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Revenant 12/12 Patch Notes


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Make it short and simple that the condi changes do not work for revs because it only works if you have consistent condition clears which rev does not have. Anet before you say well look theres ventari I will rebuke this by having anet go into 50 people spamming condi's at you and say hold on let me get this tablet over here and cleanse people and then the second later call a time out again so you get energy to cleanse again. Same thing with charr summons call a time out so they don't get interrupted or trampled to death(anet I would really really really like to know who this person was that thought this would be useful). The devastation trait changes are like square peg round hole they simply do not work until you give us back the round peg.


So anet will make this simplistic with condi's an eyedrop of water or gasoline do not put out condi storms. So the current state is throw the rev in front of moving train and tell them they should git gud. Remember round peg round hole and no more dead charr that get run over by the moving train.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"narcx.3570" said:

> The thing is though, where are you missing the vulnerability that you were getting from MD?


I usually run a high crit-rate build, so MD was reliable vulnerability application. A couple traits that benefited from the reliable vulnerability were Targeted Destruction and Focused Siphoning. Granted even for non-sword builds there are still some other ways to apply vulnerability, especially as a Renegade. It's just not as constant as it used to be with MD.

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> @"Orion Templar.4589" said:

> > @"narcx.3570" said:

> > The thing is though, where are you missing the vulnerability that you were getting from MD?


> I usually run a high crit-rate build, so MD was reliable vulnerability application. A couple traits that benefited from the reliable vulnerability were Targeted Destruction and Focused Siphoning. Granted even for non-sword builds there are still some other ways to apply vulnerability, especially as a Renegade. It's just not as constant as it used to be with MD.


I think (this post was from a while ago) my point was that power builds use sword, so it's whatever, and even in condi solo play everything dies before your opening vulnerability stacks even wear off, so you're not really missing access to those traits at all (Plus, running Devastation instead of Invocation outside of a group is probably less dps and for sure leaves you a lot more vulnerable...)


And if you're in a group, targets will always have vulnerability without even putting in a conscious effort... Unless you're using some some crazy rare group composition or something.

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> @"narcx.3570" said:


> And the change for PvP is actually noticeable in a good way when it comes to your bursts and +1's. (assuming you're playing power.)


In PvP is were hurts the most. Sword auto attack is unreliable due most classes can fight you at range, so all the vulnerability procs the other weapon skills provided are lost. So the synergies the other traits provide are frozen, most of the time they do nothing. And guess what: you can't play in PvP without Devastation, so now the traitline is ven more full of useless traits.

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> @"Buran.3796" said:

> > @"narcx.3570" said:


> > And the change for PvP is actually noticeable in a good way when it comes to your bursts and +1's. (assuming you're playing power.)


> In PvP is were hurts the most. Sword auto attack is unreliable due most classes can fight you at range, so all the vulnerability procs the other weapon skills provided are lost. So the synergies the other traits provide are frozen, most of the time they do nothing. And guess what: you can't play in PvP without Devastation, so now the traitline is ven more full of useless traits.


Well, you can reset the trait every 45 seconds with chaos (we don't mention jade winds because you're not spending that much energy just to reset the trait), and you have Burst of Strength every 15 seconds. So counting your opening strike, you have 4 possible vulnerability spikes in a ~18 second period... If you're playing Devestation and haven't used your sword that whole time, I dunno what to tell you. Maybe you're a hammer rev...? Okay, so, just put a Sigil of Fallibility on your hammer and problem solved.


Is it a better trait? Not really, I don't think I'm saying that... (Although the free 5% damage spike on your opening +1 combo is nice.) But, it's certainly not the abysmal situation everyone makes it out to be. If you've had 4 vulnerability spikes in 20 seconds without ever using your sword and haven't killed the target yet, it's probably not happening... The longer a rev stays in a fight, the worse it is for them--especially with condi's flying around everywhere--so front loading all of our damage isn't necessarily the worst thing. And if you're playing hammer into double scourge or something and siphoning from range is that important to you, just fix your sigils.

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> @"narcx.3570" said:



> Is it a better trait? Not really, I don't think I'm saying that... (Although the free 5% damage spike on your opening +1 combo is nice.) But, it's certainly not the abysmal situation everyone makes it out to be. If you've had 4 vulnerability spikes in 20 seconds without ever using your sword and haven't killed the target yet, it's probably not happening... The longer a rev stays in a fight, the worse it is for them--especially with condi's flying around everywhere--so front loading all of our damage isn't necessarily the worst thing. And if you're playing hammer into double scourge or something and siphoning from range is that important to you, just fix your sigils.


Before the proc of small stacks of vulnerability were a constant so their cooldowns overlaped and therefore Targeted Destruction and Focused Siphoning were granted almost constantly. So we lost permanently a 7%+ damage in PvP and solo roaming, not to mention that with so many Firebrands playing per match in Conquest mode Exposed Defenses (negated almost every time you start a fight due Aegis spam).


Is virtually like having three empty holes in the minor trait slots (Exposed Defenses, Targeted Destruction and Focused Siphoning), except in PvE (in which really doesn't matter), so I fail to see how isn't abysmal. If PvE were my main game mode I had abandoned the class time ago. In the last patch ANet managed to both make power Herald less competitive in PvP and WvW while also making core Rev and Renegade worse, which is a feat hard to obtain if one isn't really careless about what's doing. In the proccess also they were able to buff Mirage, our worst hard counter.


By the way I don't use hammer (sword+axe/staff), and there's nothing to fix in sigils because after the successive waves of bans in amulets, runes and sigils the PvP system is so plain and lackluster of deep that isn't anything to manage. Fine tunning is a thing of the past.

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