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The Holo-Nader.


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Explosives 1-2-2

Firearms 2-3-3

Holosmith 2-1-1


Set grenade kit to be auto equipped in holo form, Since holosmith has like a 5-6 cd on the use for kits go full out holo skills, pause a sec and it flips to nades automatically then skill2 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 when you run out of heat go back to holo, evil destructive and easy.

I went 2-1-1 because of the condi removal, and like some range, and if I have to dodge, you can change it if you want on holo. It generates a full might stack fast and easy.

brought to you by ~ Baikon Aeine Aiggs~

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Still keeps you in full might stacks, and you use blade cutter on the cycle the nades lets you slow your target and blind them, then dodge and burn and pop back into holo get over 50% hit blade cutters.

Firearms ~alchemy~Holo~ is more stable, but blade cutters is a must go for dps with firearms and holo, in WvW it slices and dices enemy camps and makes a field of pain against thieves 'spams bleed for might stacks via firearms". Although blade cutter has a 30 sec cd, it fits in about 75% of the time cycling the heat, but the F-skill seems way to long a cd, With hard light arena the pull in works well with blade cutter making a concentrated slice and dice field.

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