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Power warr pve

Blargo the Great.6704

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After the recent changes I did some testing with great success. I was using power base warr with str/disc/arms and zerk scholar runes. I consistently hit around 32k dps on the golem. Removing stick and move was an amazing change for pve warriors tbh. From a wvw/pvp standpoint it was a very slight dmg nerf seeing as how warrs generate might like crazy anyway and now dodgerolls grant might. Base warr seems to heavily outdps power berserker as well based on what I used. I couldn’t be happier with these changes

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Str 3/2/1 arms 2/2/2 tactics 3/3/3 full zerk gear with scholar runes. Gs axe/axe. Just camping gs is a dps decrease over swapping to axe/axe and using those skills. For utilities I use healing sig, any physical skill, empty slot for banner or shout or might sig, signet of fury, and signet of rage. It’s kinda late so I won’t drop a gw2skills link but I’ll post one tomorrow if you want it.

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This was an attempt to make power warr viable for raids and fractals and such so yes I included tactics for that reason. Discipline will only really increase the axe dps and you’ll lose empowered and 150 power so I’m not sure it will end up doing more dps either way. This build keeps 25 might stacks relatively easily so it could still fulfill the standard ps warr role while greatly increasing the personal dps

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> @"Blargo the Great.6704" said:

> Str 3/2/1 arms 2/2/2 tactics 3/3/3 full zerk gear with scholar runes. Gs axe/axe. Just camping gs is a dps decrease over swapping to axe/axe and using those skills. For utilities I use healing sig, any physical skill, empty slot for banner or shout or might sig, signet of fury, and signet of rage. It’s kinda late so I won’t drop a gw2skills link but I’ll post one tomorrow if you want it.


Sure, that would be great. And if you could post your rotation/rationale for using GS and axe/axe for swutching. I am guessing building stacks of might with GS and use the axe with quickness for more damage?


Anyway, would love any info, I love power warrior builds and ahve been missing them.

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> @"Blargo the Great.6704" said:

> Uh tempys have you tried it post patch? If you had you wouldn’t be saying that. This was with realistic buffs and even with unrealistic buffs my numbers pre patch were nowhere near this. If you don’t think stick and move was the problem you obviously don’t play power warr in pve lol


250 power is less than a flat 10% damage modifier, but the gameplay with stick and move was so cancerous at least now they can balance around not having to dodge constantly for a modifier while also requiring traits that give endurance back on important burst skills.

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> @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> How does it look if you go more selfish and ditch tactics and put in discipline for the burst mastery or axe mastery(axe mastery has honestly become one of my favorite things)?


ditching tactics actually makes you do less damage overall because of the loss of empowered and 150 power. Even when i gave myself the empower allies buff it was still a good bit less

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> @"ButterPeanut.9746" said:

> > @"Blargo the Great.6704" said:

> > Uh tempys have you tried it post patch? If you had you wouldn’t be saying that. This was with realistic buffs and even with unrealistic buffs my numbers pre patch were nowhere near this. If you don’t think stick and move was the problem you obviously don’t play power warr in pve lol


> 250 power is less than a flat 10% damage modifier, but the gameplay with stick and move was so cancerous at least now they can balance around not having to dodge constantly for a modifier while also requiring traits that give endurance back on important burst skills.


Thank you I'm glad somebody else realized this. The overall dmg modifier might be slightly less but not having to dodge constantly frees up so much time in the rotation its a massive dps increase.

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> @"Blargo the Great.6704" said:

> > @"ButterPeanut.9746" said:

> > > @"Blargo the Great.6704" said:

> > > Uh tempys have you tried it post patch? If you had you wouldn’t be saying that. This was with realistic buffs and even with unrealistic buffs my numbers pre patch were nowhere near this. If you don’t think stick and move was the problem you obviously don’t play power warr in pve lol

> >

> > 250 power is less than a flat 10% damage modifier, but the gameplay with stick and move was so cancerous at least now they can balance around not having to dodge constantly for a modifier while also requiring traits that give endurance back on important burst skills.


> Thank you I'm glad somebody else realized this. The overall dmg modifier might be slightly less but not having to dodge constantly frees up so much time in the rotation its a massive dps increase.


Not to mention that you're just wasting dodges to keep the endurance bar not full. Which gets you killed if you can't dodge some attacks and well dead dps = no dps.

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> @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> > @"Blargo the Great.6704" said:

> > > @"ButterPeanut.9746" said:

> > > > @"Blargo the Great.6704" said:

> > > > Uh tempys have you tried it post patch? If you had you wouldn’t be saying that. This was with realistic buffs and even with unrealistic buffs my numbers pre patch were nowhere near this. If you don’t think stick and move was the problem you obviously don’t play power warr in pve lol

> > >

> > > 250 power is less than a flat 10% damage modifier, but the gameplay with stick and move was so cancerous at least now they can balance around not having to dodge constantly for a modifier while also requiring traits that give endurance back on important burst skills.

> >

> > Thank you I'm glad somebody else realized this. The overall dmg modifier might be slightly less but not having to dodge constantly frees up so much time in the rotation its a massive dps increase.


> Not to mention that you're just wasting dodges to keep the endurance bar not full. Which gets you killed if you can't dodge some attacks and well dead dps = no dps.


The difference is staggering honestly. With realistic buffs power dps is way above power dps last patch even with unrealistic buffs. I don't even have a perfectly meta setup. I was using poverty power prec food instead of the best one, I have no power infusions, and I wasn't using the highest dps sigils for one thing. I prob don't even have the best rotation and I still got those numbers so I think it's apparent this was a great change

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> @"Blargo the Great.6704" said:

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNAR3XjMdQZHW3B+dAnIGICqcICio/KjMIotAICGAA-jhBBABA8QAwa/R5XAXBgzUCmnuhKV/hUA6pMC-ev here is the build. https://puu.sh/yFAjU/b21ebdd765.jpg this is the screenshot of myself, my buffs and the golem dps numbers.


