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Power Mesmer in T4 Fractals


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Our mesmer usually runs dps on short fights too but its still not good to use it as primary dps.

Has slow ramp up and t4's are usually really burst heavy.

On the first kitty golem you can achieve 40k+ on a dps profession with proper buffs.

But yes you can be top dps in pugs with almost everything. There was even a guy here a few days ago saying condi is meta in fractals.

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> @"Nephalem.8921" said:

> Our mesmer usually runs dps on short fights too but its still not good to use it as primary dps.

> Has slow ramp up and t4's are usually really burst heavy.

> On the first kitty golem you can achieve 40k+ on a dps profession with proper buffs.

> But yes you can be top dps in pugs with almost everything. There was even a guy here a few days ago saying condi is meta in fractals.


I just like the direction they are taking with power Mesmer. With a bit more fine tuning I think it could be in a really good spot.

I don't know about saying you can be top dps in PuGs or even in static group. Its a generalization and downplays player skills. Also, Power meta for quite a few of the tough fractals.

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> @"dontlook.1823" said:

> > @"Nephalem.8921" said:

> > Our mesmer usually runs dps on short fights too but its still not good to use it as primary dps.

> > Has slow ramp up and t4's are usually really burst heavy.

> > On the first kitty golem you can achieve 40k+ on a dps profession with proper buffs.

> > But yes you can be top dps in pugs with almost everything. There was even a guy here a few days ago saying condi is meta in fractals.


> I just like the direction they are taking with power Mesmer. With a bit more fine tuning I think it could be in a really good spot.

> I don't know about saying you can be top dps in PuGs or even in static group. Its a generalization and downplays player skills. Also, Power meta for quite a few of the tough fractals.




difficulty: 1/10


Getting 3 sword phantasms out, auto attacking and using mantra of pain and sword 2 on cooldown is now considered player skill?


Yes, player skill does factor into how well people can perform on classes in T4 fractals and challenge modes. As far as skill required, power mesmer is probably the easiest build available in the entire game besides maybe auto attack hammer guardian but even he has to use more utility skills.

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2 healers and you still range with gs at mai trin.

Super useless on split Phase.

But are pugs seriously using 2 full healers there?

Archdiviner with Portal, no sword offhand and again super useless compared to a chrono or a proper dps profession.

In uncat you lack cleave for the 2 champs and can't even dps the Golem without the consoles.

You can reach 40k+ on a proper dps profession there and 50k+ on broken weaver.


It shows how easy t4 fractals are and how bad pugs are. Like that holo on archdiviner should have like 5 times the damage. Like i said in a previous post. You could have been top dps with almost anything in that groups. This includes power druid.

If viable means being able to complete fractals everything is viable since you can solo most of them.

But other specialisations would bring more damage or much higher utility compared to power mesmer.


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> @"Nephalem.8921" said:

> 2 healers and you still range with gs at mai trin.

> Super useless on split Phase.

> But are pugs seriously using 2 full healers there?

> Archdiviner with Portal, no sword offhand and again super useless compared to a chrono or a proper dps profession.

> In uncat you lack cleave for the 2 champs and can't even dps the Golem without the consoles.

> You can reach 40k+ on a proper dps profession there and 50k+ on broken weaver.


> It shows how easy t4 fractals are and how bad pugs are. Like that holo on archdiviner should have like 5 times the damage. Like i said in a previous post. You could have been top dps with almost anything in that groups. This includes power druid.

> If viable means being able to complete fractals everything is viable since you can solo most of them.

> But other specialisations would bring more damage or much higher utility compared to power mesmer.



Alright, man. The videos are more or less to showcase how far along Power Mesmer has come. As for the team composition I mostly just join the first T4 group I see.


So there isn't much to say there other than yes we got two healers? I've been in groups with one healer and groups with none my performance is just about the same.


Also, I've been playing for five years and have been doing fractals since day one. I'm not sure how to respond to it shows "how bad pick up groups are"? That has got to be one of the most condescending things I've heard. One of all the videos I posted had a two healer comp.



Uh, and lastly yes we all know Weaver, DH, and Holosmith are the top most power DPS choice as of right now. But I think you're forgetting a lot of factors. Such as player skill, mechanics done right, and how well one knows the fractal itself.


I do fractals every night I don't know how else to say yes, eles have really high cleave and burst damage but in some cases I beat them in single target damage. That and I've got a few friends who would call BS on an ELE pulling off the full 50k rotation. Really outragoues to even bring up since most bosses are dead before they can even reach 50k. 30 maybe 35k but I've yet to see someone pull off that 50k rotation in fractals.


And what's with this utility thing? Focus pull and decimate the enemies is plenty for content such as fractals.

And just a huge FYI as some have already commented on my post in the Mesmer forums any more than 12k DPS for one player trivializes the content. In fact, 12k+ DPS is where you want to be for CMs all of which the power Mesmer can achieve.


It would seem what you're implying is that I should show videos of speed runs where everyone is playing the most efficient 5 man slot comp. In which case, this isn't that. I'm appealing to the general public and any others who are interested. I'm well aware that Power Mesmer could use some work but that's going to take some time and thus far I like what they've done.


