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Condi - I still don't get it


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IMO, the way to properly fix condition damage is obvious - it's to reduce the damage, keep short durations, and nerf or remove most access to cleanse and immunity. The main purpose of conditions should be to ignore armor for the damage they deal, not to do damage over a long period of time. Power should deal more damage if the target does not have high armor, no matter how long a fight is.


Making them work more like EQ dots just reinforces the systemic problems we've had for years - armor is mostly pointless, conditions are too binary, damage in general is still too high relative to health and defense, and the necessity of running anti-condi restricts build diversity. To top it off, condi will still be meta in any fight that doesn't end really quickly or have specialized anti-condi mechanics (i.e. most PvE), it'll just be weaker in short fights.

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