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Updated: List of GW2 Pet Peeves (Crafting, notably)

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**1. Crafting:** (Two edits have been made to this request. Scroll down to read the other edit)



**EDIT:** In addition to all the below stated, why is the maximum number of Additional Crafting Licenses for any character set to 4 instead of 9 total? What is the difference if those licenses are split up to be on one, two, or three different characters? Just have them be able to be mastered on one and all! We should _not_ have to split our access up to our mastered disciplines between 2-3 characters. That is not effective or convenient at all. **And for those who want to level their other characters through crafting**, scroll down to read more.



Let’s take a look at the Additional Crafting License item in the Gem Store. **It reads:** Increase the number of active crafting disciplines all characters on your account can have at once time (by 4, to be exact).


**This is what the above translates to:** Your number of active disciplines is increased globally across all character, yet progression of each Crafting discipline is not global, meaning in order to have access to all your Crafting disciplines, you must master them on THREE different characters. That's right, 4 Additional Crafting Licenses = requiring two different characters + 1 more Additional Crafting License we are not allowed for Scribe = requiring three different characters. And to have access to all Crafting disciplines on different characters? You must master them all over again!


Why has this not been addressed? Why make players spend more Gold (buying their way to master their Crafting disciplines) or more time farming materials from scratch to have the same Crafting disciplines we already have mastered on the character(s) we mastered them on first?


It is not like there is more money to be made off Additional Crafting Licenses from the Gem Store for reason being you can only buy a certain amount, with or without the solution below.


**Here is a solution:**


All Crafting Discipline progression (and upon being mastered) should be made global across all characters for convenience purposes. Players simply go on their main character, anyway, who have access to all their mastered disciplines, yet who wants to re-log to their main character, or re-log on other characters with different Crafting disciplines? It limits Crafting discipline access.


**For example**, when any character who is taught to be a Huntsman contributes to mastering Huntsman, the progression is global, and upon mastering it, the mastered discipline Huntsman is available to all characters, **even to characters who choose the option** ‘Please teach me to be a Huntsman’ for the first time from the Master Huntsman NPC.



**EDIT:** For players who DO NOT want to make their mastered disciplines global across all characters, because they want to use crafting for leveling their other characters, **THEN** upon mastering a discipline from any one character on a players' account, Anet can implement a dialogue box that asks the player, "Would you like for this mastered discipline to be mastered across all characters? **Warning:** Mastering a discipline across all characters means you cannot level your other characters from Crafting."


And if the players clicks 'Yes', another dialogue box appears asking, "Are you absolutely sure you want to master this discipline across all characters?" and if the player clicks 'Yes' again, then it is done. **However**, if the player clicks 'No', then the mastered discipline will only be mastered for that character alone.



**With the above being said in mind**, the materials we farm required to master Crafting disciplines are global. They are global for a reason, so each character we play can contribute to farming the materials required to master our Crafting disciplines.


**Therefore**, why can it not be the same for Crafting discipline mastery progression no matter what character we choose to be taught any Crafting discipline? **The current system**, again, limits Crafting discipline access and **forces players into mastering their Crafting disciplines on one character** vs. having all characters contribute as one, just as they do with farmed materials.


**2. You implemented Mounts, and Mount Racing, yet you forgot PvP for Mounts: Jousting Events! Mounts + some form of Mount PvP Event = WIN**


>@Bloodstealer.5978 said:

>Where would this mount pvp take place.. are you expecting specific maps, instances, guild hall arena's?.. personally I would prefer ANET to spend resource fixing and improving the current in game systems, process and bug before they put 1 ounce of thought into this "I want, I want."


Absolutely not. There would not be a bunch of maps dedicated to Mount Jousting Events. Let's call them that. Mount Jousting would instead take place on a single battleground, that, unlike Mount Racing, would not require players to go all over the map, any map, to participate in the Mount Jousting Event.


Far as where the Mount Jousting Event would take place, it would only make sense to have it take place somewhere in the Crystal Desert.


**3. Storage issue with Piles of Bloodstone Dust, Dragonite Ore, Empyreal Fragments, _and_ Pieces of Candy Corn:**


**EDIT:** Oh, and let's add Pieces of Candy Corn to the list of most-accumulated consumable items, too, since the release of the Candy Corn Gobbler feeder, that, by the way, can be used as many times you want to gain boons. But why, you ask, would I request the stack size of Pieces of Candy Corn be 20,000 just like what I initially proposed? Simple, to have a big stock, of course, all in one place!


The number of accumulated, easy-to-get Piles of Bloodstone Dust, Dragonite Ore, Empyreal Fragments, and Pieces of Candy Corn is crippling our Bank Storage!


**Here is a solution:**


Make the default storage space for Piles of Bloodstone Dust, Dragonite Ore, Empyreal Fragments, and Pieces of Candy Corn 2,500 (10 stacks worth), and for players wanting more space than that, they can purchase the Storage Expander item from the Gem Store.


