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Are you satisfied with the armor designs of your race/gender?


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As someone who plays and likes almost exclusively sylvari >> charr >> norn (with humans several rungs below that and asura off the list altogether): no, I'm very much not satisfied.


For one, there is indeed a painful lack of variety with only three cultural skins per weight class plus possibly one grindy dungeon set (which isn't appropriate for all races, e.g. a Flame Legion look for a charr). It's especially bad for sylvari because the plant-look is so distinctive, but charr also suffer because of all the clipping. And since the devs have ruled out further cultural armors, the odds of non-humans ever getting new a look are painfully low ... and that is just wrong. Compare that to how many skins are themed after and designed for humans. Compare what is essentially new human cultural armor in PoF to what the sylvari got in "their" expansion: absolutely nothing.


The second reason is that some of these few skins don't look so good, not in terms of subjective taste but in terms of texture quality and detail. Like faces and hair, new armor skins generally look better than the ones the game launched with. Again, this is especially true for sylvari: some of their armors (and their faces and "hair") really look like cheap, crudely textured plastic more than anything else, and some don't even glow either. Edit: And let's not forget that the light charr T3, a skin designed exclusively for that one race, the most expensive cultural armor tier, bleedin' _tail-clips_.


The third reason is that each weight class could use more variety. Heavy is loaded with spiked spikes of spikiness. Medium is infamous for endless trenchcoats and buttflaps. Light could really use some pants, especially for women.


Lastly and IMO worst of all aside from #1, there is the abject BS of gendered armor and the utterly stereotypical way it is done: men get to look impressive and/or practical, women get skimpy crap because they "have" to be sexi-pweddy above all else. With many skins, the real (i.e. male) version and the female one don't even look remotely alike. So if you want to play a female character in culturally approprite gear _and_ looking like an actual adventuring hero wearing actual clothes or armor instead of lingerie or fetish getups, your few choices are limited even further.

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* Light armor needs more pants other non-cloak/skirt legging options.

* Medium armor needs some more lightweight options--non-cloaks and non-jackets. For example, the Krytan Jerkin for female humanoids is well-liked by many people. While some cloaks are cool, I don't always imagine my agile thieves jumping and sprinting around in something so heavy

* A note for all armors and outfits would be don't to not be afraid to _not_ "overdo" a look. Not everything needs a bunch of miscellaneous daggers or spikes or crystals or anything to make it look good. In some cases, it can actually detract from what makes a piece of armor look good. Some people like it over the top, but plenty do like a more practical or casual look to their character as well.

* Give more feminine options to asura and charr. Particularly asura. Some people just wanna make cute characters. That can be difficult when the vast majority of the armor and outfits for them are provided in the masculine variant. The Noble Count outfit is a good example of this. I know some people still actually like the suit look on their female character, but the dress would be great too. What would be amazing is if for certain outfits you could switch between the masculine and feminine forms, particularly for these two races, who share similar body structures between sexes.

* Don't be afraid to out casual outfits. I speak for the RP community in particular--those are very welcome. There have been plenty of times where I've looked at NPCs and thought to myself "I wish my character could wear that".

* More cultural armor sets would be nice, potentially even more multicultural armor sets (sets for races that take influence from other races).

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I think what we have is good. However as armor sets are meant to be used by every races, the look may get used a lot and not necessarily suit a different race. I know the obvious answer would be to not use it if it does not feel right, but it would be really nice to have more race specific armor such as techy armor for asuras and crude yet "useful" looking armor for Charr.


Additionally, I think armor drops for lower level characters should be more diverse as they are very similar at lower levels. I just feel like new players will feel more special and unique if they look/feel different by not looking almost exactly the same as the other new players in the area. This satisfaction could then increase the likelihood of them actually sticking to the game. I actually said drops because new players may not try crafting straight away and therefore limit the choice of armor skins even more.

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