> @"CrustyBot.3564" said:

> T4s outside maybe the CMs can be completed quite handily with any class and most setups, Power Mesmer is not the strongest build but works for pugging T4s. However, you shouldn't shuffle around so much, you proc a heap of social awkwardness by doing so.


In most of the higher T4s social awkwardness isn't a thing since the addition of hamstrung.

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Weaver dps is higher in short fights, it doesn't have ramp up. Acually the opposite, starts really high and falls down. Its not uncommon to see 60k on really short phases like skorvald cm first 33% or siax.

Weaver is beyond overpowered in fractals so you can't compare anything to that. Power mesmer is comparable to scourge but without epidemic and mostly single target damage.

It's not like having low expectations on pugs is something strange. Quite the opposite. Finding 4 decent players outside of the meta 100kp + cms groups is usually the exception. Everyone i know has horror stories of it. Unkillable ooze in thaumanova, multiple perma dead players at bloomhunger, players obviously not knowing any skills that are not part of the metabattle / qt skillbar.

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> @"Nephalem.8921" said:

> Weaver dps is higher in short fights, it doesn't have ramp up. Acually the opposite, starts really high and falls down. Its not uncommon to see 60k on really short phases like skorvald cm first 33% or siax.

> Weaver is beyond overpowered in fractals so you can't compare anything to that. Power mesmer is comparable to scourge but without epidemic and mostly single target damage.

> It's not like having low expectations on pugs is something strange. Quite the opposite. Finding 4 decent players outside of the meta 100kp + cms groups is usually the exception. Everyone i know has horror stories of it. Unkillable ooze in thaumanova, multiple perma dead players at bloomhunger, players obviously not knowing any skills that are not part of the metabattle / qt skillbar.


I see. I don't often run into those problems often. I generally have zero expectations. Which is neither good nor bad.

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> @"Nephalem.8921" said:

> Weaver dps is higher in short fights, it doesn't have ramp up. Acually the opposite, starts really high and falls down. Its not uncommon to see 60k on really short phases like skorvald cm first 33% or siax.

> Weaver is beyond overpowered in fractals so you can't compare anything to that. Power mesmer is comparable to scourge but without epidemic and mostly single target damage.

> It's not like having low expectations on pugs is something strange. Quite the opposite. Finding 4 decent players outside of the meta 100kp + cms groups is usually the exception. Everyone i know has horror stories of it. Unkillable ooze in thaumanova, multiple perma dead players at bloomhunger, players obviously not knowing any skills that are not part of the metabattle / qt skillbar.


Or my favorite and the most common. Players who do everything to avoid the meta battle/qT skill bar.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> Why shoot yourself in the foot and play with 3 necros? Id justify like 1 at most 2 but 3? Are the kitties at the end so hard?


Usually I prefer 5 necro teams for 99cm and 100cm. Just makes it safer. Otherwise I have no preference for party comp. But what do you mean by its shooting yourself in the foot?

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> @"Warcry.1596" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > Why shoot yourself in the foot and play with 3 necros? Id justify like 1 at most 2 but 3? Are the kitties at the end so hard?


> Usually I prefer 5 necro teams for 99cm and 100cm. Just makes it safer. Otherwise I have no preference for party comp. But what do you mean by its shooting yourself in the foot?


That the fractal will take twice the time to complete.

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> @"Warcry.1596" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > Why shoot yourself in the foot and play with 3 necros? Id justify like 1 at most 2 but 3? Are the kitties at the end so hard?


> Usually I prefer 5 necro teams for 99cm and 100cm. Just makes it safer. Otherwise I have no preference for party comp. But what do you mean by its shooting yourself in the foot?


It has been my general experience that multi-necro parties are terrible. Necromancers have terrible ramp-up time, poor boon granting abilities and a narrow toolbox of skills which can be fully accomplished with a single necro. To top it off, necro parties are full of lazy players. Just the other day, one of them unironically said that all you needed to do in a necro party is auto-attack with scepter. I've been the chronobuffer on a party or two that would attempt the "stack necro" strategy, and they always fail to kill the anomalies at Artsariiv. They do terrible in other fractals, too, where their primary strategy is to either run around frenetically or stack to die.


And yet this myth of the good necro party persists. I can't take my scourge into fractals, because if I do everybody else on the team changes their characters to other necros, or it attracts a bunch of other necromancers.

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Ive never been one for caring about time taken. 100cm running it that way has taken about 20-25 minutes. Not great, but not horrifically slow. I'd rather people enjoy what they're playing to force them on something "better" just because it makes it go faster.


Neither way is right or wrong, we have our styles that work. My goal is completing content, others want to complete it as fast as possible.

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I doubt that a full 5 man necro group will kill the anomaly at Arkk in time without having the possibility to use Epidemic namely after 70% and 40% when he is coming back to the platform without condis on him. Maybe some very skilled players will be able to but not the general T5 necro crew. In EU there are 0 LFGs for such groups relating to 100CM. 99 is a different thing - works ok'ish and is seen from time to time in the LFG.

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