**However**, the Storage Expander text would need to be changed to: Double-click to increase the maximum stack size of all stored materials by 250. Piles of Bloodstone Dust, Dragonite Ore, Empyreal Fragments, and Pieces of Candy Corn are increased by 2,500.


**Furthermore**, players whose accounts already have the maximum number of Storage Expanders would be granted the new increased storage space to Piles of Bloodstone Dust, Dragonite Ore, Empyreal Fragments, and Pieces of Candy Corn (as they should be).


And players whose accounts do not have the maximum number of Storage Expanders would have the default space for Piles of Bloodstone Dust, Dragonite Ore, Empyreal Fragments, and Pieces of Candy Corn increased to the default stack size of 2,500 instead of a default stack size of 250.


**The number 2,500 works perfect because** 8 Storage Expanders bought from the Gem Store = a 20,000 stack size for Piles of Bloodstone Dust, Dragonite Ore, Empyreal Fragments, and Pieces of Candy Corn just like for all other materials = a 2,000 stack size (when buying 8 Storage Expanders).



**4. Why are no points given to players for logging in every 7 days?**


Every 7 days (1 week) we log in, players should be given 1 points to their account on the 7th day (52 weeks in a year = 52 points).


Why not? Don’t you want players to stay more tuned in than they already are?



**5. Why won’t your sound team implement new instruments in the Gem Store?** (**EDIT** made near the end of this suggestions)


There are clearly many players into the in-game instruments, even whole Guilds dedicated to playing music, my Guild included.


Why not add a Violin, an Acoustic Guitar (for a different, clearer tone than the quiet Lute), **and a Piano** in the Gem Store with 1 Skill Bar that has 16 Skills per Octave, 8 Skills for Majors, and 8 Skills in between for Sharps? And why not a 4th Octave for the Harp and Lute?


The Majors can be mapped with numbers (using either the top-row numbers or the Num Pad), and the Sharps can be mapped with F1 keys like so:


1 [F1] 2 [F2] 3 [F3] 4 [F4] 5 [F5] 6 [F6] 7 [F7] 8 [F8] **9**


Each number represents a Major (except 9 to change Octaves), and each [F1] bracket represents a Sharp.


That is 16 Skill Slots total. Why is this so hard to implement? The answer is it is not, that there are more things being prioritized, **yet**... that is what us musicians have been hearing for almost 3 years now. My argument to that is since Instruments are Gem Store items, and therefore, have the potential to generate money, they should be given a little more attention.


**EDIT:** So somebody made the short-and-sweet argument, "Yea... a Piano... really portable..." This kind of feedback helps absolutely nothing. Why get technical about what a single character can realistically hold as if this is real life? I guess, then, according to that logic, all the other instruments players are allowed to store in their inventory at once is more portable than a Piano, along with a couple hundred other items in their inventory.


This is a game! So yea, to Anet I say offer us a Piano in the Gem Stor. We have been waiting for almost 3 years now. I am part of two huge musician Guilds, and yes, I personally want access to more instruments. That is only a natural request (_not_ a 'stupid request') from an avid lover of music who tabs it and plays it irl.


Thank you for looking this over.

Valdrimari (Eidolonemesis)

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I always knew that's what it meant.

That's why I never bought the thing as I just had each one of my characters have 2 crafts and just load into one when I need to craft something on a certain crafting job.


EDIT: It's like hero points. They're not masteries where it's account related.

I originally had one of my characters level Tailor until I decided to level it on another. It was at level 0. Left the other tailor to rot on the beginning one.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> I always knew that's what it meant.

> That's why I never bought the thing as I just had each one of my characters have 2 crafts and just load into one when I need to craft something on a certain crafting job.


Of course we all know what it means, but in knowing what it means in conjunction with the fact the current system makes no sense for said reasons, I am having a hard time understanding why players are not pushing for said changes in my OP, given the fact Crafting plays a huge role in GW2.


It is very annoying when you want to craft something that you have to re-log to a different character (be it your main or some other character) just to craft for that discipline over and over again. The idea is to streamline player gameplay where whatever character they used to master their discipline(s) in the first place, those mastered disciplines can then be accessed by all characters on a player's account. The current system just makes for additional work to go to the character select screen more than need be.

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> @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > I always knew that's what it meant.

> > That's why I never bought the thing as I just had each one of my characters have 2 crafts and just load into one when I need to craft something on a certain crafting job.


> Of course we all know what it means, but in knowing what it means in conjunction with the fact the current system makes no sense for said reasons, I am having a hard time understanding why players are not pushing for said changes in my OP.


