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Can we get some slight changes?[PvP Focus]


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@"AEFA.9035" On the note of poison master at the very least. Oh my fucking god NO. Just NO. Barrage+Call Lightning would be easy massive stacks of aoe poison. Especially combined with vulture stance. I just cant agree with that one. Invigorating bond is toeing hte line of OP. Id say aoe resistance for 3s and that would be enough. The healing power based on vitality is interesting. But your really risking giving druid yet another heavy sustain option with that.


Like alot of your stuff. STARTS GOOD. And then gets horendously overpowered. I dont think you realize what a soulbeast could do with that Lightning Reflexes.


Passive resistance again isnt something I want. Thats way to strong a boon.


Sharpened Edges. Again I dont think you realize what a spike build could do with that. I can ALREADY almost one-2 shot people in a marauders amulet. WIth that I could potentialy run an unblockable one shot build and break firebrands.

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The reason why the suggestions are so heavily geared towards condition cleansing is because core Rangers general lack of condition cleansing combined with the metagames overwhelming condition spam and coverage is basically forcing certain build options to be mandatory to be able to even exist in the current PvP climate.


Ultimately, balance wise, because the current build options aren't actually stronger than the relative baseline state of balance, the direction to then move is to create or buff existing, preferably core Ranger options to take pressure off of the few necessary trait/utility picks so that viable builds can be built without them.


The nice thing about dealing with condition cleansing balance is that condition cleanses are only as strong as conditions are prevalent in the metagame. It means that if conditions in the metagame are manageable or non-existent, other options can be competitive without having to buff their power since they are powerful by virtue of being sometime other than a condition cleanse.

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