhuum preevent to be like vale guardian, even if they have to think about a smart way of starting the fight then.

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  • 3 weeks later...

> @"Faaris.8013" said:

> @OP can you change the title to read "pre-events" or something like it? I only figured out what you are talking about when I read the first reply to your post. I thought raids are preventing people from doing something but that didn't make any sense ^^


Thanks for that, should have seen it myself

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> @"crosknight.3041" said:

> Yeah pre-events in daimos and dhuum are annoying: xeras is also annoying


I like Xera's pre-event, it really lets you figure out if you're gonna need to replace some of your PUGS right away before they wipe you with the Bubble or at the Split later on.


Also, I don't get the hate for Deimos'... It takes like 20 seconds tops.


But yeah, Dhuum's takes an eternity. They should just get rid of it entirely for CM, cuz nobody trying CM needs to "see" the mechanics.

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> @"narcx.3570" said:

> > @"crosknight.3041" said:

> > Yeah pre-events in daimos and dhuum are annoying: xeras is also annoying


> I like Xera's pre-event, it really lets you figure out if you're gonna need to replace some of your PUGS right away before they wipe you with the Bubble or at the Split later on.


> Also, I don't get the hate for Deimos'... It takes like 20 seconds tops.


> But yeah, Dhuum's takes an eternity. They should just get rid of it entirely for CM, cuz nobody trying CM needs to "see" the mechanics.


But it massively sucks if you're trying to learn how to tank Xera, makes getting back to her every time a nuisance. Especially with how buggy all the ley-lines appear to be.

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Honestly I like the pre-events because they provide a lead into the fight, make it feel like a more complete encounter, and encourage making sure you have strategies in-place to deal with those mechanics. If they got rid of the Dhuum pre-event and then increased his HP by like 20% to make up for the extra time, it wouldn't suddenly make the encounter any better IMO. There was something very satisfying for me ending the first night of Dhuum with my group at "well, we got the boss to spawn, that's progress".

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