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WvW Condi Soulbeast


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Sadly, condi Ranger in WvW was left in the dust when HoT came out. You won't be able to output enough damage to take down enemies with even the minimum condition removal and you won't make a dent in a Spellbeaker with the amount of Resistance they have.


You can try a trapper build but, in my opinion, you give up too much defense for a one-trick pony build.


If you want to play Ranger, you'll have much more success running a power build.

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Honestly it's better to do Condi druid if your dead set on it as you can give yourself alot more sustain.


There's a few issues with trying to go Condi on ranger period.


1) Condi weapons vs power weapons on ranger. With Condi you loose range, evades, stealth, and burst damage. Now sb has a potential to Condi burst and is better off procing anceint seeds with druid. Also ranger has a hard time procing multiple condtions and our conditions need lots of stacks and time to ramp up


2) damage.

For condi ranger you can go full dps but you loose alot self sustain, since a mojortiy of your best burst will come from your utility, while on power ranger you can go full defensive on your bar and rely solely on your weapon damage. (Oddly enough it's also why power ranger has slot less damage in pve we don't have any utilities that do big power damage outside of one wolf pack)


3) dagger sucks hugly from a PVP standpoint. It's has zero utility I've tried power builds Condi builds hybrid and Everytime I'm like wow I should just use sword. It has no evades, no cc, while the leap is nice it can be interrupted and you have to be in the enemys butt in order to get hits off. Melee is suuuuper risky in the current meta due to all the aoe. If your going to go melee you have to do your damage and duece out, Or a gaurd/warrior/necro will absolutely ruin your day.


I enjoy haveing a multiple of builds to play but Condi ranger period just dosent cut it in PVP/wvw. Maybe if they buffed dagger and gave it some uttility it could be good but as is it's pretty lame




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