> It is very annoying when you want to craft something that you have to re-log to a different character (be it your main or some other character) just to craft for that discipline over and over again. The idea is to streamline player gameplay where whatever character they used to master any discipline, that mastered discipline can then be accessed by all characters on a player's account. The current system just makes for additional work to go to the character select screen more than need be.


Oh, I would be for it, but the thing is I won't push for it because I know it could/would never happen.

This is from the same guys that put a mount behind a 250 gold sink. Each item gave 10 trade credits. That mean 25 gold for 10 trade credits by 10 is just 100 trade credits to simply unlock a mount.


Then the gold sink to make 32 slot bags and many other things in the game.


They want the gold sink factor so they would WANT you to... let's say you have 70 characters. They would want you to level the craft 500 times on every single character for every craft.


I hate that, but I can't see why they would change it when they want the gold sinks.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> Oh, I would be for it, but the thing is I won't push for it because I know it could/would never happen.

> This is from the same guys that put a mount behind a 250 gold sink. Each item gave 10 trade credits. That mean 25 gold for 10 trade credits by 10 is just 100 trade credits to simply unlock a mount.


> Then the gold sink to make 32 slot bags and many other things in the game.


> They want the gold sink factor so they would WANT you to... let's say you have 70 characters. They would want you to level the craft 500 times on every single character for every craft.


> I hate that, but I can't see why they would change it when they want the gold sinks.


While what you say is true, to that I say Anet is making more than enough money off charging players 400 Gems per additional Inventory Slot alone, which by the way, are not even globally shared themselves across all characters (and more money from a swathe of other Gem Store items), **SO** give players a break when it comes to Crafting so that our Crafting disciplines are more accessible.


Only a fool would sink more Gold into their Crafting than need be just to have access to all their Crafting disciplines across all characters when you can master all your Crafting disciplines on one character! Sure, that sounds like the answer itself and call it a day, yet it is simply not!


My gripe is being on one particular character that is NOT my main, and not being able to readily Craft something just because my MAIN character had the discipline(s) mastered first. That is complete nonsense, and it does not even make good business sense on Anet's part, because as said, only a fool would invest that much money and time to have access to all disciplines on all characters after they're mastered the first time.


The only way anything changes is if players petition instead of going off 'Anet will never do this or do that'. Keep fighting it, then, until they do.


Mastered disciplines need to be globally shared after being mastered the first time. Period.

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"All Crafting Discipline progression (and upon being mastered) should be made global across all characters for convenience purposes."


There are people who use crafting disciplines to level up their alts, though (I'm not sure what this number is of course so its probably a minority of players). Personally I used Chef 400 on 3+ characters for the extra ~8-10 levels. Its also not imo a huge deal to go to character select and log in to the correct alt, given that we already do need to halt whatever activity we were engaged in to access crafting stations.


"The number of accumulated, easy-to-get Piles of Bloodstone Dust, Dragonite Ore, and Empyreal Fragments is crippling our Bank Storage!"


While I would welcome an increase in storage slots for these to maybe 2 or 3 stacks, 10 stacks seems too much considering there's already multiple sinks in place for them. Obsidian refinement uses up 100, several easy-to-obtain Eaters are also present.

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> @"mizu.7382" said:

> "All Crafting Discipline progression (and upon being mastered) should be made global across all characters for convenience purposes."


> There are people who use crafting disciplines to level up their alts, though (I'm not sure what this number is of course so its probably a minority of players). Personally I used Chef 400 on 3+ characters for the extra ~8-10 levels. Its also not imo a huge deal to go to character select and log in to the correct alt, given that we already do need to halt whatever activity we were engaged in to access crafting stations.


> "The number of accumulated, easy-to-get Piles of Bloodstone Dust, Dragonite Ore, and Empyreal Fragments is crippling our Bank Storage!"


> While I would welcome an increase in storage slots for these to maybe 2 or 3 stacks, 10 stacks seems too much considering there's already multiple sinks in place for them. Obsidian refinement uses up 100, several easy-to-obtain Eaters are also present.


That is a very weak argument. The only players who benefit from leveling off Crafting itself are players who have already played the game well enough to gain the materials and/or gold outright required to Craft in the first place, and even then it is questionable whether or not they are really 'gaining' by leveling any character that way. In fact, it is as far I am concerned, a very dated way to level any character when alternatives prove much better that do not require spending oodles of materials and/or oodles of Gold that can be better spent on other things later on.


Far as a default stack size of 2,500 goes for Piles of Bloodstone Dust, Dragonite Ore, and Empyreal Fragments, that is _not_ too much at all! They are extremely easy to get now to the point they do eat up a lot of space, and even using items like Mawdrey, Princess, etc. they can only consume so much. I am at a point now where I accumulate so much Piles of Bloodstone Dust, Dragonite Ore, and Empyreal Fragments that no amount of 'sinks' are fast enough to use them up quick enough. And 10 stacks is nothing; I have at least 120 stacks of each!


