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Updated: List of GW2 Pet Peeves (Crafting, notably)

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > > How about the walk toggle to work with mounts?

> > > >

> > > > Too many times my fat fingers have pressed C by accident just as I mount and Im forced to dismount to untoggle walk.

> > >

> > > I have no clue what you mean.

> > > Did you set your walk toggle to C? If so, you know you can set it to something else.

> > >

> > > My version didn't have it toggle to anything and in the end set it to J.

> >

> > My walk is toggled to C but the hotkey is not related to the issue of being able to toggle walk on and off while being mounted.


> I can walk while on my Raptor though. I just on my raptor and toggle walk and my Raptor becomes a

> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJLITmw642Q


So it works for Raptor but not Griffon? weird....

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> @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

> > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > 1- Crafting is a form of levelling.. therefore by a big no from me. I like crafting, I like levelling, there just isn't an issue with the current system other than "I want, I want".


-- S N I P -- -- B L A H B L A H -- --S N I P --


> You are clearly saying the ideas are garbo. You support nothing. Sugarcoat it all you want. Your counterpoints thus far as to why you do not support anything that's been proposed in the OP are either weak or are filled with overly assumptuous thinking behind each one.



Once again I will state all your OP and even your new counters seem to reflect what you want and is best for you rather than.. does it work for the game as a whole. It's almost as if you feel you are entitled to have what anyone else has regardless of how long you have or have not been in game.


1 - Your edits aside.. your whole idea around what you feel needs to be the way forward is based solely on the fact you don't want to log another toon.. admirable sure but hardly the cause for a major game system with a whole lot of side systems linked into it to be changed, overhauled, reworked just so you can do it all on one character.

TBH I would be more inclined to be grateful that we do have additional licences made available in the first place .. I mean we only have 8 disciplines.. 4 license means 2 toons to rotate at worst when crafting items that require multi-disciplines.


Sorry I 100% feel this is a non-issue - sure it could be done but is it worth the time and effort this far into the games life.


BTW the "consume all" option is a completely different QoL argument... nothing to do with bank storage of items or resources it was to save players having to keep click click click.. and guess what more and more dialogue boxes in game tend to bring out the same cries from the community.

If you want to take credit for its implementation then I wholeheartedly pat you on the back...


2 - Mount PvP... Hmmm so enlighten me, where exactly did I speak for everyone, or maybe the part where I said (and you even highlighted it again in your counter) "to me it sounds like".. not "to everyone it sounds like".

If your only way to hold converse is to immediately jump in to defence mode and try to put words in the others mouths then maybe you might want to go back and learn how to take criticism better.

I am not a huge fan of the races around maps, idont really see the point but its something I maybe do once to get the achievement then tend to get back on playing the relevant game mode that takes my fancy at the time.

Mini games like racing are merely a distraction, fun for a little while but grow old very fast imo, in the mean time other game modes might struggle to get numbers to run metas or they block others getting into maps for metas, pvp losses numbers whilst you go play "sir lance-a-lot"


BTW you actually agreed with my point, they would need to create a whole new instance to appease the activity, or make a dedicated area for this.. racing doesn't do that its across the map your on.

Again though its a nice idea but for me personally I just don't see how it adds anything of value to the game right now.


3 - Sorry but you still failed to answer the point in question.. why do you need to store so much of it.

Whether you increase the storage capacity from 2.5k to 10k or 100k, it does not solve your issue.. you will still get to a point fairly soon where you want it expanded again.

If your not using the resource enough then the issue is the game needs more ways to utilise the resource not store it.

I have been playing since pre-release, I am faitlrry sure I know how to accumulate pretty much any resource in quantities and Bloodstone dust, emptyreal frags are for sure a thousand times easier and faster to amass, I don't think anyone needs wiki to understand that.


Look, the game after point of sale is essentially free and convenience items are where the game targets a revenue source, and rightly so.

Most MMO's I have played over the years and those that I play currently don't offer anywhere like the standard levels of convenience GW2 offers to players, for free, so I think we should be pretty grateful we get what we get and not have to spend even more RL currency for it.

Guess what, having some resources that oversupply tend to help generate some of those much needed coins. Once you get those bits maxed then you need to think outside the box.. use mules, ooh wait that might require purchasing an additional toon slot.. ding, lightbulb moment I know by the guy in the bean counter seat, but you have a choice if you really want to stash all this stuff in such out of whack amounts, buy another slot and lead your mule to pasture.


