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Petition to Revert the Arcane Fury Change


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> @"Razor.6392" said:

> > @"bearshaman.3421" said:

> > They moved it into the Air trait, where it makes sense. I'm fine with the change.


> It's still a nerf though lmao.


> * It has an ICD

> * It's not something you can control (before you could swap to any attunement before big skills like Phoenix or Fire Grab so you had fury before they hit)

> * You need to have a high crit chance already for it to work. If your build has like 40% or lower then good luck.

> * The only pvp build that takes the air trait line is FA / Lightning Rod scepter. EVERY OTHER BUILD doesn't.


> It went from a tactical trait to simpleminded garbage that procs whenever it wants, without you being able to keep track of it.




Ok that's fair. I can see wanting to have it be more in your control, though honestly I feel like using Air and not traiting for precision is kinda a waste. That said, I don't do pvp, so my perspective on it doesn't reach into that realm. The ICD is annoying, but then that's probably to prevent you getting 100% fury uptime with that trait. Honestly I avoid relying on one source for any boon, so if that's your only source, you should probably rethink your build imho.

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> @"bearshaman.3421" said:

> > @"Razor.6392" said:

> > > @"bearshaman.3421" said:

> > > They moved it into the Air trait, where it makes sense. I'm fine with the change.

> >

> > It's still a nerf though lmao.

> >

> > * It has an ICD

> > * It's not something you can control (before you could swap to any attunement before big skills like Phoenix or Fire Grab so you had fury before they hit)

> > * You need to have a high crit chance already for it to work. If your build has like 40% or lower then good luck.

> > * The only pvp build that takes the air trait line is FA / Lightning Rod scepter. EVERY OTHER BUILD doesn't.

> >

> > It went from a tactical trait to simpleminded garbage that procs whenever it wants, without you being able to keep track of it.

> >

> >


> Ok that's fair. I can see wanting to have it be more in your control, though honestly I feel like using Air and not traiting for precision is kinda a waste. That said, I don't do pvp, so my perspective on it doesn't reach into that realm. The ICD is annoying, but then that's probably to prevent you getting 100% fury uptime with that trait. Honestly I avoid relying on one source for any boon, so if that's your only source, you should probably rethink your build imho.


You're asking people to rethink the already very low amount of semi-viable ele pvp builds man lol.



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> @"bearshaman.3421" said:

> > @"Razor.6392" said:

> > > @"bearshaman.3421" said:

> > > They moved it into the Air trait, where it makes sense. I'm fine with the change.

> >

> > It's still a nerf though lmao.

> >

> > * It has an ICD

> > * It's not something you can control (before you could swap to any attunement before big skills like Phoenix or Fire Grab so you had fury before they hit)

> > * You need to have a high crit chance already for it to work. If your build has like 40% or lower then good luck.

> > * The only pvp build that takes the air trait line is FA / Lightning Rod scepter. EVERY OTHER BUILD doesn't.

> >

> > It went from a tactical trait to simpleminded garbage that procs whenever it wants, without you being able to keep track of it.

> >

> >


> Ok that's fair. I can see wanting to have it be more in your control, though honestly I feel like using Air and not traiting for precision is kinda a waste. That said, I don't do pvp, so my perspective on it doesn't reach into that realm. The ICD is annoying, but then that's probably to prevent you getting 100% fury uptime with that trait. Honestly I avoid relying on one source for any boon, so if that's your only source, you should probably rethink your build imho.





Elementalist doesn't have a single weapon or utility skill that **generates** fury. The only natural access Eles have to Fury is thru traits.












Fire is currently not really viable for PvP. Air, as mentioned, is used by FA (mostly Scepter) / LR (mostly Sword) Eles which then gives up either Arcane or Water which are both really essential to non-tempest and non-scepter builds.


**External Access to Fury**

Rune of Pack - 10s duration, 30s ICD

Rune of Rage - 15s duration, 30s ICD

Rune of Citadel - 15s duration, 30s ICD. Further extended by rune effects.

Rune of Evasion - 3s duration, 10s ICD

Rune of Altruism - 5s duration, 10s ICD (Need to pop Heal)


External Access to fury like runes vary in duration but are not really viable as they have long ICD. With the amount of boon corrupt and boon rip, only relying on long CD procs is not really feasible.


For WvW roaming, I just gave up on Weaver. I'm just running core DD with Air/Water/Arcane when I play on my Ele. Less evades and survivability, but more fluid and bursty than any balanced Sword/Dagger main hand Weaver build.

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> @"bearshaman.3421" said:

> I will concede the point ( I can admit to being wrong lol), but I will point out that Arcane Power flat out makes your next few attacks crit, so you can use that without precision or fury to get critical hits on key attacks.


Nah don't worry, I'm not "saging" you or anything. Sorry if I sounded offensive or anything, just sharing why some stuff doesn't work in PvP scenarios since you said you're not well versed in the game mode.

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> @"Kyon.9735" said:

> > @"bearshaman.3421" said:

> > I will concede the point ( I can admit to being wrong lol), but I will point out that Arcane Power flat out makes your next few attacks crit, so you can use that without precision or fury to get critical hits on key attacks.