> @"Edds.7681" said:

> 3 is a problem untill you start using feeders which you can find with achievements and the easy star crystal feeder is coming this winter festival


As I said in the above stated, all the currently-available 'feeders' in the game are not going to consume 120+ some stacks of Piles of Bloodstone Dust, Dragonite Ore, and Empyreal Fragments quick enough, because they cannot be repeatedly used in a single day. I receive in a single day far more than what the 'feeders' will consume. That to me is a problem when such items begin to consume your storage space.

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> @"Cronos.6532" said:

> These aren't pet peeves; these are poor feature requests.


Pet peeve = something that a particular person finds especially annoying.


So yes, the fact things like this are not addressed/have not been addressed _is_ a form of 'annoyance'. Waiting for certain things to change for years on end _is_ a form of annoyance. Annoyances come in different forms. Do they not?


Other than what I said about Crafting in my OP, how is Jousting with Mounts (or the idea of Mount PvP itself), giving players 1 Point every 7 days of logging, more in-game instruments (with more functionality) to entertain other players in-game during downtime, and... upping the default storage space for easy-to-get materials like Piles of Bloodstone Dust, Dragonite Ore, and Empyreal Fragments POOR?


Please explain beyond, "Oh, it's not a priority." You are quick to criticize, yet you give no feedback beyond, "This is poor" with no strong counterpoint(s). None of the ideas I have proposed have _any_ bad outcome for the player, and until someone points out otherwise, I cannot take your criticism seriously.

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1) Crafted items aren't soulbound, so what does it matter if you do it one character or another?


The item is useless, and if you bought it, that was your prerogative. It doesn't mean the system is flawed.

Also, and because Crafting IS a source of experience for leveling your characters, your suggestion would effectively cripple the ability to progress more characters through crafting after having done so on your first.


2) Yeah, no...


3) Oh boy... Do you even Guild Wars?

Make bricks, starts, etc. Each brick uses up 100. Come back to me when you have filled your material storage with bloodstone bricks and the like.

Also MAWDREY and friends... If you're unintentionally stacking too much bloodstone dust and the like, you're doing something wrong.


4) There's already daily login rewards, there's already Daily AP rewards for doing dailies. I don't understand what are you talking about.


5) Yeah, a piano... That's really portable...


I have a new pet peeve... All your suggestions.

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1) No thank you. I prefer to keep the crafting individual so I can level chef and jeweler on alts and get easy xp.


2) Eh...no. Fix other issues with PVP first before implementing new stuff.


3) W...what? Just use the feeders - theres TONS of them and you will get rid of even big stacks of items, trust me. I used to have my bank slots filled with that stuff before feeders, and my storage capacity is 1,250. Plus you can make other things with them.


4. ... No.


5. Nice idea but not sure what they'd add honestly.

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> 1) Crafted items aren't soulbound, so what does it matter if you do it one character or another?


I never said 'Crafted items' themselves were 'soulbound.' Come on. I said that the progression/leveling of disciplines should be made global, that we should not have to split up our mastered discipline access between several different characters, only to have access to 4 at a time instead of 8 (in fact, 9 total as my updated OP near the beginning states).


> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> The item is useless, and if you bought it, that was your prerogative. It doesn't mean the system is flawed.


The Additional Crafting License item from the Gem Store is NOT useless, otherwise, you'd have to use/log 4+ different characters to get access to all your mastered disciplines. And the Additional Crafting License item IS flawed. It's called the maximum number of disciplines allowed on any character is 4. Therefore, in order to have access to all your Crafting disciplines, you must master them on THREE different characters. That's right, 4 Additional Crafting Licenses = requiring two different characters + 1 more Additional Crafting License you are not allowed for Scribe = requiring three different characters. And to have access to all Crafting disciplines on different characters? You must master them all over again!


> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> Also, and because Crafting IS a source of experience for leveling your characters, your suggestion would effectively cripple the ability to progress more characters through crafting after having done so on your first.


So you know what Anet can do? Upon mastering a discipline from any one character on a players' account, add a dialogue box that asks the player, "Would you like for this mastered discipline to be mastered across all characters? **Warning:** Mastering a discipline across all characters means you cannot level your other characters from Crafting." and if the players clicks 'Yes', another dialogue box appears asking, "Are you absolutely sure you want to master this discipline across all characters?" and if the player clicks 'Yes' again, then it is done.


That is a simple, doable fix! Such dialogues and warnings exist in the game already.


> 2) Yeah, no...


Yea, no, why? Because it's not your style, so just no? Maybe the combat can be made down two narrow rows for each player (to keep them within bounds), and when it is time to GO, players run and Joust each other using different skills that point at different locations on the players' body. It can work.


> 3) Oh boy... Do you even Guild Wars?

