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State of the Revenant


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Question, how is Rev doing? When I came back to gw2 few months ago, after 4 years away, I thought Revenant looked fun! But everything I read said stay away! They suck bad right now! So I went back to my old school mesmer...hate that I am forced to play condi mesmer to "keep up with the Jones' "and still be viable but I'm learning...tonight I entertained the idea of trying Revenant again but I wanted to find out if it's worth the time? Are they still that bad? Thanks ;)

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Yeah 99% of everything on the forums are like this. If you want to play something avoid it or take everything into consideration.


If something is not top it sucks - forum logic.

PUGs believe meta is the only way to play the game and if something isn't meta it's bad, sux etc.

Also keep in mind that 90% of playerbase aren't as skilled as qT, snowcrows or other meta builders - duh not even I am, I'm a mediocre player. But I see to many meta players that don't have an Idea how to play their class.


I play Rev and it's a fun class but it requires more than just mashing buttons (energy) it requires PATIENCE, and an open mind. Rev is not the best profession in the game but it's not weak at all if you can play it properly.


I like ventari healing rev in fractals, I can carry many PUGs on t3 (well... not if they run all over the place, but if they stack it's good)

In dungeons I play the power Renegade version.

Sometimes power herald if the team has no buffs at all... And on high end fractals it depends what the team needs if dps than viper Condi Rev. If we don't have a chrono I go with a guardian, he keeps the quickness and I alacrity. It depends on what you can bring to the team.


In open world I love the leeching Renegade with an easy 25 might 25 vulnerability burts with some amazing healing combos.


IF You want to raid with PUGs than it depends on the pug if they want a meta only comps than Condi Rev is totally fine atm, it ONLY depends on what idea the Raid Leader has and what he wants to bring.


I can't talk about PvP or WvW becouse I don't play them.


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> @"Seabhac.6824" said:

> I entertained the idea of trying Revenant again but I wanted to find out if it's worth the time? Are they still that bad? Thanks ;)


Your main is meta and top build in almost every game mode; stay away from Revenant, it will save you from a lot of frustration.

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The Rev is in a weird place. It is not incapable in any sense, and yet it doesn't have stellar performance.


--Renegades can might cap a group solo, but they aren't the best might givers overall.

--Herald can give a lot of group boons (protection, fury, swiftness), but a lot of other classes do that. Also in PVP and WvW there is a lot of boon hate now.

--They have a lot of utilities that are good, but are covered by other classes that people take anyway. Alacirty and Boonstrip are done by chrono, projectile destruction is handled by druids and firebrands, CC is done by holosmiths and chronos, etc. and so on.

--Renegade condi DPS is on the low side of good. It is serviceable, but most people want something better.

--Herald DPS is low, but in short fights they're still good.


The class is still fun, and there's nothing in PVE that you can't do with a Rev. Problem is, you'll get a lot of ire from elitists who'd rather rage endlessly than let people play the classes they want.

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:


> The class is still fun, and there's nothing in PVE that you can't do with a Rev. Problem is, you'll get a lot of ire from elitists who'd rather rage endlessly than let people play the classes they want.


Those "elitist" are people playing in a game mode in which success isn't granted, so they try to maximize the chances of getting their goals and therefore not wasting their time in failed adventures.


I don't play raids, but entirely understand why the people playing pugs are selective: in a guild team you known the other players and due social interactions you can enjoy the have the luxury of being patient and failing. In a pug game you're dealing with unknown players, so you can afford refusing to enrole with a guy which seems to run a sub par build or class because being rude towards him has no social cost.


That's why PvP is so great: you can chose to run_ your favorite support thief build_, being the worst healer in the world, and no one can prevent you to play the match.

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> @"Buran.3796" said:

> > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:


> > The class is still fun, and there's nothing in PVE that you can't do with a Rev. Problem is, you'll get a lot of ire from elitists who'd rather rage endlessly than let people play the classes they want.


> Those "elitist" are people playing in a game mode in which success isn't granted, so they try to maximize the chances of getting their goals and therefore not wasting their time in failed adventures.


> I don't play raids, but entirely understand why the people playing pugs are selective: in a guild team you known the other players and due social interactions you can enjoy the have the luxury of being patient and failing. In a pug game you're dealing with unknown players, so you can afford refusing to enrole with a guy which seems to run a sub par build or class because being rude towards him has no social cost.


> That's why PvP is so great: you can chose to run_ your favorite support thief build_, being the worst healer in the world, and no one can prevent you to play the match.


Raids are not on a level of difficulty where running a Renegade (32k DPS) would spell death instead of running a SoulBeast or a Firebrand (34k DPS). Raids fail due to poorly executed tactics, and never due to class dependent DPS. Most of the players who have poor DPS are such because they don't know the proper methods to maximize damage. I'll take a Deadeye who knows how to maximize their DPS over a Weaver who doesn't any day.

