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R E F L H E X.8413

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Plaguelands could have just been added in beside plague. I'm not quite sure why they wanted to remove plague the necro was a superior "secondary" support option at the time than he was a bunker. I'm not sure if they rfg'ed it for bunker reasons or just wanted to add a new skill which could have been added without changing this one... Necros were better for the team on a secondary support role rather than bunker.


Some people probably didnt see this when I was running it and I didnt record it however the support necro has been changed quite a bit and it wasnt a bunker role he wasnt even that good for trying to support the team alone he just had the main supports back when shit hit the fan to blind spam in plague to help the other support through recharges with some side heals and condi removes. It was very strong secondary support that made for good longer played teamfights when he was around. (this necro ran mercy runes/celestial ammy which were also removed and had traits merged into grandmaster nerfing it farther than just plague for defensive purposes of blind spamming).

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Indeed. Plague had niche use in pvp and wvw, whereas Plaguelands is amazing in pve, great for pvp (area denial) and pretty good in wvw (siege bombing and area denial). Now if only they had the decency to do the same to Lich form, instead of the somewhat silly update they did last patch. A nice party support damage increase elite would be just the thing.

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I miss old plague too. It had issue to be sure, like being too passive and easy to shut down with condi spam or moa. That's something that needed fixes - more counterplay options, bigger interactivity.


As OP stated - plaguelands is good, but reworked plague that let's you react to enemy behavior save dodging or selecting another condi to pulse would be great to have as well.

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