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W5 feedback

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Coming kinda late with this feedback, but I feel I need to share this nonetheless. These things were a major pain right from the start, but still haven't been adressed.



Whoever was in charge of telegraphs on the desmina fight likely didn't know the first thing about games. So Desmina has a bunch of attacks. They all hit pretty hard, but one of them stands out above all - the moving wall, which instakills you the moment you touch it. No downstate, just dead. The attack itself is pretty fine, EXCEPT whenever she does the pizza AoE attack, it completely covers the walls, so you need to "guess" where they are to avoid them. Are you for real Anet? Anybody with common sense would make sure such critical attack (instakill mechanic) RENDERS ON TOP OF EVERYTHING ELSE and has the absolute highest priority. Especially since all other attacks can down you at most, although they will usually just scratch you if you're on 100% health. This applies to this encounter and all others too - the more "deadly" a mechanic is, the more priority it should be given to render on your screen. This is especially true for encounters with an EXTREME visual clutter as Desmina. (btw. pls stop with those nonsense AoEs already)

This is honestly so dumb it makes me think it's only just a bug and was intended to work differently. But with Anet you never know.


2) Balls on Dhuum

By extension, this feedback also applies to orbs on KC and 99CM fractal. I'm not a programmer, so I don't really know how all this syncing between client and server works. It's probably really complicated, so I'm not gonna suggest anything specific, but something needs to be done regardless. With high ping these mechanics are extremely punishing and unfair. There's absolutely nothing skill-based around it. When I move through an orb, but don't pick it up because it's desynced between server and my screen, it's a poorly designed mechanic. Either you can figure out a way to make these work consistently, or just don't put in any mechanics like these.


W5 fights are not hard, they feel actually easier than some past wings for me. What makes these such a pain are the inconsistencies that players cannot affect by concious actions. You are forced to rely on poor telegraphs that very often just lie to you.

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> @"Tarasicodissa.7084" said:

> Coming kinda late with this feedback, but I feel I need to share this nonetheless. These things were a major pain right from the start, but still haven't been adressed.


> 1) **TELEGRAPHS ON DESMINA????!!!!**

> Whoever was in charge of telegraphs on the desmina fight **likely didn't know the first thing about games.**


> **(btw. pls stop with those nonsense AoEs already)**

> This is honestly so **dumb** it makes me think it's only just a bug and was intended to work differently. **But with Anet you never know.**


> 2) **kitten on Dhuum**

> I'm not a programmer, so I don't really know how all this syncing between client and server works. It's probably really complicated, **so I'm not gonna suggest anything specific,** but something needs to be done regardless.



Good work on being constructive there sport. People will definitely listen to you now...


On the matter on hand. Making raids encounters to accommodate for high ping or a bad connection is not sth the dev should do unless its an issue with their server. If this happens on high ping and only affects you because of your connection its not the designer's responsibility. Most encounters work ok for pings up to 100-150 ms. If your connection is even worse there is little to be done.


As for the Desmina telegraphs i agree that they could be done better. I think a bit of a better color coding on the AoEs would would make things fine. I also have a bit of an issue with having RNG mechanics that one shot you but in the end of the day its not that of a big deal....



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I'd like to add my feedback to this wing especially after spending so many hours on it. I played too much in the first week.. a couple of 10 hours straight gaming.. I gave myself a break to recover in the second week lol


First of all, weldone anet and the dev team that constructed this wing.. it's very very painful yet it's so much fun.. I haven't had a lot of experience with the new wing yet and still need to get better with it. I have done soulless horror perhaps 5 times (incl one CM with 3.15min remaining). 3 out of the 5 were without voice chat program & all kill were with pug. I reckon first boss is easy yet still require skills and good team work. It can be a wipe should anyone make a mistake. the feel for this boss is like VG in our first few weeks but easier because we are now familiar with raids already and all hv enough skills to learn new mechanics. I don't mind if anet slightly nerf it bcos most players just want to be able to do it without too much frustration and at the end of the day can laugh about it. Although I think soulless horror is good as it is.


I have also done the 5 mins statues achievement. It was fun and funny too. :) I do not say it is easy. We thought it was easy with the idea but we spent at least 2 hours on it yesterday with a pug group. Previous attempt were 8 hours with different pug (lots of talking discussion on how best to do it).


The river event from yesterday was carried by 3 scrappers that stealth Desmina from start till end. I done river 3 times the other two times were proper way without the cheesing stealth.


To be continue more later lol need to go to work :o

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I have not done Dhuum yet. My best attempt were two 10% from yesterday before the com had to kick me out of the team to invite his friends in .. that is fine it's how pug works .. I do not mind :p totally understand how pug raid community works..I have always raid with pug but I feel that Dhuum will need more training at least for me I wish I hv a static group to play with but being oceanic players in EU .. our playtime is awkward. So far I hv only spent under 6 hours on Dhuum and I need more time. I feel this boss is one of hardest and require a lot of coordination. It really really hurts.. but I find it fun at the same time. I will provide my feedback on the mechanics later..


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> @"Talindra.4958" said:

> I have not done Dhuum yet. a static group to play with but being oceanic players in EU .. our playtime is awkward. So far I hv only spent under 6 hours on Dhuum and I need more time. I feel this boss is one of hardest and require a lot of coordination. It really really hurts.. but I find it fun at the same time. I will provide my feedback on the mechanics later..



BTW since you are oceanic how is your ping and how much does it affect playing the wing and Dhuum in particular, since the OP is claiming to have an issue.


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I don't find this wing harder. However Dhuum as end is way more punishing then any other raid boss in the game. First it demand at least 7 players to be alive at all time. Then most mechanics must be done without mistakes, because it leads to raid wipe. Its not a damage race, but people cannot slack. On top of that all players must be prepared to be back ups and be able to do any of the mechanics, except of tanking.

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> @"Turin.6921" said:

> > @"Talindra.4958" said:

> > I have not done Dhuum yet. a static group to play with but being oceanic players in EU .. our playtime is awkward. So far I hv only spent under 6 hours on Dhuum and I need more time. I feel this boss is one of hardest and require a lot of coordination. It really really hurts.. but I find it fun at the same time. I will provide my feedback on the mechanics later..

> >


> BTW since you are oceanic how is your ping and how much does it affect playing the wing and Dhuum in particular, since the OP is claiming to have an issue.



My ping is 400 average, any higher I find it bit hard to play..:p But Dhuum is not bad if I play heal druid or dps. I did green but only few runs and it's doesn't seem to be affected much by my ping... At first I though it was my ping that I fail green but no it wasn't. There's enough time to pick orb with 400 ping. Someine helped to review my fail green and gave me very good advice as to why I fail.. it was very useful. Check out the video and explanation in another post about doing Dhuum green

with shackles i need to react faster bcos instead of 4 sec I only hv say 2sec (it's how I feel but not sure) I think Dhuum is easy if tank right and good green jobs .. the rest of mechanic is repetitive :) it's so so fun this boss.

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> @"mazut.4296" said:

> I don't find this wing harder. However Dhuum as end is way more punishing then any other raid boss in the game. First it demand at least 7 players to be alive at all time. Then most mechanics must be done without mistakes, because it leads to raid wipe. Its not a damage race, but people cannot slack. On top of that all players must be prepared to be back ups and be able to do any of the mechanics, except of tanking.


It feels hard bcos its only two/three weeks old..Wait in 6 months time it will be like VG or matthair run I think .. some pug are doing it without voice program now..

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