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Power warr pve

Blargo the Great.6704

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> @"Blargo the Great.6704" said:

> > @"Mikeskies.1536" said:

> > > @"Blargo the Great.6704" said:

> > > > @"Mikeskies.1536" said:

> > > > > @"Blargo the Great.6704" said:

> > > > > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNAR3XjMdQZHW3B+dAnIGICqcICio/KjMIotAICGAA-jhBBABA8QAwa/R5XAXBgzUCmnuhKV/hUA6pMC-ev here is the build. https://puu.sh/yFAjU/b21ebdd765.jpg this is the screenshot of myself, my buffs and the golem dps numbers.

> > > >

> > > > Wouldn't something like this be more DPS:

> > > > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNAR3XnckCddg1dA+dAcigFiA7t4ucjuGBgIwA4oMkBCaA-jhBBABYt/o8LPdDnpEsS1fC4KAAwDBgUA6pMC-e

> > > I found the dmg between the two to comparable but I may not be doing the rotation perfectly. I put bulls charge in there but any of the physical skills seem to have about the same effect. Kick seems to be ever so slightly better but more casts of it mean more time spent not doing actual dmg so it kind of balances out. It's the same concept as stick and move. The more you add things to the rotation like that the more it will hurt it after a point

> >

> > That's true. Kick, I think, would be best, especially if you use it with Sigil of Severance over Sigil of Accuracy. Maximizing the 33% damage bonus in conjunction with a series of bursts with Sigil of Severance procced would be ideal. Using Berserker will give higher uptime on Berserker's Power as well. Lots of things to test, anyway. Not having to dodge is the biggest perk out there, though.


> Berserker actually reduces berserkers power uptime. Primal bursts only count for level 1 of berserkers power now so you have to use 3 to equal one base warr burst skill. Both can keep permanent uptime i believe so it's not a huge deal but unfortunately the nerfs to berserker a few patches ago really hampered it. Sigil of severance would be good but you have to interrupt or on bosses with defiance bars they have to be mid action so we'll have to see how that does.


Oh, true. I was comparing Berserker to Spellbreaker :open_mouth: The only hard change to Berserker is the extra .25 sec cast time on its Primal Burst, but its execute damage is higher than regular GS burst. Other issue is Berserker is that the Axe Primal Burst is less damage than the regular Axe burst. It'll really depend on whether Axe or Greatsword is better in terms of DPS. Perhaps the Core Warrior with Strength, Axe, Discipline will be best again, allowing you access to strong bursts and weapon skills with little reliance on auto-attack,

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> @"TheSlothArmada.6709" said:

> Yeah I'm getting at max 22k DPS so I don't know what sort of magic is being pulled off here ;-;


It might be rotation related. Timing the burst with your physical skill is key. I start in gs, gs throw, signet of fury, arcing slice, bulls charge, hundred blades, whirling attack, weapon swap, evis, whirling axe, cycle through axe skills and aa chain, evis, aa and skills some more, then bulls charge will come off cd, then you bulls charge, evis, whirling axe, weapon swap, arcing slice, hundred blades, whirling attack, throw, dodgeroll towards golem, rush, then arcing slice, throw, bulls charge, hundred blades, whirling attack weapon swap. That’s the rotation I followed. May not be the best but it seems to work. Bulls charge fits the rotation almost perfectly so it helped get the timing down

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> @"Blargo the Great.6704" said:

> > @"TheSlothArmada.6709" said:

> > Yeah I'm getting at max 22k DPS so I don't know what sort of magic is being pulled off here ;-;


> It might be rotation related. Timing the burst with your physical skill is key. I start in gs, gs throw, signet of fury, arcing slice, bulls charge, hundred blades, whirling attack, weapon swap, evis, whirling axe, cycle through axe skills and aa chain, evis, aa and skills some more, then bulls charge will come off cd, then you bulls charge, evis, whirling axe, weapon swap, arcing slice, hundred blades, whirling attack, throw, dodgeroll towards golem, rush, then arcing slice, throw, bulls charge, hundred blades, whirling attack weapon swap. That’s the rotation I followed. May not be the best but it seems to work. Bulls charge fits the rotation almost perfectly so it helped get the timing down


Did you use the largest golem or the small hitbox one? As Sloth said the large hitbox has bugged toughness.

