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Ride the Lightning


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can we get this reverted back to its original form please? February 26, 2013 update. with all the other mobility in the game that revs have, thfs, druids, mes,and others. to remain competitive, fair, and fun, i feel this needs to happen. just 1st of many small tweaks that can happen to make ele offhand dagger a real contender again.

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Keep as it is but add evade frames, like Druid has. (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ancestral_Grace)


It's funny because it would still be missing a blast finisher at the end, or something equally as powerful. All while AG still has 18 sec cd base. Powercreep is real...


Reminder RtL is the only ability in the entire game that has the "unique" mechanic of having a longer cd if it doesn't hit anything.

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Yeah its VERY annoying that its one of our few mobility skills but is VERY easy to avoid being hit (thus longer cool down) and you can be easily interrupted when using it thus even more punishing. I would say. Make it 30second cool down, remove the half cool down if you hit someone. Make it evade attacks and remove movement impairing conditions. What do you think? Good? Bad?

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  • 3 weeks later...


Im just goin to leave this here. Ranger gets a new skill thats way way better then our original skill rtl ever was. But its impossible for the developers to see the unfair treatment here? Take what ele had nerf it and just give it to another class. I dont get there thought process at all.

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> @"Henrik.7560" said:

> it's a core skill, thus it should be inferior to HoT or PoF weapon skills. According to anet's logic.

> Sadly there's more crying about ele than there is people defending it so we get unreasonable changes like this =)


It still be more powerful if rtl got its oeginal form back....20 sec cd n thats it.

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  • 2 months later...

Personally, I'd like the opposite, nerf everyone else's mobility to be like Ride the Lightning, so you have to use them aggressively. Too many classes can just blink away with no penalty when they make any mistake. It's no wonder burst is meta when DPS specs never have a proper chance to land hits, mesmers stealth/blink/jaunt, thief shadowsteps, ele lightning flash, guardian JI/sword 2, Rocketboots Holosmith, etc. And there's nothing you can do to stop them besides have them yourself.

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> @"Kiroshima.8497" said:

> Personally, I'd like the opposite, nerf everyone else's mobility to be like Ride the Lightning, so you have to use them aggressively. Too many classes can just blink away with no penalty when they make any mistake. It's no wonder burst is meta when DPS specs never have a proper chance to land hits, mesmers stealth/blink/jaunt, thief shadowsteps, ele lightning flash, guardian JI/sword 2, Rocketboots Holosmith, etc. And there's nothing you can do to stop them besides have them yourself.


Your absolutely right nerf everything but that wonthappen.


To lower everyone mobility will take way to much work. It be easier to just revert the changes back to feb 26 2013 and that will bring it in line with druid staff, mesmer teles, and thf teles somewhat. 1 skill wont make up for what those classes have but this will help even the playing field alittle.....as it is right now i dont see a point in takeing dagger offhand.....theres more skills then RTL that are messed up...we got water 5 that heals for about 1.3k and clears 2 condis and is on a 30 seconds cd. That is double the cd for any worthwhile heal 6 skill. I rather have a 25 second interupt and a 40 second unblockable knockdown as it is with focus.....b.c of this i focus 100% of the time...there is no reason to take dagger off hand. Obsidian flesh unblockable knockdown interupts magnetic shield wind walls all of it is usefull in nearly any sitchuation to surivie or set up a counter burst......dagger has a baaad heal, long mobilty cd compaired to other classes, no defensive skills, a terrible knockdown, only thing that works on dagger off hand is fire 4 and 5 and even those are easily avoidable...but hay this is all my opinion.

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Yeah I getcha. I don't even know what the purpose of OH Dagger is on Ele when Focus does a bajillion different useful things. OH Dagger is basically just more damage and doesn't really add to a dueling ele's kit, or any other ele role besides Powerful Auras (Frost Aura). I guess you COULD go Scepter/Dagger so you have range and melee, but scepter works at any range and is better paired with Focus for its utility anyways. Like, OH Dagger is so damage oriented when Ele main hands already have plenty of damage (in theory). I guess it works with sword (which is not damage oriented).


Oh, and does anyone really get hit by Earthquake into Churning Earth anymore? Nope, because stun breaks are a dime a dozen.

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