> Make bricks, starts, etc. Each brick uses up 100. Come back to me when you have filled your material storage with bloodstone bricks and the like.

> Also MAWDREY and friends... If you're unintentionally stacking too much bloodstone dust and the like, you're doing something wrong.


Yea, in fact, I do play the game. I've got 12 different characters 80, half of them 100% map exploration, and on from GW1 I have the GWAMM title. This is not my first rodeo. I have ALL those feeders and I receive more in a single day than all the feeders can eat up, for the simple fact they can only eat up so much of the materials.


> 4) There's already daily login rewards, there's already Daily AP rewards for doing dailies. I don't understand what are you talking about.


What is there not to understand? The point is to reward players just a little more for logging in every 7th day, because some players I've heard from feel the rewards are not rewarding enough.


> 5) Yeah, a piano... That's really portable...


Are you really going to get that technical about what a single character can realistically hold as if this is real life? I guess, then, according to your logic, all the other instruments players are allowed to store in their inventory at once is more portable than a Piano, along with a couple hundred other items. You cannot be serious... This is a game! So yea, to Anet I say give us a Piano. I am part of two huge musician Guilds, and yes, I personally want access to more instruments. That is only a natural request from an avid lover of music who tabs it and plays it irl.



> I have a new pet peeve... All your suggestions.


And I have a new pet peeve... Fellow players who do not comprehend said suggestions very well and the reason they were proposed in the first place.



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> @"Cerioth.7062" said:

> 1) No thank you. I prefer to keep the crafting individual so I can level chef and jeweler on alts and get easy xp.


Then upon mastering a discipline from any one character on a players' account, add a dialogue box that asks the player, "Would you like for this mastered discipline to be mastered across all characters? **Warning:** Mastering a discipline across all characters means you cannot level your other characters from Crafting." and if the players clicks 'Yes', another dialogue box appears asking, "Are you absolutely sure you want to master this discipline across all characters?" and if the player clicks 'Yes' again, then it is done.


This is why this is called the discussion area, for others to give criticism (like you) and for people like me who compose these threads to tweak the idea(s) instead of just saying it's all a bad idea...


> @"Cerioth.7062" said:

> 2) Eh...no. Fix other issues with PVP first before implementing new stuff.


Better an "Eh, no, fix other PvP issues first" than a definite "Eh, no" that just assumes Jousting with Mounts would not be fun at all, so thank you.


> @"Cerioth.7062" said:

> 3) W...what? Just use the feeders - theres TONS of them and you will get rid of even big stacks of items, trust me. I used to have my bank slots filled with that stuff before feeders, and my storage capacity is 1,250. Plus you can make other things with them.


The feeders, as I have mentioned, do me no good for said reasons to other commentors throughout this thread, and I am not even purposely trying to accumulate those items the feeders eat. I am just naturally throughout my gameplay or through certain bagged items I open, accumulating those items.


> @"Cerioth.7062" said:

> 4. ... No.


More than all the other ideas people have opposed thus far in my OP, it is this one I do not understand. What's the difference? We are already encouraged to pick up our 7th-day item for Laurels, etc. so what is the difference between that and adding 1 Point to be received on each 7th-day item? You guys should be wanting this for easy points here and there, not opposing it.


> @"Cerioth.7062" said:

> 5. Nice idea but not sure what they'd add honestly.


Because it has to do with music, that's why, and people around the world, generally speaking, love music, and if Anet gave musicians who tab music (and play it irl like I do) Sharps on our instruments, at the very least, along with a 4th Octave, it would open up many doors to music that could otherwise not be tabbed or played in-game.

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It's not that difficult to switch between characters for crafting, I don't know why you have to re-log, I just use the Character Select screen, which doesn't log me out or make me re-log in, and 3 of my characters are parked in Crafting locations so I don't need to uselessly run around with them.


I don't PvP so not even going to comment on that one. I have no need for one extra point a week on the 7th day, what I do see a need for is not getting Tomes of Knowledge anymore, those can be changed to something else...like once a month give us a random Ascended material(besides the one you can pick at the end of the month, as part of the regular rotation, remove the Tomes of Knowledge).


Apparently there are two feeders for each of the different kinds of materials...you're trying to tell me that you can't go through 300 - 1000 units of those items per day and not whittle down your inventory? Heck, if you've maxed your current storage and don't want them anymore just trash them then, it's not like they cost you gold or anything to obtain.


ArenaNet would be taking time away from developing new content in order for them to make new instruments, it's not as simple as you make it sound and their time is better spent on other things that more players would find useful.


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1- Crafting is a form of levelling.. therefore by a big no from me. I like crafting, I like levelling, there just isn't an issue with the current system other than "I want, I want". If this was such a game killer for players then the subject would of been a hot potato for a long time already.. but it isn't, which tells me it isn't an issue for 99.9% of the player base.

