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What is current fractals meta?

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Returning player with a simple set of questions.


If there a meta group composition that is used in CM fractal groups? How closely do say metabattle builds track with reality (i have lasting skepticism of the site from its earlier days)? Are there any "taboo" classes that won't be taken by LFG groups? Are there any weird food/oil reqs to know about?


Thanks in advance. I will of course be looking these things up but i wanted to drop a line on the forums in case anyone had any input while i looked.

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Now that Distort share is gone, I think the meta composition is more lenient now. Ideally you want


* Quickness (Chrono is still the best at it, but followed by Firebrand)

* Alacrity (Traditionally another Chrono responsibility, but Renegade can upkeep at nearly 100% now)

* Might stacking (PS Warrior helps, but requires a very high skill to keep 25 running. Druid took the spot but has much smaller radius. Seraph Firebrand and Scourge are also capable of Might stacking)

* Heals and/or Barriers for certain fights are immensely helpful, although Barrier might just become more prominent as it's unaffected by Agony's healing reduction (but at the same time, it itself is unaffected by bonus Healing effectiveness)


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