Before this patch I could barely reach 20-21k dps and I just can't see where this almost +10k comes from. Simply getting rid of dodges just don't justify it. Rotation is also nearly the same I used.

Anyway will test it myself too once I arrive home

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> @"Zsoak.5409" said:

> > @"Blargo the Great.6704" said:

> > > @"TheSlothArmada.6709" said:

> > > Yeah I'm getting at max 22k DPS so I don't know what sort of magic is being pulled off here ;-;

> >

> > It might be rotation related. Timing the burst with your physical skill is key. I start in gs, gs throw, signet of fury, arcing slice, bulls charge, hundred blades, whirling attack, weapon swap, evis, whirling axe, cycle through axe skills and aa chain, evis, aa and skills some more, then bulls charge will come off cd, then you bulls charge, evis, whirling axe, weapon swap, arcing slice, hundred blades, whirling attack, throw, dodgeroll towards golem, rush, then arcing slice, throw, bulls charge, hundred blades, whirling attack weapon swap. That’s the rotation I followed. May not be the best but it seems to work. Bulls charge fits the rotation almost perfectly so it helped get the timing down


> Did you use the largest golem or the small hitbox one? As Sloth said the large hitbox has bugged toughness.

> Before this patch I could barely reach 20-21k dps and I just can't see where this almost +10k comes from. Simply getting rid of dodges just don't justify it. Rotation is also nearly the same I used.

> Anyway will test it myself too once I arrive home


I used the smallest golem. If I used the largest my dps would be ridiculous lol. Simply getting rid of dodges does justify it though. It opens up enough room in the rotation for an entire new weapon

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Power DPS Warrior was max 24k DPS pre-patch. Getting to 32k DPS is an 8k DPS difference. I am still skeptical before I get to test, but not spending 25% of the time dodging is a large benefit. You need to: (1) pre-stack Signet of Ferocity; (2) ensure you have 3 stacks of Berserker's Power; (3) prioritize Bursts, Hundred Blades and Whirling Axe (i.e. high damaging skills) when you have Peak Performance up; and (4) not cancel Axe auto-attack chain.

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> @"Mikeskies.1536" said:

> Power DPS Warrior was max 24k DPS pre-patch. Getting to 32k DPS is an 8k DPS difference. I am still skeptical before I get to test, but not spending 25% of the time dodging is a large benefit. You need to: (1) pre-stack Signet of Ferocity; (2) ensure you have 3 stacks of Berserker's Power; (3) prioritize Bursts, Hundred Blades and Whirling Axe (i.e. high damaging skills) when you have Peak Performance up; and (4) not cancel Axe auto-attack chain.


That was my strategy and I got those numbers. I don’t even have a full meta setup with infusions, air sigils, non poverty food etc. I pre stack the signets by using them then using the adrenaline mushroom so I can start with 5 stacks. This is fine because during the raid, fractal, etc you have down time where you can use the signets and I use 3 at least so it shouldn’t be a big deal to keep stacks up.

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> @"ADTempys.6382" said:

> It's jus because its is the 1million hp golem, you are just bursting...


> same build as you, same buffs in 2 minutes :


> https://i.imgur.com/8cYRjHI.jpg


> since you are wondering about my /age on war

> https://imgur.com/a/M76CD


I think if you use Discipline instead of Tactics and Kick instead of Bull's Charge, you'd sustain over 30k DPS, but remains to be tested and/or video evidence using a 4k HP golem.

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> @"ADTempys.6382" said:

> It's jus because its is the 1million hp golem, you are just bursting...


> same build as you, same buffs in 2 minutes :


> https://i.imgur.com/8cYRjHI.jpg


> since you are wondering about my /age on war

> https://imgur.com/a/M76CD


You must not be paying attention because I said to the other guy I redid it with a 4 mill hp golem and the overall dps was the same. I don’t need your /age because I can tell just by how you’ve responded you don’t know what you’re talking about



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With those i dont know but you alrdy have to much ferocity cause the assassin presence isnt realistic neither is the 6thboon, and this build is super mega selfish with rather low dps so there isnt much sense to run it.


