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jaca or gazelle? (pvp)


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hey fellow rangers,


I've been struggling with this question for a while, tried them both out but can't make up my mind if I should take a jacaranda or a rock gazelle...

The gazelle his KD is nice and he puts out some nice dmg but jacaranda also has some good burst damage, an immob and a heal.

Im torn between those 2 with a slight favoritism towards jacaranda just because of the good on point damage it can have in conquest.


Anyways, just wanted to hear some opinions about it, thx.


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For druid id say gazelle. The CC is very good in conjunctions with ancient seeds and the dmg is good too. Jacaranda has an immob but druid has enough of them so this would get redundant fast.

For soulbeast id say jacaranda because the double heal in beastmode is really good and it also keeps condis off your back aswell.

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