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It's pretty mediocre in terms of everything. The problem is that it doesn't really have any strengths, nothing it excels at, while being really weak to conditions and a bunch of other things. It's not to the point of unplayability, it can do damage and survive and all, but it's just weaker than literally every other class at what it does. If you are an open world pve player, rev will be totally fine. but anything competitive, including raids, you are going to struggle or at least bring less to the table than any other class. The design is also clunky as all hell. And judging by the way anet hasn't taken notice of any of this, or at least no acknowledgement, I would suspect even more nerfs before there are buffs. Mesmer is also near the top of the food chain currently, being extremely useful and effective in all game modes.

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There is absolutely no reason for you not to play Rev. Play it for a bit and make a decision yourself. When HoT beta came out, I decided to make it my main, and I've been happily playing it since. Yes, I do get frustrated with the constant nerfs, yes, it is really weak to condis, like REALLY weak to condis, yes, there is not a whole lot of build diversity, and yes, underwater combat sucks, but Rev isn't bad. Herald shines in non meta comps because of the boons it shares with allies, survivability, and dps (while not outstanding, it certainly does well in everything pve wise except raids). I, personally, hate Renegade, but it's not up to me to decide what you want to play. Renegade is slow and really only viable in raids, open world pve, and t4 fractals and does much better in a meta comp than a non (meta build wise). You can really play whatever you want though, but may find more frustration in your travels as a result. Rev requires a bit more understanding of how the profession works, and isn't as easy as jumping on it and just mashing buttons. You also have to consider playing in anything that is going to be condi heavy against you. While I enjoy playing Rev in every game mode, sPvP can be really frustrating and so can condi heavy areas in PoF and HoT. Just know that if you play Rev, you may be asked to play something else (I've never had this happen), you may be asked to play Renegade over Herald (had this happen once in a dungeon of all things), or you may be kicked without any explanation (never had this happen). In my experience, make your own groups and prove yourself (I am a really good Herald, and I have proven this time and time again, so I don't usually get anyone complaining about me). PvP and WvW wise, Herald far exceeds Renegade. PvE wise, Renegade for Raids (Herald for handkiting), Renegade or Herald for everything else (just be wary of elitists in t4 fractals).


Just remember that Rev is in a weird place right now and enjoy it where you can.

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> @"ScottBroChill.3254" said:

> It's pretty mediocre in terms of everything. The problem is that it doesn't really have any strengths, nothing it excels at, while being really weak to conditions and a bunch of other things. It's not to the point of unplayability, it can do damage and survive and all, but it's just weaker than literally every other class at what it does. If you are an open world pve player, rev will be totally fine. but anything competitive, including raids, you are going to struggle or at least bring less to the table than any other class. The design is also clunky as all hell. And judging by the way anet hasn't taken notice of any of this, or at least no acknowledgement, I would suspect even more nerfs before there are buffs. Mesmer is also near the top of the food chain currently, being extremely useful and effective in all game modes.


Revenant is literally fine in pve. Renegade is meta on the majority of raid bosses and isn't meta on the ones that favor power. In WvW, it's also meta in zergs (hammer rev). In pvp, not so much, but it still does well if you're good and know how to play the class well. So I'd say it's not mediocre in terms of everything, it's doing quite well in 2 out of 3 game modes.


As for clunkyness, that's probably a stylistic thing. I find ele, guardian, and some other classes to be clunky and revenant to largely be incredibly smooth This is mostly subjective overall, so it likely indicates that revenant isn't the class for you and that a different playstyle/class might be better.

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  • 3 months later...

What is the revenant for then, if you guys say its really no good for group play/solo,meh..? (i read the all the comments)

Was it a comfort alt to make you feel good you bought (heart of thorns)?

Are they (devs) planning on a rev Revamp?

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> @"Suti.5968" said:

> What is the revenant for then, if you guys say its really no good for group play/solo,meh..? (i read the all the comments)


revenant is for ppl that like its playstyle , if u want to top dps Weaver , if u want support Druid, Chrono , FB , if u want to annoy ppl on pvp , Scourge or Mirage. ect


> Was it a comfort alt to make you feel good you bought (heart of thorns)?


dont understand the 2nd question , u just bought HOT and want to enjoy a class? hmmm , easy answer , Guardian DH , still meta , tons of fun and if u buy PoF u will still be able to keep going as DH , Chrono because is still king in what it does , and Thief , DD is still top dps for thief


> Are they (devs) planning on a rev Revamp?


Nope afaik , and its a shame Revenant is in dire need of LOVE , hell the votes on the main section of Proffesion forum dont lie more than half the votes go for Revenant as wort profession , for a reason.



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> @"Seabhac.6824" said:

> Question, how is Rev doing? When I came back to gw2 few months ago, after 4 years away, I thought Revenant looked fun! But everything I read said stay away! They suck bad right now! So I went back to my old school mesmer...hate that I am forced to play condi mesmer to "keep up with the Jones' "and still be viable but I'm learning...tonight I entertained the idea of trying Revenant again but I wanted to find out if it's worth the time? Are they still that bad? Thanks ;)


Worth the time?

It depends what you are looking for. It's not top end for anything. But it does reasonably well at just about anything you want to do with it.

I learned more about this game playing revs than any other class.

Definitely worth the time to me.

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