But i guess this should around 30k to 31 max because kick will have cd while on 1 million golem it doesnt have to rebuild itself

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> @"ADTempys.6382" said:

> With those i dont know but you alrdy have to much ferocity cause the assassin presence isnt realistic neither is the 6thboon, and this build is super mega selfish with rather low dps so there isnt much sense to run it.


> But i guess this should around 30k to 31 max because kick will have cd while on 1 million golem it doesnt have to rebuild itself


Uh how is it any more selfish than ps warr always was? Again as I said the overall dps is similiar on a 4million golem if you do it right so if you aren’t getting the numbers then that’s on you.

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> @"Blargo the Great.6704" said:

> > @"ADTempys.6382" said:

> > With those i dont know but you alrdy have to much ferocity cause the assassin presence isnt realistic neither is the 6thboon, and this build is super mega selfish with rather low dps so there isnt much sense to run it.

> >

> > But i guess this should around 30k to 31 max because kick will have cd while on 1 million golem it doesnt have to rebuild itself


> Uh how is it any more selfish than ps warr always was? Again as I said the overall dps is similiar on a 4million golem if you do it right so if you aren’t getting the numbers then that’s on you.


I imagine he was referencing was the disp variant which obviously doesn't take PS.

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No i'm saying that because this build doesnt bring banners, doesnt bring any cleave, very low hard and soft cc used as an important part of the rotation, all those things were checked by PS while bringing great dps.


I'm a power warrior lover, i played it al lot and i still solo arah and duo dungeons with it, i'm literally the only guy playing spellbreaker in fractals for speedruns but thisbuild isnt the savior of power warrior.

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> @"cryorion.9532" said:

> I am very curious about that 40k power burst though, would love to see vid of it :D


Well it's just precast all your signets, reset -> to the limit -> axe 2 -> kick +axe f1 ->4->5 and it gets you this opening, basicaly 0.2s will make a very big dps difference since it's only 5s

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Load of BS. I'm not getting past 24k either and I have full power infusions, 100.0% crit chance after food _and _am unrealistically cheating by running 2 signets with unrealistic buffs.


I've tried this same str-arm-tac build, str-disp-tac variant, and even arm-tac-disp without greatsword. They are all 24k tops. The only difference is we get a continuous 8% power buff instead of the modifier after dodge. Thing is, that modifier was 10% which comes out to around 17% after factoring in all the other modifiers. That's just how percentages work. Since most all of the damage burst came from that dodge/charge/evis/spin combo, we are actually at a loss. I'm topping out at 97k with whirling axe when I used to be able to reach 114k.


Plus how are you cycling through your greatsword and axe skills with peak charge only coming from bull's charge itself? Your uptime can't be more than 20% and that 20% can't hold anything more than evis and whirling axe...


I was able to do about 1k damage _MORE_ before the patch. Your claim is either bogus or you're using a bugged golem.

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> @"SneakyTouchy.6043" said:

> Load of BS. I'm not getting past 24k either and I have full power infusions, 100.0% crit chance after food _and _am unrealistically cheating by running 2 signets with unrealistic buffs.


> I've tried this same str-arm-tac build, str-disp-tac variant, and even arm-tac-disp without greatsword. They are all 24k tops. The only difference is we get a continuous 8% power buff instead of the modifier after dodge. Thing is, that modifier was 10% which comes out to around 17% after factoring in all the other modifiers. That's just how percentages work. Since most all of the damage burst came from that dodge/charge/evis/spin combo, we are actually at a loss. I'm topping out at 97k with whirling axe when I used to be able to reach 114k.


> Plus how are you cycling through your greatsword and axe skills with peak charge only coming from bull's charge itself? Your uptime can't be more than 20% and that 20% can't hold anything more than evis and whirling axe...


> I was able to do about 1k damage _MORE_ before the patch. Your claim is either bogus or you're using a bugged golem.


Definite troll 10/10

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Tbh I think golems are buggy. Or some super weird multiplier stuff happened.


Two of my power toons lost serious damage during one of the last two patches (note: Only buffs introduced with the last patches tho)

And here some people claim to do 32k dps... Others can't get close to it although using the exact same gear/traits/rotations ?



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