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I need a Bard


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Grab your lass and,


Prepare your ass,


As we exaggerate this tale of heroic nonsense,


On this night, the mighty Puggles of Blackgate rose up,


To defend themselves and their sometimes easily acquired lands,


From the horrid and evil forces approaching,


From one side, the Emo invaders of the Sea, who know nothing but Sorrow,


From the other, strangers from a land who only know bad weather,


Before the great battles that were sure to come, the mighty Puggles of Blackgate engaged in the ritual Blasting of the light fields, and prayed to the Quaggan Overlords for strength and guidance, and it was GoOoOoD,


Horde after Horde of invaders threw themselves on the outnumbered Puggles of Blackgate,


The battles were fierce, many conditions were spammed, much lag was caused,


But they held firm, except for those times they didn’t and scattered,


The smoke cleared, the firing stopped, the Mighty puggles of Blackgate emerged victorious,


Much salt was exchanged this night. Many coconuts were lost.


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It was a glorious night full of BG warriors standing on keep walls, lots of siege and the only server who still escorts caravans. The fights were fierce and everyone only engaged listening to the commanders strict orders of "No fighting unless we double their size". The desert BL was filled with BG faithful and literally nobody else. No gate was unrammed, no wall uncata'd, and no solo roamer unchased through the entire BL.


It was a good night.

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