Add to that your idea of another pop up box for me to click.. nah I don't like box clicking.. see what I did there

Just craft, relog new toon, craft and place in shared bank, guild bank or even shared inventory..


So, NON ISSUE.. no need to fix what isn't broken.


2- PVP Mount Jousting... I am sure it appeals to you, but to me it sounds like a small niche limited interest game mode which would only serve to dilute the pvp population a little bit more.

Where would this mount pvp take place.. are you expecting specific maps, instances, guild hall arena's?.. personally I would prefer ANET to spend resource fixing and improving the current in game systems, process and bug before they put 1 ounce of thought into this "I want, I want"


3- Storage - Like others have already said use your Feeders, crafting, and if you still have too much.. chuck it away...

If your saying your ending up with surplus each day after doing all the things that can be done then expanding the storage isn't going to fix the issue for you, it merely gives you a few more days of storage before you whine for more.

What you perhaps have more mileage in putting forward is suggestions as to how we can utilise more of the resource not store it.

TBH I can't fathom how your having so much of an issue with these resources tho.. do you play 24hrs a day cos I play a lot and do a lot but never hit this issue except maybe when I am wanting to farm and save for that rainy day shiny... that's why I have a mule or two standing by to lighten my bank load.

Look I am all for having a few more storage tabs, heck I have voiced my concerns on this topic before, but not because of things like bloodstone.. because of all the items we have had to store like keys, gifts etc etc, but slowly ANET are introducing ideas that reduce the impact of these, like the key rings.. heck that saved me a lot of space.. but we can already store 2500 in materials store + 250 per stack in bank or inv .. how much more do you really need to carry. If your not using it any time soon then its simply surplus to requirement and can be discarded safe in the knowledge it wont take you long to get more should you need it.


4 - Daily logins - why on earth do you think we need more.

Just out of interest, how many AP's does your main have cos I am beginning to think this post is all about wanting to try and catch up with the elite having started late. I mean like 4 AP's are really going to make you happy and satisfied, heck wait. next you will be wanting a special monthly Legendary reward... no we have a nice range of daily login rewards and a wide variety of daily in game rewards, we don't need more, what we need is time spent fixing stuff that is genuinely in need of fixing.


5- Music items are ok.. not my thing but I don't mind them.. that said not everyone does and from time to time I would imagine there will be new items added into the store, just not every day, week, month or year.. its like all the gemstore stuff, they put out a selection of things to attract us to purchase and perhaps music items just don't sell all that much and fail to turn a profit for them.. so adding new ones will only happen now and then.


I am not saying any of what you have put out is right or wrong, just it seems to me there are more pressing issues the game needs to put some resource into



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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> 1- Crafting is a form of levelling.. therefore by a big no from me. I like crafting, I like levelling, there just isn't an issue with the current system other than "I want, I want".


Apparently you and the other person who commented as of today read zero edits I made to my updated OP within the very first topic line **1. Crafting**. It straightforwardly addresses you guys' gripe with my take on how Crafting should be in a way where you have the 'Option' to choose whether or not you want to have a discipline mastered only for the one character you mastered it on (for those who want to level by Crafting) OR master the discipline across all characters on your account.


> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

>If this was such a game killer for players then the subject would of been a hot potato for a long time already.. but it isn't, which tells me it isn't an issue for 99.9% of the player base.


Just because people are not making hot potatoes out of certain topics doesn't mean certain aspects of the game that can use improvement are not important, or does not mean they are less important than other aspects of the game.


People said the same thing about bag items and consumables prior to having the much-needed 'use-all' and 'consume all' options by saying it was not a big deal when it was, just like you are doing right now with the ideas I proposed. It was not until me and nearly my whole Guild got together, and their friends, and so on, that those Options were implemented. We purposely blew up the thread so the thread gained traction.


The point is, sometimes people don't know what they really want until it is actually implemented into the game.


> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> Add to that your idea of another pop up box for me to click.. nah I don't like box clicking.. see what I did there

> Just craft, relog new toon, craft and place in shared bank, guild bank or even shared inventory..


You seem to have gotten your tongue twisted in the above stated. What does a dialogue box (as mentioned in my updated OP, granted you really read it through) have to do with crafting and placing crafting materials? (do I have that right?) into the Shared Bank, Guild Bank or the shared inventory? The dialogue box is simply one-time a two-click process only AFTER mastering a discipline, any discipline, on any character first.


> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> 2- PVP Mount Jousting... I am sure it appeals to you, but to me it sounds like a small niche limited interest game mode which would only serve to dilute the pvp population a little bit more.


Okay, let me ask you this, since you seem to think you speak for everyone, that the idea of Jousting with Mounts would not be fun. What, then, is the difference between Mount Racing against other players' Mounts and Jousting against other players' Mounts? Going by your logic, since racing IS a form of PvP (going against other players), it is therefore taking away from the PvP community. If that is the case, then Mount Racing should be removed, am I right?


