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Renegade Scattershot Visual Effect Scaling

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Renegade's visual effect for the short bow auto attack scales with boss size. The orange explosion effect shown in the image happens every 1/2 second (more with quickness). Usually this isn't a problem as short bow is scarcely used due to how sub optimal it is. Nonetheless, the effect needs it's scaling reduced.


![](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/359209354173480960/392290474314039296/gw354.jpg "")


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> @"GlobalReverse.8543" said:

> Renegade's visual effect for the short bow auto attack scales with boss size. The orange explosion effect shown in the image happens every 1/2 second (more with quickness). Usually this isn't a problem as short bow is scarcely used due to how sub optimal it is. Nonetheless, the effect needs it's scaling reduced.


> ![](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/359209354173480960/392290474314039296/gw354.jpg "")



Going to +1 this.


I mentioned this a while back on December 9th in: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/20011/biggest-struggle-with-soulless-horror-is-not-the-mechanics-its-the-colors#latest


> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> Oh and cudos to the sadist developer who thought that a bright flash on Shattershot (Renegade Short Bow 1, basically the auto attack) was a good idea. Last time I had a renegade use that skill while I was tanking Deimos I nearly went blind. Turns out, a flashy skill on auto attack on a large hit box target which takes up 1/3 of your screen is not that great. Who would have guessed... :/


Tanking Deimos is a pure pain with a renegade using an auto attack which basically blinds you every time it hits. Imagine this flash of light happening every half a second. This definitely needs scaling.

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> @"GlobalReverse.8543" said:

> Renegade's visual effect for the short bow auto attack scales with boss size. The orange explosion effect shown in the image happens every 1/2 second (more with quickness). Usually this isn't a problem as short bow is scarcely used due to how sub optimal it is. Nonetheless, the effect needs it's scaling reduced.


> ![](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/359209354173480960/392290474314039296/gw354.jpg "")



Spoiler, every effect scales with the enemy model size. Have you seen nevermore crits on a big target? That thing looks ridiculous, especially if you get 4 weavers with nevermore.

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> @"Cynn.1659" said:

> > @"GlobalReverse.8543" said:

> > Renegade's visual effect for the short bow auto attack scales with boss size. The orange explosion effect shown in the image happens every 1/2 second (more with quickness). Usually this isn't a problem as short bow is scarcely used due to how sub optimal it is. Nonetheless, the effect needs it's scaling reduced.

> >

> > ![](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/359209354173480960/392290474314039296/gw354.jpg "")

> >


> Spoiler, every effect scales with the enemy model size. Have you seen nevermore crits on a big target? That thing looks ridiculous, especially if you get 4 weavers with nevermore.


Then they need to change the effect or remove it entirely. This isn't a skill that gets used once every couple of seconds, it's literally the auto attack on renegade shortbow.

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> @"Cynn.1659" said:

> Spoiler, every effect scales with the enemy model size. Have you seen nevermore crits on a big target? That thing looks ridiculous, especially if you get 4 weavers with nevermore.


Do you have an image of this? I've had two of the weavers in my squad with nevermore equipped but can't seem to recall anything as distracting as the scattershot autoattack.


Yes I'm aware that scattershot isn't the sole skill that scales with model size. I could have phrased that better to something like " Renegade's visual effect for the short bow auto attack needs its scaling with boss size reduced."


Thank you for pointing that out so that I could clarify.



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> @"Spicy.2481" said:

> A solid tip, don't do the range strat on deimos. Then there's no need for rev shortbow and it's horrid blinding effects.


Fair enough. I opted for this strategy since only two (three in case of oil-kiter getting selected for port) people need to be comfortable with avoiding oils instead of delegating that to the rest of the group as well.


> @"Zenith.7301" said:

> You people calling for fixes that are not needed.


> What is needed is a setting to turn other people's spell effects off.


I agree that's the preferable option but I don't see Anet doing that so I suggested this instead since it's the only skill that has a frequent obstruction to such a degree.

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> @"Zenith.7301" said:

> You people calling for fixes that are not needed.


> What is needed is a setting to turn other people's spell effects off.


While I agree that there should be some options for visual mangement for raids and instanced content, I disagree that this is a non issue.


