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Thief - Idea for rework of some unused skills.


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Hi my name is Cubotrix and I wanted to share with you guys an idea I had about a rework for the Thief "summoning" utilities ( Thieves guild and ambush ).

Instead of summoning two thieves that deal minimal DPS why not changing the thieves to "shadow forms" where for a very short duration if trap is trigerred/ elite used a shadow clones of you will be spawned ( liadri the concelaing dark style where u only see a shadow) that copies all the actions of the player and has all of the modifiers of the player at the moment of creation ( basically a copy of yourself) , so basically a double damage window for the thief. OF COURSE this with a 20 sec window would be insane so I would say a 2sec window for trap and a 4sec window for elite ( insta cast thieves guild), both these skills with a quite long cooldown(50sec?) to compensate. This would give thieves with a good opportunity window and strategic planning and a robust BURST dmg increase on their abilities followed by a low curve of dmg until cycle repeats which is by all means how a thief should be played in a Burst DPS and not sustained.


I would like to know your opinions and ideas on this idea and any suggestions you might have are more than welcomed :)


Best regards, Cubo

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I think this would be difficult to properly balance. Many of our skills are high-damage enough that allowing them to be multiplied like that would give us way too much potential to one-shot other players. Backstab, Death's Judgement, Pistol Whip and Unload would all become instant-death sentences even against tanky builds.

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