To use your own logic and turn it against you once more, heck, let's just do away with all things PvE, or anything not PvP-related, just because it 'distracts' players from one gameplay type (OR vice versa). Yea, that makes a whole lot of sense, doesn't it?


> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> Where would this mount pvp take place.. are you expecting specific maps, instances, guild hall arena's?.. personally I would prefer ANET to spend resource fixing and improving the current in game systems, process and bug before they put 1 ounce of thought into this "I want, I want."


Absolutely not. There would not be a bunch of maps dedicated to Mount Jousting Events. Let's call them that. Mount Jousting would instead take place on a single battleground, that, unlike Mount Racing, would not require players to go all over the map, any map, to participate in the Mount Jousting Event.


Far as where the Mount Jousting Event would take place, it would only make sense to have it take place somewhere in the Crystal Desert.


> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> 3- Storage - Like others have already said use your Feeders, crafting, and if you still have too much.. chuck it away...

> If your saying your ending up with surplus each day after doing all the things that can be done then expanding the storage isn't going to fix the issue for you, it merely gives you a few more days of storage before you whine for more.


Wrong. The idea in my OP is to give players a maximum stack size of 20,000 total for Piles of Bloodstone Dust, Dragonite Ore, and Empyreal Fragments **TO** free up space and to make it so they stay within that stack range, as a marker, to encourage players to discard/trash anything beyond 20,000. Therefore, if I had that kind of storage for Piles of Bloodstone Dust, Dragonite Ore, and Empyreal Fragments, it would encourage me to keep only up to that stack limit when reached, and anything over, get rid of if need be. There would at that point be no whining, as you sarcastically put it.


> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> What you perhaps have more mileage in putting forward is suggestions as to how we can utilise more of the resource not store it.


Except I have _had_ a simple idea like that, and the idea was to allow feeders like Mawdrey, Princess, etc. to consume a whole STACK (or two!) of Piles of Bloodstone Dust, Dragonite Ore, and Empyreal Fragments instead of a measly 50 per use that falls short of consuming a whole stack, **yet** that did not gain any traction, and for what reason, I don't know. So you are wrong again by saying I would gain more traction by proposing such an idea I had years ago. Sometimes I think people disagree just to disagree no matter what idea it is anybody proposes.


> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> TBH I can't fathom how your having so much of an issue with these resources tho.. do you play 24hrs a day cos I play a lot and do a lot but never hit this issue except maybe when I am wanting to farm and save for that rainy day shiny... that's why I have a mule or two standing by to lighten my bank load.


Perhaps if you read the GW2 Wiki on Piles of Bloodstone Dust, Dragonite Ore, and Empyreal Fragments under the Contained In topic line, you would better understand where they can so easily be accumulated, especially, for example, players during Halloween who open Trick-or-Treat bags for raising their Magic Find like I have done several times. And that is just with ToT bags alone.


Off the top of my head, there are currently 120 items you can obtain Piles of Bloodstone Dust, Dragonite Ore, and Empyreal Fragments from, so you do the math. I tend to run into those items at some time or other during my gameplay experience, yet everyone's gameplay experience is different. I PvE a lot. I buy a lot of certain bags, etc. that just so happen to have things like Piles of Bloodstone Dust, Dragonite Ore, and Empyreal Fragments in them. Maybe you don't, but that does not mean others players don't.


> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> Look I am all for having a few more storage tabs, heck I have voiced my concerns on this topic before, but not because of things like bloodstone.. because of all the items we have had to store like keys, gifts etc etc, but slowly ANET are introducing ideas that reduce the impact of these, like the key rings.. heck that saved me a lot of space.. but we can already store 2500 in materials store + 250 per stack in bank or inv .. how much more do you really need to carry. If your not using it any time soon then its simply surplus to requirement and can be discarded safe in the knowledge it wont take you long to get more should you need it.


All I am requesting is that the default storage space of Piles of Bloodstone Dust, Dragonite Ore, and Empyreal Fragments be increased by 2,500 and 2,500 more with each Storage Expander bought at the Gem Store, NOT for all the other materials. They are fine the way they are when capped at 2,500.


> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> 4 - Daily logins - why on earth do you think we need more.

> Just out of interest, how many AP's does your main have cos I am beginning to think this post is all about wanting to try and catch up with the elite having started late. I mean like 4 AP's are really going to make you happy and satisfied, heck wait. next you will be wanting a special monthly Legendary reward... no we have a nice range of daily login rewards and a wide variety of daily in game rewards, we don't need more, what we need is time spent fixing stuff that is genuinely in need of fixing.


Whether I had 1,000 APs or 20,000 APs, that is beside the point, and not the reason at all why I proposed the idea. +4 APs (4 weeks worth) is NOT going to make a player catch up with the Elite players for reason being it is common sense those Elite players would also be benefiting from the SAME APs everyone else does on the 7th day like every other player (as proposed in my OP).