So.. Please enlighten me, other players and ANET.. what is your plan when your store reaches your idea of a happy max cos it sounds like no matter what value you attach to it, your simply not using it anyways and is merely gathering dust (excuse the pun) until you want more.

Of course none of us have any idea what ANET has in mind for future utilisation of resources like Bloodstone Dust, Emptyreal Frags, Dragonite or even Essences of Luck (which btw I think has a lot more mileage when requesting a re-think by ANET). So all your prayers may be answered anyway some day.


4 - So you think the players are feeling unrewarded for just merely logging in and logging out and ANET needs to give us more.


I think your the one maybe trying to speak for the rest of us here cos seriously.. for me logging into the game and having fun for a few hours with some friends is reward enough, but hey ANET like to throw out some nice additional stuff as a way of saying thanks.. guess some are never satisfied.


So explain to me why you feel so unrewarded after purchasing a game and logging in to it.

What is it that is making you feel unrewarded.. the game, the content, the systems, the fact you might have to buy some convenience from time to time... I am genuinely interested why you think throwing a few more AP's to players is going to make such a difference to your game.

Yes I know, AP's was your idea, but there are other things they could reward you with over and above what you already get.. how about some additional Bloodstone dust or maybe even 20 more shared inventory slots... heck just tick a box and they will send you a new kitchen sink.

Why .. why is all I am asking, why do you feel you and the rest of the playerbase need more of a reward just for logging into the game???


5 - Where did I say I don't like music or music coming to the game.. I said its not my thing meaning I don't go out of my way to buy bells, harps, air guitars or a ukulele in order to enjoy logging in and spend time having fun with friends.

I think GW2 btw has some of the best in game music out there in MMO space.

All I sais was not everyone likes the instrument ensemble in "name your location" - which I think is reasonable to say.. I didn't say everyone hates or everyone likes it... please stop trying to put words into mouths, and read what is being said before charging in regardless.

I also went as far to say ANET tend to add a range of items from time to time... items that they feel have a chance of turning a small profit (and as MO has already stated, many of the store items only make small profits so they need volume to make it a worthwhile idea... all I sais was maybe music items don't sell in the volumes they require, which is why the introduction of new ones is slower than other things.


So to finish.. I don't believe I have overly assumed anything, its more about I don't personally see a need for some things you "want"... they are nice perhaps but I would rather ANET focus on more meaningful uses of their time and resource. If you feel that's unreasonable then sorry but that's life I guess.

What I would say is that you seem pretty bad at taking any form of criticism and if anyone disagrees with your ideas on any level you get all red misted try to smear the person, attempt to put words in their mouths and conveniently overlook the flaws that others have come back at you with in your postings... doesn't bode well for you being taken seriously imo.


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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> So.. Please enlighten me, other players and ANET.. what is your plan when your store reaches your idea of a happy max **cos it sounds like no matter what value you attach to it, your simply not using it anyways and is merely gathering dust (excuse the pun) until you want more**. (See how you 'assume' things? That's all you do)


Pardon my late reply.


Let me just skip to something you said near the end of your reply (in the above stated by you) by saying you do NOT want to be enlightened or proven wrong in any sense of the word. You would rather skip someone's answers they have already given you, just like you are likely about to do, again.


But to answer your question, I DO use the Piles of Bloodstone Dust, Dragonite Ore, Empyreal Fragments, and Pieces of Candy Corn (yea, I added that to the list while we are at it for said reasons in my updated OP). I simply do not use them up fast enough. Big difference! But leave it to you in the above stated from you I put in bold for you to, again, 'ASSUME' I don't use them, that they are collecting dust.


Oh, and here you go again, assuming again,


> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

>Once again I will state all your OP and even your new counters **SEEM** to reflect...


That is all you do is 'assume'. Not everything that 'seems' is always what it really is, yet you believe it to be so, no matter what I say.


> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

>I mean we only have 8 disciplines.. 4 license means 2 toons to rotate at worst when crafting items that require multi-disciplines.


Before I go any further, stop right there. See, because you read only what you want to, there are in fact 9 disciplines (you forgot Scribe, which is considered a form of Crafting, as described in my OP!), and the Gem Store only allows 8 Licenses. So no, THREE characters are required to have access to all your Crafting needs.


Sure, you can make the argument, "Oh, well not everyone runs a Guild." yet that is beside the point. There are 9 disciplines, period, that require 3 different characters to access all your Crafting disciplines in the event you DO run a Guild like I do.


