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What is the host servers role/responsibilities if any?


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I know this may seem odd, but they have NO responsibility.


Links are links because they can't field enough players to compete on their own.

Host servers have links when they can't field enough players on their own, but still have enough playing population to be 1 of the top 12 available spots.


Beyond that, no one has a responsibility to do anything. Sure, it's nice if all players follow the ToS and are nice, but this isn't a job. We don't have "duties".

We aren't being paid to log in and "host". It may be helpful for the host to do a number of things, but there isn't a role or responsibility.

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Hm, I was under the impression that they would coordinate tagging up/raids etc with comms from guest server (although not necessarily, people can tag when they want and talk to the other tags). From my personal view I always thought they would be part of the main force (and this is not always true, sometimes I see greater presence from the guest server, as in comms and players), and that responsibility in the coordination of tagging up would be split between the servers and that they would/should have meetings before reset. Stuff like that. But after all the planning and talking, that can all go to hell just from demotivation of all kinds, whether it be a wipe, opposing blobs 24/7, some toxic player blaming people in /t, list goes on. Lately I haven't really seen much in terms of leadership/responsibility with so many that want to do the tanking thing, so I dunno how to answer this post sorry.

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> @"Avengedeath.4671" said:

> Just wondered what you all thought, do you have any expectations of the host servers?


Not really.


It takes time to get to know other server, their players, their comms, how and when they prefer to play. 2 months is very short time, specially if one or both servers are open and players transfer on and off constantly. Since the link is something nobody asked for, there is no reason anyone should be happy about it. Many players could hate each other, they could hate other server and their guilds, they could be dreaming about next relink and getting "better" link.

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