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What would be considered the "one creature army" class/build?

Ayumi Spender.1082

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> Just wondering, what's the classes and/or builds best to take on like 2 or 3 champions at once and not squishy as all hell?


A minion reaper, or a power clone mirage, are the closest. Or DH, if you are good at kiting, and the champs don't have breakbars so you can ward them.

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You honestly just need a skilled player for that. You can give the sturdiest build to the worst player there is no way he would achieve a solo 3 champion kill. A skilled player will be able to do so even with a not so sturdy build. This "one man army" thing depend on the player not on the build.

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Spellbreakers are a thing, and VERY tanky if you build them that way.


That being said, I solo'ed the Maguuma Hero Points with a minion necro with random traits and Level-Up gear just to see if I could. I imagine if you actually learned the traits, and got a real armour set, you'd be practically unbeatable.

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> @"Westenev.5289" said:


> Spellbreakers are a thing, and VERY tanky if you build them that way.


> That being said, I solo'ed the Maguuma Hero Points with a minion necro with random traits and Level-Up gear just to see if I could. I imagine if you actually learned the traits, and got a real armour set, you'd be practically unbeatable.


Fore sure on SB... and for the most part you don't even need to change gear from full zerk... just swap a few traits and start running shield... suddenly you have massive might generation and high up-time of invulnerability/large numbers of active blocks. Kinda silly tbh.


After that, I used to run a high shroud uptime Reaper (haven't tried since most recent Reaper's Shroud nerf, but imagine I would have to build even tankier than before) in Cav/Valk with Decimate Defenses that could solo every HP in HoT with careful play and only the shout minions.

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