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Abrasive Grit isn't working properly.


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Before Tuesday's Patch each application of barrier cleared a condi. So in essence you could have 4 condies on you and place 3 shades on top of yourself and clear 3 of the condies if you ran the barrier on shade trait. Now it only clears 1 condi, the 2nd & 3rd Shade doesn't clear a condi.


The condies are only cleared when you let the Barrier go away after 5 seconds and apply fresh barrier.


The net result of this is that as a necro you now have very little condition clear, unless you run consume conditions and well of power. Scourge has F2 condi clear every 6.5 seconds, but the ability to use barrier as a condi clear and might stacker is no longer working.


Anyone else also experienced this please bump my Bug Post because I'm not sure Anet is taking it seriously. In WvW this has made condies much worse than before. Even full TB Scourges could clear condies if traited for it. Not now.


It specifically hurts the Support Scourge more than any other build of Necro. Which I think is against the Direction Anet wants to take the class. Its vital that it be resolved ASAP.


[https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/20800/abrasive-grit-is-not-longer-working-after-changes-to-barrier#latest](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/20800/abrasive-grit-is-not-longer-working-after-changes-to-barrier#latest "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/20800/abrasive-grit-is-not-longer-working-after-changes-to-barrier#latest")


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Placing 1 shade gives the same amount of health as placing 3 currently , so I would guess that the application is only a single one which would mean only one condi is cleared. I'm not a 100% sure but I think it was same pre patch, just a couple of troubleshooting thoughts, it could have something to do with what you used to apply your barrier as well as traits. Did you change your traits at all and were you testing in same game mode? If you run curses and path of corruption then that might account for the xtra cleared condis although technically they would of been converted to boons if you used shroud 2. There is also the plague sending trait which could account for additional cleared condis if you used shroud 5 in conjuction with shroud 2 then that would also explain it but without know what build you used before and which one now and which abilities were used I couldnt say for sure. Bump also in case this is an issue :)

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> @"Crazy.6029" said:

> Placing 1 shade gives the same amount of health as placing 3 currently , so I would guess that the application is only a single one which would mean only one condi is cleared. I'm not a 100% sure but I think it was same pre patch, just a couple of troubleshooting thoughts, it could have something to do with what you used to apply your barrier as well as traits. Did you change your traits at all and were you testing in same game mode? If you run curses and path of corruption then that might account for the xtra cleared condis although technically they would of been converted to boons if you used shroud 2. There is also the plague sending trait which could account for additional cleared condis if you used shroud 5 in conjuction with shroud 2 then that would also explain it but without know what build you used before and which one now and which abilities were used I couldnt say for sure. Bump also in case this is an issue :)


Abrasive Grit is supposed to clear a condition every time you apply a Barrier to yourself or someone else.


After Teusday's patch, it's only clearing a condition if the person did not have any barrier on them already. If they do, the trait doesn't function.

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I agree, its supposed to clear but putting three shades on top of yourself is not 3 separate clears it acts only as one barrier therefore only 1 clear (to use the example the op used). I just tested it though and **I can confirm that it is not working ** multiple conditions once applied on me will not clear even if separate barriers are applied using S2 S5 and Sand Flare, it is currently only using one clear til the initial barrier has expired. Has this been posted/reported in the bug forums?

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> @"Crazy.6029" said:

> I agree, its supposed to clear but putting three shades on top of yourself is not 3 separate clears it acts only as one barrier therefore only 1 clear (to use the example the op used). I just tested it though and **I can confirm that it is not working ** multiple conditions once applied on me will not clear even if separate barriers are applied using S2 S5 and Sand Flare, it is currently only using one clear til the initial barrier has expired. Has this been posted/reported in the bug forums?


How is placing three shades on top of yourself (using Desert Empowerment) not three barriers?

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> @"Corthyll.7635" said:

> They changed barrier so that one does not extend the life or add to another until it has ended. Working as intended but the devs may not have remembered/be concerned by this condi removal affect


Not true. Barrier values will still stack up. Don't believe me? Equip Scourge, hit F5, wait 2 seconds, and hit F3.


What changed is:


1. Barrier no longer decays.

2. Each instance of Barrier has its own lifespan which does not get reset by another barrier application.

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using abrasive grit and desert empowerment and demonic lore. (just to clear things with you guys here).


1st scenario: if you place a shade you apply barrier to 3 people.

so if you place one shade = 1300 barrier. place another shade and you get another 1300 barrier. place the third shade and you get yet another 1300 barrier.

so a maximum of 3900 barrier. after 5 seconds the first applied barrier *poof* is gone, then the second and then the third. alright?!


nobody is talking of stacking 3 shades on top of each other and then using f3 (sand cascade) for a barrier!!

because indeed (as some mentioned) this will NOT give 3 times the amount of the f3 ability.


now we are back to abrasive grit: each time you apply a barrier remove 1 condition and grant 2 stacks of might.

again first scenario:

place one shade, get a barrier, get 2 stacks of might and cleanse one condition.

now what happens atm is: you place a second shade. that second shade gives another barrier on top of the first BUT does not give 2 stacks of might and does not cleanse one condition. if you place the third shade = same.


same happens to any skill applying barrier.

what should happen is:

the scourge has no barrier uses the heal barrier = 2 stacks of might. then the scourge uses any other ability that grants barrier. lets say f3. which should be another 2 stacks of might and a condition cleanse.

what actually happens is:

first barrier applied gives 2 stacks of might and cleanses one condition. the second barrier applied (from the same scourge ofc) does NOTHING except giving another barrier. no might, no cleanse.


for anybody questioning the bug: is it more clear now?

i dont think this behaviour is intended. because then might stacking on scourge is more dead than it was before. i know arenanet is able to beat dead horses, but this one here is so obvious i doubt it is a feature.

it has nothing to do with "extending" barriers as it was possible pre patch. nothing to do with placing 3 shades on top of each other. the trait is just not appling might and condi cleanse on each barrier granted from the scourge if there is already a barrier present. and yes, barriers can still stack, they just dont extend their own duration anymore.



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