Having any visual effect this strong on such a low cooldown scale in such a way is not only distracting and taxing for players from a gameplay perspective, it's also harmful to players vision (not to mention epilepsy from strong flashing effects).


Currently Renegade is run less compared to some other damage classes like DH or Weaver (even though it is quite strong), now imagine this were not the case and Renegade were to occupy multiple slots in your raid, open world boss, fractal? This effect scales with both size of the enemy and number of Renegade characters attending the fight.

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WoW and FFXIV have the ability to turn others' effects off. There is virtually no excuse for this game not to have it.


I oppose global solutions for the simple reason that visual experience is important to the player, and just like they did by crapping on elementalist's fireballs among other effects to reduce visual clutter.


Visual clutter should be dealt with by individual filter without forcing toned down effects on those who do not want it.

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> @"Zenith.7301" said:

> WoW and FFXIV have the ability to turn others' effects off. There is virtually no excuse for this game not to have it.


> I oppose global solutions for the simple reason that visual experience is important to the player, and just like they did by crapping on elementalist's fireballs among other effects to reduce visual clutter.


> Visual clutter should be dealt with by individual filter without forcing toned down effects on those who do not want it.


Visual clutter should be both addressed via options and design.


There is literally no reason for a skill with range 900 to have this kind of effect. As a matter of fact, no auto attack skill should ever have this kind of effect on it, period. It's unhealthy design both practically from a gaming perspective and from an actual health perspective.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"Zenith.7301" said:

> > WoW and FFXIV have the ability to turn others' effects off. There is virtually no excuse for this game not to have it.

> >

> > I oppose global solutions for the simple reason that visual experience is important to the player, and just like they did by crapping on elementalist's fireballs among other effects to reduce visual clutter.

> >

> > Visual clutter should be dealt with by individual filter without forcing toned down effects on those who do not want it.


> Visual clutter should be both addressed via options and design.


> There is literally no reason for a skill with range 900 to have this kind of effect. As a matter of fact, no auto attack skill should ever have this kind of effect on it, period. It's unhealthy design both practically from a gaming perspective and from an actual health perspective.


*shrug* doesn't bother me individually as a renegade main. I've dealt with guardian and ele clutter on mai trin/insert humanoid boss tells for years now, this is peanuts to me.


The effect clutter is not even overwhelming when you can filter for only seeing your own.

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> @"Zenith.7301" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"Zenith.7301" said:

> > > WoW and FFXIV have the ability to turn others' effects off. There is virtually no excuse for this game not to have it.

> > >

> > > I oppose global solutions for the simple reason that visual experience is important to the player, and just like they did by crapping on elementalist's fireballs among other effects to reduce visual clutter.

> > >

> > > Visual clutter should be dealt with by individual filter without forcing toned down effects on those who do not want it.

> >

> > Visual clutter should be both addressed via options and design.

> >

> > There is literally no reason for a skill with range 900 to have this kind of effect. As a matter of fact, no auto attack skill should ever have this kind of effect on it, period. It's unhealthy design both practically from a gaming perspective and from an actual health perspective.


> *shrug* doesn't bother me individually as a renegade main. I've dealt with guardian and ele clutter on mai trin/insert humanoid boss tells for years now, this is peanuts to me.


> The effect clutter is not even overwhelming when you can filter for only seeing your own.


Oh some of the other clutter is right up there, but none of it is on an auto attack. Ele clutter is ground targeted mostly so it won't scale with enemy size, same goes for guardian.


I wouldn't mind myself if I wasn't usually the tank having these blasts go off in my face the entire time.

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> @"Quarktastic.1027" said:

> > @"Spicy.2481" said:

> > A solid tip, don't do the range strat on deimos. Then there's no need for rev shortbow and it's horrid blinding effects.


> Or don't run renegade at all on Deimos...


That's more what it boils down to.


When given a choice running with PUGs and wanting an easy fight not risking people stepping into black or failing simple mechanics I'd rather kick all Renegades from squad than have to deal with the Scattershot visual nonsense. Considering I usually make my own groups and am the tank, that's exactly what it comes down to when PUGing.

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