Your argument and/or assumption in the above stated from you does not even make sense that that would be the reason for me to suggest the idea. The idea is just to make players feel a little more rewarded. Nothing more or nothing less, yet you go and blow it all out of proportion.


> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> 5- Music items are ok.. not my thing but I don't mind them.. that said not everyone does and from time to time I would imagine there will be new items added into the store, just not every day, week, month or year.. its like all the gemstore stuff, they put out a selection of things to attract us to purchase and perhaps music items just don't sell all that much and fail to turn a profit for them.. so adding new ones will only happen now and then.


So just because you don't get into music much, or to be more precise, music coming from the in-game instruments, you just 'assume' not many people are 'into' it. Well, you're very wrong. Any time me and my renowned musician Guilds go to the big towns during touring, we draw many crowds. And mind you, we don't macro scripts; we actually play manually and perform duets.


> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> I am not saying any of what you have put out is right or wrong, just it seems to me there are more pressing issues the game needs to put some resource into


You are clearly saying the ideas are garbo. You support nothing. Sugarcoat it all you want. Your counterpoints thus far as to why you do not support anything that's been proposed in the OP are either weak or are filled with overly assumptuous thinking behind each one.

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> It's not that difficult to switch between characters for crafting, I don't know why you have to re-log, I just use the Character Select screen, which doesn't log me out or make me re-log in, and 3 of my characters are parked in Crafting locations so I don't need to uselessly run around with them.


When I said 're-log' I did mean constantly going back to the Character Screen (my bad for bad wording).


Let me break it down for you on why this is an annoyance... Say I have (random number) 3 characters on my account, each one being in different locations, towns, w/e, and the character I am currently playing is in a town, yet has no access to any of the disciplines I have already mastered on another character, or two. Well, now I have to go back to the 'Character Screen' and pick the character who does, that OR sometimes I have to remember which characters of mine have which mastered disciplines. This in conjunction to the fact the character who does have certain mastered disciplines, yet that is not already in a town. Now I have to travel to a town and walk to a crafting station to Craft.


So yea, it is a huge annoyance. It is a problem. Maybe not to you, yet you are not everybody, and the fellow players who have commented thus far are only a very small sample in this large GW2 community.


As for the rest of what you argued, I have explained myself well enough throughout the comments here and in my OP. I have reached broken record status.

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I don't actually consider any of these pet peeves. I think many of these changes go well beyond 'pet peeve' (like when someone asks for class balance as a QoL update). For me a crafting pet peeve is that the craft menus are all opened by default. It would be nice if they remembered your previous open/closed settings, or had an option to default all closed.


Anyway. What does #4 mean?

>4. Why are no points given to players for logging in every 7 days?

>Every 7 days (1 week) we log in, players should be given 1 points to their account on the 7th day (52 weeks in a year = 52 points).

>Why not? Don’t you want players to stay more tuned in than they already are?

Edit: Looked at other responses. 1 AP every 7 days? I don't see the need with dailies giving AP, plus dailies are capped so presumably this would be lumped in with dailies and help to reach the cap 1.5% sooner (71 per week instead of 70).


I'd be in favor of an update to the Musical instruments. They feel a tad clunky to me, esp. when changing octaves, but I'm also not a very good musician so I'm confident that I'm the cause of 99% of the instrument troubles I run into. I'd love to be able to bind all 3 (or more) octaves to hotkeys separately from normal keybinds.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> How about the walk toggle to work with mounts?


> Too many times my fat fingers have pressed C by accident just as I mount and Im forced to dismount to untoggle walk.


I have no clue what you mean.

Did you set your walk toggle to C? If so, you know you can set it to something else.


My version didn't have it toggle to anything and in the end set it to J.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > How about the walk toggle to work with mounts?

> >

> > Too many times my fat fingers have pressed C by accident just as I mount and Im forced to dismount to untoggle walk.


> I have no clue what you mean.

> Did you set your walk toggle to C? If so, you know you can set it to something else.


> My version didn't have it toggle to anything and in the end set it to J.


My walk is toggled to C but the hotkey is not related to the issue of being able to toggle walk on and off while being mounted.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > How about the walk toggle to work with mounts?

> > >

> > > Too many times my fat fingers have pressed C by accident just as I mount and Im forced to dismount to untoggle walk.

> >

> > I have no clue what you mean.

> > Did you set your walk toggle to C? If so, you know you can set it to something else.

> >

> > My version didn't have it toggle to anything and in the end set it to J.


> My walk is toggled to C but the hotkey is not related to the issue of being able to toggle walk on and off while being mounted.


I can walk while on my Raptor though. I just on my raptor and toggle walk and my Raptor becomes a


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