This golem kill took 26 SECONDS


This DPS number is your opening burst, mind running this same build through the 4million HP golem instead? That's what all the benchmarks use, otherwise you would see Weaver at like 47k on small golem.


Just for reference, Weaver at the established 42.5k DPS on the 4m HP golem takes 1:38 minutes.

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> @"Mikeskies.1536" said:

> > @"Blargo the Great.6704" said:

> > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNAR3XjMdQZHW3B+dAnIGICqcICio/KjMIotAICGAA-jhBBABA8QAwa/R5XAXBgzUCmnuhKV/hUA6pMC-ev here is the build. https://puu.sh/yFAjU/b21ebdd765.jpg this is the screenshot of myself, my buffs and the golem dps numbers.


> Wouldn't something like this be more DPS:

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNAR3XnckCddg1dA+dAcigFiA7t4ucjuGBgIwA4oMkBCaA-jhBBABYt/o8LPdDnpEsS1fC4KAAwDBgUA6pMC-e

I found the dmg between the two to comparable but I may not be doing the rotation perfectly. I put bulls charge in there but any of the physical skills seem to have about the same effect. Kick seems to be ever so slightly better but more casts of it mean more time spent not doing actual dmg so it kind of balances out. It's the same concept as stick and move. The more you add things to the rotation like that the more it will hurt it after a point

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> @"Jzaku.9765" said:

> > @"Blargo the Great.6704" said:

> > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNAR3XjMdQZHW3B+dAnIGICqcICio/KjMIotAICGAA-jhBBABA8QAwa/R5XAXBgzUCmnuhKV/hUA6pMC-ev here is the build. https://puu.sh/yFAjU/b21ebdd765.jpg this is the screenshot of myself, my buffs and the golem dps numbers.


> This golem kill took 26 SECONDS


> This DPS number is your opening burst, mind running this same build through the 4million HP golem instead? That's what all the benchmarks use, otherwise you would see Weaver at like 47k on small golem.


> Just for reference, Weaver at the established 42.5k DPS on the 4m HP golem takes 1:38 minutes.


I have. That isn't the opening burst. The opening burst is closer to 33k usually if done properly. The dps was the same after doing a 4 mill hp golem. It didnt't actually take 26s that was just the last time the in game dps thing posted a number.

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> @"Blargo the Great.6704" said:

> > @"Mikeskies.1536" said:

> > > @"Blargo the Great.6704" said:

> > > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNAR3XjMdQZHW3B+dAnIGICqcICio/KjMIotAICGAA-jhBBABA8QAwa/R5XAXBgzUCmnuhKV/hUA6pMC-ev here is the build. https://puu.sh/yFAjU/b21ebdd765.jpg this is the screenshot of myself, my buffs and the golem dps numbers.

> >

> > Wouldn't something like this be more DPS:

> > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNAR3XnckCddg1dA+dAcigFiA7t4ucjuGBgIwA4oMkBCaA-jhBBABYt/o8LPdDnpEsS1fC4KAAwDBgUA6pMC-e

> I found the dmg between the two to comparable but I may not be doing the rotation perfectly. I put bulls charge in there but any of the physical skills seem to have about the same effect. Kick seems to be ever so slightly better but more casts of it mean more time spent not doing actual dmg so it kind of balances out. It's the same concept as stick and move. The more you add things to the rotation like that the more it will hurt it after a point


That's true. Kick, I think, would be best, especially if you use it with Sigil of Severance over Sigil of Accuracy. Maximizing the 33% damage bonus in conjunction with a series of bursts with Sigil of Severance procced would be ideal. Using Berserker will give higher uptime on Berserker's Power as well. Lots of things to test, anyway. Not having to dodge is the biggest perk out there, though.

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> @"Mikeskies.1536" said:

> > @"Blargo the Great.6704" said:

> > > @"Mikeskies.1536" said:

> > > > @"Blargo the Great.6704" said:

> > > > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNAR3XjMdQZHW3B+dAnIGICqcICio/KjMIotAICGAA-jhBBABA8QAwa/R5XAXBgzUCmnuhKV/hUA6pMC-ev here is the build. https://puu.sh/yFAjU/b21ebdd765.jpg this is the screenshot of myself, my buffs and the golem dps numbers.

> > >

> > > Wouldn't something like this be more DPS:

> > > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNAR3XnckCddg1dA+dAcigFiA7t4ucjuGBgIwA4oMkBCaA-jhBBABYt/o8LPdDnpEsS1fC4KAAwDBgUA6pMC-e

> > I found the dmg between the two to comparable but I may not be doing the rotation perfectly. I put bulls charge in there but any of the physical skills seem to have about the same effect. Kick seems to be ever so slightly better but more casts of it mean more time spent not doing actual dmg so it kind of balances out. It's the same concept as stick and move. The more you add things to the rotation like that the more it will hurt it after a point


> That's true. Kick, I think, would be best, especially if you use it with Sigil of Severance over Sigil of Accuracy. Maximizing the 33% damage bonus in conjunction with a series of bursts with Sigil of Severance procced would be ideal. Using Berserker will give higher uptime on Berserker's Power as well. Lots of things to test, anyway. Not having to dodge is the biggest perk out there, though.


Berserker actually reduces berserkers power uptime. Primal bursts only count for level 1 of berserkers power now so you have to use 3 to equal one base warr burst skill. Both can keep permanent uptime i believe so it's not a huge deal but unfortunately the nerfs to berserker a few patches ago really hampered it. Sigil of severance would be good but you have to interrupt or on bosses with defiance bars they have to be mid action so we'll have to see how that does.

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