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[MAJOR SUGGESTION] Revert the entire 12-2017 balance patch

Master Ketsu.4569

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> @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> Updated with reflections on condi. After testing condi builds affected by the changes, I've found they are actually stronger in pvp due to increased durations making it easier to use cover conditions. With this, pretty much everything about this patch directly contradicted the balance teams stated goals. There really is no reason at all to not revert this.


Ooo, as far as Quaggan remembers they weren't planing to "nerf conditions", but "make them less spikey".

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> @"Morwath.9817" said:

> > @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> > Updated with reflections on condi. After testing condi builds affected by the changes, I've found they are actually stronger in pvp due to increased durations making it easier to use cover conditions. With this, pretty much everything about this patch directly contradicted the balance teams stated goals. There really is no reason at all to not revert this.


> Ooo, as far as Quaggan remembers they weren't planing to "nerf conditions", but "make them less spikey".


Well the problem is the balance team doesn't seem to get that it's not really stacks of individual conditions that are creating the problem, but stacks of multiple different sources which render most cleanse skill ineffective.


For instance, take a look at burn guardian. Burn guardians are annoying, and have spike, but they aren't actually an OP build and can be dealt with pretty easily. Why? Because Burn Guards have almost no cover conditions, that's why. So their "Burst" is easily negated. In most cases if you die to a burn guard it's your fault.


But the more recent condi builds can consistently stack 5-8 conditions at once and thus can only be stopped with either resistance or a full cleanse- two types of skills that are severely limited. This creates a seriously small window of ways these builds can be countered, and increasing duration just makes it easier for them to spam cover conditions.




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So something I don't really understand about conditions.. what do the "number of stacks" actually matter? A skill that applies a condition does a certain amount of damage in a certain duration. In the patch they increased the duration of condis, thus making them take longer to deal their damage. But they also did a lot of reducing how many "stacks" of a condi is applied, and I don't understand how that makes any difference. What does it matter how many stacks are on something? Dont just the duration and damage matter? Theres a fea traits that interact with stacks, but thats all I can think of.

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