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Guild decoration limit

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  • 3 months later...

I must agree to the preceeding posts. We've started to create a racetrack in our guild hall but since we reached the decoration cap we have had to make lots of compromises and we even had to erase many decorations from other places. The result is that all the parts which make the guild hall look livelier like tables, chairs or plants are almost of no use to us anymore. So don't bother to add new decorations with each new map if you force people to delete other decorations to be able to place them.

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> @"avey.4201" said:

> There is a global cap, and a local cap eg. hall can have 2000 items but only 12 in an area.

> As a solo asura playing in a private hall the global cap has never been an issue, but the local cap is 3x-5x too low.


The cap is actually 20 pieces in an area a bit smaller than a warrior's shout - still too low for some things I would like to do. but having some members with long loading times or slower computers does demonstrate to me why they capped decorations in order to accommodate older systems or slower internet. Thankfully, I really enjoy changing things up a lot and the newer releases have given bigger decorations that take more space and make for more dramatic constructions. Even with the cap we have a super adventure ramp all the way to the top of the hall, a race track, a mini-labrynth, a very large ice castle, a snowflake path to a good size temple, library and formal gardens and still have room for seasonal decorations in the central area. So, yeah, it can be frustrating but it is still possible to rather a lot and I would hate to see our members with lesser equipment lose the fun of the hall because it simply can't load for them.

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> @"Lamont.5973" said:

> > @"avey.4201" said:

> > There is a global cap, and a local cap eg. hall can have 2000 items but only 12 in an area.

> > As a solo asura playing in a private hall the global cap has never been an issue, but the local cap is 3x-5x too low.


> The cap is actually 20 pieces in an area a bit smaller than a warrior's shout - still too low for some things I would like to do. but having some members with long loading times or slower computers does demonstrate to me why they capped decorations in order to accommodate older systems or slower internet. Thankfully, I really enjoy changing things up a lot and the newer releases have given bigger decorations that take more space and make for more dramatic constructions. Even with the cap we have a super adventure ramp all the way to the top of the hall, a race track, a mini-labrynth, a very large ice castle, a snowflake path to a good size temple, library and formal gardens and still have room for seasonal decorations in the central area. So, yeah, it can be frustrating but it is still possible to rather a lot and I would hate to see our members with lesser equipment lose the fun of the hall because it simply can't load for them.


A full hall now compared to an empty hall is about 5 seconds difference load times with a hard drive but otherwise decent specs, there will always be people running older machines, but that isn't a reason for everyone to be playing pac-man from the 80's.

Players who have issues use lesser decorated guild halls currently "can have 5 guilds", or decorators should decorate away from spawn points if they are concerned for members, or know certain members have issues.

I've had people ask if I could do more for performance in my projects after I added multi threading to different areas "the program only really used 2 cores previously, and now should make any 4-8+ core happy, or load balanced" the overall performance decreased for them 1-2 fps, and the issue was their computer being a single core.

I don't know of any single core machines being manufactured at this time, but maybe we should all drop multi core support to help older machines is the argument I hear from people against raising the cap.

I've had people ask me not to spam tomes of knowledge, because their FPS couldn't handle it, but we don't have a cooldown on tomes in the open world.

Anet doesn't get involved in guild affairs, or what happens in them, if a guildy wants/needs an xp boost, or merchant you unlock an upgrade, not Anet, why should decorating be different unless it would be too much strain for their servers?

This would be no different than requiring all guilds to be pvx, and not specialize in a particular mode, because a persons preference is harder to change than a computer.

Guilds aren't required to play the game, as many play without a guild, and a higher cap doesn't automatically decrease performance, so this shouldn't be a minimum spec issue, World bosses, and looking at a large WvW zerg can pull me to single digit fps with low settings, but a guild hitting all local caps possible, and global cap is still 36-40fps+ with highest settings except post process.

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> @"avey.4201" said:

> > @"Lamont.5973" said:

> > > @"avey.4201" said:

> > > There is a global cap, and a local cap eg. hall can have 2000 items but only 12 in an area.