My whole point about Crafting is there should be 9 Licenses that can be bought from the Gem Store (NOT just 8), AND for it to be OPTIONAL (as explained in my updated OP you clearly did not read) to have our Crafting disciplines mastered ONLY on the character that mastered it first (if 'Yes' or 'No' you press 'Yes' or 'No') OR to be mastered across all other characters (if 'Yes' or 'No' you press 'Yes' or 'No').


The dialogue boxes are more in-depth of course than just 'Yes' or 'No', but because you openly refuse to read my updated OP, you wouldn't know that.


> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> -- S N I P -- -- B L A H B L A H -- --S N I P --


The above stated from you just goes to show you did NOT read what I said well enough in response to your previous comment, which is exactly why you are asking the same questions, again (just rephrased a different way) that I have already answered!


> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

>BTW you actually agreed with my point, they would need to create a whole new instance to appease the activity, or make a dedicated area for this.. racing doesn't do that its across the map your on.


I did not agree with anything. You pitched questions to me, asking whether or not multiple Maps would be required for Mount Jousting Events, along with a few other questions regarding where the Event would take place. You did NOT make a 'statement' (difference) saying there 'should NOT be' multiple Maps for Mount Jousting Events. Therefore, again, I did not 'agree' with anything. I explained to you (difference) how the idea would work because it is exactly as I envisioned it in my mind. I simply did not elaborate on the idea well enough until you started asking questions.


That is not considered 'agreeing' with somebody.


Here, let me take it a step further for argument sake and quote word for word what you said,


> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

>PVP Mount Jousting... I am sure it appeals to you, but to me it sounds like a small niche limited interest game mode which would only serve to dilute the pvp population a little bit more. Where would this mount pvp take place.. are you expecting specific maps, instances, guild hall arena's?.. personally I would prefer ANET to spend resource fixing and improving the current in game systems, process and bug before they put 1 ounce of thought into this "I want, I want"


Please, tell me where, in anything you said in the above stated, I agreed with anything you said? I will wait... Where did I agree with you that Jousting Events (Events by the way pop up at certain times, in case you never played GW2) would effect PvP? Nowhere. Where did I agree with you (to sum up your whole sentiments about the idea of Mount Jousting) that it is pretty much a terrible idea, that it is not worth the time and day? Nowhere!


> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

>Again though its a nice idea but for me personally I just don't see how it adds anything of value to the game right now.


How hypocritical of you. You clearly were not FOR the idea to begin with, and now in the above stated from you, you say, "Again though its a nice idea but for me personally I just don't see how it adds anything of value to the game right now."


Bro, seriously, if you're going to not like an idea, at least stick by your guns like I do. Don't sit there and say the idea is not worth the time and day, and then turn around and merely pretend to think it is a nice idea.


> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

>Sorry but you still failed to answer the point in question.. why do you need to store so much of it. Whether you increase the storage capacity from 2.5k to 10k or 100k, it does not solve your issue.. you will still get to a point fairly soon where you want it expanded again.


I did not FAIL to answer anything. The answer is obvious, even if I did not answer the question to have the Stack Size of Piles of Bloodstone Dust, Dragonite Ore, Empyreal Fragments, and Pieces of Candy Corn capped at 20,000 instead of 2,500. The answer IS to store more! 20,000 would be ideal in 2,500 increments with each Storage Expander, because 8 x 250 = 2,500 just like 8 x 2,500 = 20,000, 8 being the maximum number of Storage Expanders you can buy from the Gem Store.


Think of the stack size increase to Piles of Bloodstone Dust, Dragonite Ore, Empyreal Fragments, and Pieces of Candy Corn like stocking works in a grocery store. If a certain item sells a lot, and you receive 'a lot' of a particular item, what has to happen? You make more shelf space somewhere in the store for that item, right?


Okay, well, the same thing applies when materials like Piles of Bloodstone Dust, Dragonite Ore, Empyreal Fragments, and Pieces of Candy Corn are so easily obtained, to which it only makes sense that the stack size should be increased when the materials that are coming your way outnumbers the amount you can hold at only 2,500.


Accumulating things like Piles of Bloodstone Dust, Dragonite Ore, Empyreal Fragments, and Pieces of Candy Corn is not like accumulating rarer materials that come less often. Heck, I even accumulate common materials faster than I do all the Piles of Bloodstone Dust, Dragonite Ore, Empyreal Fragments, and Pieces of Candy Corn, and I am not even trying to do it on purpose. I just run into them through certain containers, chests, and bags I open.


> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> Once again I will state all your OP and even your new counters seem to reflect what you want and is best for you rather than.. does it work for the game as a whole. It's almost as if you feel you are entitled to have what anyone else has regardless of how long you have or have not been in game.


I have already explained myself well enough as to how the ideas can help other players. If it was all about ME in my OP, I would have said for Anet to just give ME alone those 4 APs (4 weeks worth) and not anybody else. If it was all about ME in my OP, I would have said for Anet to just give ME the increased stack size on Piles of Bloodstone Dust, Dragonite Ore, Empyreal Fragments, and Pieces of Candy Corn (for the Candy Corn Gobbler that gives boons, so I keep my Candy stocked high).


Those are just two examples, yet you go and twist things in such way where you think what I propose serves nobody except me. Well guess what? You're wrong once again, because that is what you want to believe.


As for the rest of what you said, I have answered your questions. I am not going to repeat myself again and again more than I already have. You simply did not care well enough to read into my answers I gave you. In fact, you are going to do the same thing, again. Otherwise, you would not be repeating questions over and over I already answered, or coming up with different ways to ask the questions as if I answered nothing at all.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> As far as Ascended Mats go, I'm still confused by why anyone would need 20,000 of each one...


The answer to the above stated from you is that Piles of Bloodstone Dust, Dragonite Ore, Empyreal Fragments (being Ascended Materials) are the easiest Ascended Materials to obtain without even having to try hard at it. Maybe your gameplay experience is different than mine, but the way I play the game and the places I go, it seems I cannot get away from those 3 Ascended Materials.


> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

>...or more than 2,500 of the refined materials.


Where in my OP did I say the stack size for Refined Materials should be higher than 2,500? Nowhere.


> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Regardless, if you feel you gather too much of, say, Bloodstone Dust, open all those Champion containers on a low- or mid-level character, and voila! No more Dust. You're welcome. :)


Except my other characters, having almost the maximum amount of Inventory Bags allowed, are filled to the brim with other items, materials, etc. Therefore, your answer to the problem is a no answer.


Furthermore, throwing away items I actually do use is also a no answer, although I am keeping the stock I have of Piles of Bloodstone Dust, Dragonite Ore, Empyreal Fragments at that sweetspot 20,000. It is just annoying I have to use up a bunch of space to maintain a 20,000 stock of those items when the stack size can simply be increased to 20,000 in 2,500 increments from each Storage Expander bought (as explained in my OP).


As far all other materials go, I never, ever run into this problem. I either **1.** Do not find them that often despite being called 'common materials' or **2.** I stop needing certain materials after I have crafted certain things after a while. Therefore, I do not go out of my way to purposely farm those materials.

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No, you just ignored the question about refining the Ascended Mats. Again, what do you need 20,000 unrefined mats _for_? What do you plan to use them for? If these mats are _so_ easy to obtain, why do you need to horde them?

As for your mules, I'm not sure what they have to do with opening containers on a low- or mid-level character to avoid Ascended Mats.


If you don't want to take advantage of the solutions readily available, I guess you will have to hope that the Devs change just 3 slots (which probably is not possible.)


Good luck.


Edit: After reading your edits, have you 1000 Candy Corn Cobs? 2500 Bricks, Stars, Ingots?

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Both Chef and Jeweler cost <10g to get to 400 and grant ~16-20 levels. Most other disciplines require ~30g to get to 400 which is 15 days of dailies and easily obtainable even by newer players. Is it a dated way? Maybe, I don't know. Are there still people using it? You can tell there are from the number of people who posted in this very thread that they do so. Do a substantial amount of players use this method to level characters? We can't tell since we don't have statistics on that, so your claim of it being a dated way and a weak argument hold just as much water as the argument itself.


> I am keeping the stock I have of Piles of Bloodstone Dust, Dragonite Ore, Empyreal Fragments at that sweetspot 20,000


Why is 20k a sweet spot? What determines this sweetspot? If you need them for ascended crafting you can just convert them straight to Bricks, Ingots and Stars. That's 250x100 taken care of, and with 250 of each of them you can make 50 vision crystals and 125 (I forget if they need 2 or 3 each) lesser vision crystals. That's enough for multiple ascended chests.



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