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[Suggestions] for Arenanet from a friendly observer...

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**H**i, friends.****


(I'm going to apologize for the length of this in advance. But, I felt these things were worth saying. Maybe not. I'll leave that for you to decide.)


**S**o... there are some minor things regarding game play that I have made note of that I feel like, for both the safety and or convenience of the players could maybe be edited or otherwise improved?


**T**he first of which is that of something my mom, another player of Guild Wars, pointed out. She and some other people I've met do not have the coordination to run around in some areas because they move too fast, i.e. the jumping puzzles, even just the small ones to get to things like vista points.

I've taught my mom to walk the puzzles behind me and I'll show her the areas that must be done whilst running, since walking stunts your jumps. However, we have both had issues that, when switching between walking and running, we can't tell if we've actually switched...

For example, we'll switch to running so we can make the jump and then try to switch back to walking but it doesn't take, and then, next thing you know, we've fallen because we misjudged the speed at which we would continue on a narrow platform.

This is a reoccurring issue for myself as well for various situations.

My mom was thinking, maybe it would help if there was some sort of little tag? Like the size of a boon or conditions marker, notifying you whether you are currently walking or running?

I don't know about anyone else but this would be very useful to me and several people I've talked to.


**T**he second- I make a habit of reporting people I know are being particularly toxic. I don't report a lot of people because, fact is, people will be people. And, when you stick a bunch of teenagers and adults in an anonymous chat room, they're gonna be a little uncouth.

However, when I see people with a particularly offensive name or are exhaling nothing but toxic fumes into the chat, I make a habit of trying to tell someone that what they're doing is not okay...

But... I am often conflicted as to the appropriate category in which to report them....

If Arenanet could maybe make an edit to the report section that can maybe put a little more detail about each section for their players, so we better know how to categorize and, subsequently, report our concerns into the best place so they may be addressed as Arena sees fit, I would find that very useful.

I sometimes feel wrong submitting a report about someone's behavior, even if they're being very toxic, because I'm not sure that I'm putting them down for the right thing...


**I**n that, I also want to bring to light something that I'm not 100% sure is accurate or not? I don't really know how to check.

The other day, I found someone in the PvP lobby. They were doing nothing wrong and they're name was perfectly acceptable- but they're pet's was not.

This player had a very nice name, simple and clean. They're smokescale, however, was a direct sexual reference that many people I would be highly offended by.


I had the inkling to report them for this... but I was not sure it would do any good, as, if I just reported them for "An Inappropriate Character Name," I wasn't sure if this applied to ranger's pet's names as well...

If all it applied to were just the ranger on their own, then reporting it would do no good, as the ranger's name was completely fine, whilst their pet's goes on unawares....

And, me, I would be sending in a report that would look more like harassment over a silly vendetta or something...


Does the "Inappropriate Character Name" apply to pets as well? If not, then, maybe Arena could add a subsection or something for them so they don't fly under the radar?

Blocking people can protect you from the chat but it can't hide their name...

And, people shouldn't feel like they're being forced to block the chat just to play a game they love. That's not cool. I know ten year olds that play this game. Be it a game rated for teens or not, they still should not be submit to some of the things people put out there that is offensive and obnoxious to even players of the intended age range...


**I** know there is also likely nothing to be done about this, but I frequently see discussions that are entirely inappropriate for the chat that there aren't really any categories I feel they fall under to report and, yet, they can be just as ill-willed...

Topics of religion, politics, sex- people forcing their opinions down other players throats that merely want to play the game and enjoy friendly conversation.

Everyone has the right to free speech, but they also have the right to choose the best place to use it...


Religion and politics both can be either very constructive or very harmful topics that can poison relationships between complete strangers to family members if someone doesn't agree with your opinion... If people could just state their personal opinions in a calm, polite, educated manner and be respectful of others that don't share that opinion, it wouldn't be so much of an issue, I feel.

But, the topics I see are full of name-calling, racial slurs, and closed minds to the fact people come from all walks of life and maybe they see something you don't on the subject and that may be the reason they have different views.

Sex is a very uncomfortable topic for many people. I, myself, am asexual. I realize that by choosing to play this game, I am making the choice to subject myself to this. I accept that. But, that still doesn't make it okay when people are talking about their sexual conquests for all the world to hear, when they just want to go about their crafting in peace without having to think about "going down on a hoe," in a less suggestive expression than the one I read on my map chat awhile back.


**T**hese topics do not *always* fall under the categories given to report people if the need seems to arise, as not everyone uses these slurs or sexual references, but they most often lead there and are very intensive topics to be held in-game anyways.

If people want to have these conversations in their private messages or, heck, in their guilds, if their fellow members have no issues with it, then, fine, I don't care. Then you are talking about it with people who either asked for or welcome your opinion.

But, blasting it out on the map chat for people who don't necessarily want to hear it and it turns into a big huge thing? That's not appropriate... at least, not to me. Maybe others don't care and I'm being oversensitive.

But, odds are, if it bothers one person, it bothers a hundred more.


Whenever I see people trying to push these topics in the chat, I always make a point of suggesting that maybe they should take it to a forum or something elsewhere, where people actually go to with the *intention* of involving themselves in those subjects, rather than posting it in the chat where people, whether they want to get involved or not, always seem to get dragged in and feed the fire once it gets hot.

I don't know how to resolve this, if it even can be... but.. I wanted to say something because I don't feel like it's the right place to be having those topics, where people get hurt and offended and even brutalized and bullied because their opinions is "wrong."


...Well... I've exhausted enough of everyone's time, for whomever actually cares to read this far... If anyone couldn't tell, I'm a writer, so, telling stories tends to come out whether I intend them to or not... I do apologize for the length. I just felt it was important... Maybe not, I don't know.


**T**hank you very much for your time.


If anyone has something else to add or agrees or... not... by all means, say so.

It wouldn't be a discussion if the topic is held by only one person.


Okay... that's not true. I've had it several time with the voices in my head, but they're all arguing right now, except Jenny, who's asleep, Arthur, whom is ignoring me, and Franklin is running with scissors and I really should probably try and catch him before he tries to set my dragon free, again- he gets up to the worst mischief when he goes out on his own; He keeps stealing peoples' sweets.


I'll go try to wrangle them in now, I s'pose.


Ever strange,

~ Badwiller

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