> > > As a solo asura playing in a private hall the global cap has never been an issue, but the local cap is 3x-5x too low.

> >

> > The cap is actually 20 pieces in an area a bit smaller than a warrior's shout - still too low for some things I would like to do. but having some members with long loading times or slower computers does demonstrate to me why they capped decorations in order to accommodate older systems or slower internet. Thankfully, I really enjoy changing things up a lot and the newer releases have given bigger decorations that take more space and make for more dramatic constructions. Even with the cap we have a super adventure ramp all the way to the top of the hall, a race track, a mini-labrynth, a very large ice castle, a snowflake path to a good size temple, library and formal gardens and still have room for seasonal decorations in the central area. So, yeah, it can be frustrating but it is still possible to rather a lot and I would hate to see our members with lesser equipment lose the fun of the hall because it simply can't load for them.


> A full hall now compared to an empty hall is about 5 seconds difference load times with a hard drive but otherwise decent specs, there will always be people running older machines, but that isn't a reason for everyone to be playing pac-man from the 80's.

> Players who have issues use lesser decorated guild halls currently "can have 5 guilds", or decorators should decorate away from spawn points if they are concerned for members, or know certain members have issues.

> I've had people ask if I could do more for performance in my projects after I added multi threading to different areas "the program only really used 2 cores previously, and now should make any 4-8+ core happy, or load balanced" the overall performance decreased for them 1-2 fps, and the issue was their computer being a single core.

> I don't know of any single core machines being manufactured at this time, but maybe we should all drop multi core support to help older machines is the argument I hear from people against raising the cap.

> I've had people ask me not to spam tomes of knowledge, because their FPS couldn't handle it, but we don't have a cooldown on tomes in the open world.

> Anet doesn't get involved in guild affairs, or what happens in them, if a guildy wants/needs an xp boost, or merchant you unlock an upgrade, not Anet, why should decorating be different unless it would be too much strain for their servers?

> This would be no different than requiring all guilds to be pvx, and not specialize in a particular mode, because a persons preference is harder to change than a computer.

> Guilds aren't required to play the game, as many play without a guild, and a higher cap doesn't automatically decrease performance, so this shouldn't be a minimum spec issue, World bosses, and looking at a large WvW zerg can pull me to single digit fps with low settings, but a guild hitting all local caps possible, and global cap is still 36-40fps+ with highest settings except post process.

Well you certainly are free to hold any opinion you like and express it. Mine stays the same. I am fine with the way things are now. Only fair that ANet hear from both sides.


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They could at least relieve the problem if they added... staircases! So we could at least stop using 10 small tables or boulders to build a small ramp. We're receiving some new furniture with LW episodes, so I hope for this. A bigger revamp seems unlikely.

EDIT: Also, please, add an "undo" button! I often want to delete a small piece and delete also something else (even using the single target option).

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The decoration limit would be okay if it worked properly, but you can place a giant fountain that takes up half the screen and use the same amount of decoration quota as a tiny candle or torch, and red lanterns are especially bad about it..


That's why the most luxurious guild halls rely mostly on very large objects and only a few smaller ones.

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> @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> The decoration limit would be okay if it worked properly, but you can place a giant fountain that takes up half the screen and use the same amount of decoration quota as a tiny candle or torch, and red lanterns are especially bad about it..


This indeed.. small decorations are the worst..


> @"Urud.4925" said:

> They could at least relieve the problem if they added... staircases!


I asked for this long time ago. Post was completely ignored..


They really need to look into guild features.. they focus soo hard on new features while old ones are also still an important thing.



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  • 2 months later...

Not sure if there's a more current thread about this. But I'd like to add that it would be greatly appreciated having the 'number of decorations in an area' cap raised. 20 as the max really sucks pretty hardcore when you're trying to make a room. Or a library. Or something similar. Especially with beds, rugs and the like being added, you can't even make a decent nook with proper furniture and lighting before it caps out at 20.

Kinda hoping for a hall overhaul when/if they ever actually do the WvW revamping.

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