> Nah don't worry, I'm not "saging" you or anything. Sorry if I sounded offensive or anything, just sharing why some stuff doesn't work in PvP scenarios since you said you're not well versed in the game mode.


It's cool. :) Thanks. Try the arcane power skill and see if that works for ya. I'd be curious if that would do it.

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> @"bearshaman.3421" said:

> > @"Kyon.9735" said:

> > > @"bearshaman.3421" said:

> > > I will concede the point ( I can admit to being wrong lol), but I will point out that Arcane Power flat out makes your next few attacks crit, so you can use that without precision or fury to get critical hits on key attacks.

> >

> > Nah don't worry, I'm not "saging" you or anything. Sorry if I sounded offensive or anything, just sharing why some stuff doesn't work in PvP scenarios since you said you're not well versed in the game mode.


> It's cool. :) Thanks. Try the arcane power skill and see if that works for ya. I'd be curious if that would do it.


4 stacks of 100% crit chance on a 45s base cooldown is not really worth a utility slot PvP-wise.

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> @"Zintrothen.1056" said:

> They won't revert it. Anet never admits they made a mistake. Instead, we should ask for a better version of the new version. 1 might on attunement swap is just horrendous. Should be 3 minimum. Or change it so that might adds an additional effect. They've been doing that over time to other professions.



it's honestly just really bad right now and i think that's the biggest problem

however, air should be the one dealing with fury/crit, so i do personally find that it's okay to be there


water is required, as so many keep stating, so we can't branch out into other lines, but that's a separate issue on a larger scale, so i still feel like while that trait does belong in air, something ELSE needs to be tweaked elsewhere, that's the biggest issue... not necessarily this trait being required for arcane simply BECAUSE water is essential, but it's because water is so bloated to give up, we can't bring anything else


>The fire line even has a GM trait that gives fury and there's only one trait that relies on crits. Why not move that to Arcane, and change the GM to give additional might when blasting any fire field?


honestly, could you imagine if it could do different things in Arcane line?


causing "fields" you create to last longer

and then blasting an elemental field causes a new effect based on that field, including fury




too bad it sounds like it'd be a must-pick, if not for everything else, but for fury access that is already on one of our best lines....


just figures there's so many incredible possibilities they could use, but they seem to pick the dumbest things... like do they honestly just have 3 people on the balance team that don't even balance based on things aside from the spvp golems?


how does 1 might on attunement swap really seem like it was worth exchanging for a fury proc on swap.... you can't balance a game based off killing things that are required... you need to balance things in a larger picture, not just constantly smashing must-picks down a peg.....



**even though i'm sure most will disagree with me:

i disagree with OP

i feel like air needs to be the crit/fury line, Arcane utility skills giving Ferocity makes the arcane skills hit harder, because they always crit, which is their thing, while still giving you the option to get harder crits all around if you decide to forsake defense for Arcane/Air, only problem is, too much of ele defense comes from traits mutually exclusive to these, so we can't build up somewhere else for it due to the sheer capability of them, and lack of it everywhere else

they need to fix their balance elsewhere, before making decisions like this, however, that's one thing that i'll agree with, it was an odd change to throw out without fixing something else, first, elementalist should have high base numbers, that only get even more terrifying with crits, which is why you should need to glass up and build into air for good fury access, but that's just not how the game is working at the moment, and i think that's the issue, the class as a whole is having a problem with required trait lines (course, what class isn't)**

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> @"Crinn.7864" said:

> While the benefit of trading fury for might is dubious at best, people are massively overestimating how useful that fury was.


> It was a horizontal change, not a nerf.


Even most optimistically you can consider that you traded fury for 4 might stacks (4x duration). That's 120 power and 120 Condition damage for the loss of 420 precision from fury. And realistically - fury is front loaded, giving you 420 right off the bat. Might stacks are backloaded, meaning that you only get your might stacks value when you fight for a longer time, not to mention that they have a tendency to go poof from scourges and spellbreakers. Which is not a problem for a short duration Fury since you'll get the value out of it immediately after gaining it.


It is a buff only and only if you get fury from other sources, such as your teammates or the Air line(which got somewhat buffed - you gain fury instead of inflicting pathetic vulnerability stacks. But then again vulnerability stacks protected your damaging conditions, so it's hard to call it a big buff too.) The problem with that? You don't have water line, so you're vulnerable to conditions.


All in all, the change is a net nerf but outperforms old trait in a few situations where you get fury from outside sources.


I actually like getting might stacks. Because you can make value both of power and condition damage. If you were getting 2x stacks per attunement swap it would be comparable in power to the old arcana(240 might/condition damage for the loss of 420 precision, but is backloaded and easier to remove)


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Arcain line is an utitly line not a dmg line. Might nor fury fit that effect it needs to be an on swap effect that has a utitly boon or tool in mind such as a heal on swap (reg). Air and fire line are the dmg lines air having fury on swap in the air line may fit better as well as putting might on swap in fire line.

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Core scepter ele is way weaker now with the gale -> phoenix combo. you cannot guarantee to have fury when you do it. in fact you won't if thats your opening because gale does no damage lol, need an arcane blast first no matter what. tough luck for those that dont run elemental surge!

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