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New Matchmaker on Unranked

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> @"Cal Cohen.3527" said:


> Essentially our goal is to make the best matches possible based on rating, which should leave the outcome of the match up to the team that plays better. We want to avoid cases where a team is clearly favored and make the distributions as even as possible, and the new matcher is doing this pretty well as the data shows.


Thanks for not being EA or activision

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Matches haven't changed on my end.

Honestly I'm tired of my Gold T2 kitten, fighitng plat 2 - legi all the time.

I don't know how much more I can take of this....


> @"Cal Cohen.3527" said:

> Essentially our goal is to make the best matches possible based on rating, which should leave the outcome of the match up to the team that plays better. We want to avoid cases where a team is clearly favored and make the distributions as even as possible, and the new matcher is doing this pretty well as the data shows.


> Unranked matches will always have some additional volatility as players are more likely to be trying out new builds or professions that they're unfamiliar with, and with larger roster sizes making it more difficult to make balanced teams. I'm pretty excited to see what impact the new matcher has on ranked next season as it should be operating under more ideal conditions, especially at higher rating.


So I lost 8 out my past 10 games. 8 out of the 10 games were clearly favored, like 500-100, 500-200 favored.

I will remain skeptical come the next season of ranked : |

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Sorry anet. I just can't do this anymore. For the first time ever. I intentionally DC'd. When 90% of the matches are one sided, and won 3-4 matches out of the past 20 games it's just depressing.


Even with ques 2-4 minutes longer on average for me. The quality of matches have gone significantly down for me. Maybe I'm just a fringe case. It's like having a brick wall completely surrounded and closing in. And all you have is your bare fists to break out.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Hey folks. Just a quick update. We're moving the new matchmaker to offseason ranked within the next few minutes. Additionally, current plan is that this new matchmaker will also be used for Season 10 matchmaking.


Edit - One additional note: We moved back to the old standard that a match can have +2 of a class on one team rather than +1. We felt that the restriction was, in the end, causing more imbalanced matches. As always, we'll consider to monitor metrics. It's something very easily adjustable for us going forward.

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> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > @"Cal Cohen.3527" said:

> > We collected some data from matches with the new matchmaker. I also grabbed the match data from the same chunk of time last week (under the old matchmaker) to compare to. Below are a few comparisons that I thought were interesting. I also did the same comparisons on the subset of data in which at least one of the teams had an average rating of 1500 or above. All of the data is from unranked matches. The data looks good, and we'll likely be turning the new matchmaker on in ranked sometime next week and for the seasons moving forward. We'll continue to keep an eye on things but I thought I'd share some of the data for those who find it interesting.

> >

> > **Overall**

> > Old

> > * Average rating difference between teams: 37.29

> > * Average standard deviation difference between teams: 35.04

> > * Percent of games with average rating difference over 50: 24.5%

> >

> > New

> > * Average rating difference between teams: 18.02

> > * Average standard deviation difference between teams: 23.9

> > * Percent of games with average rating difference over 50: 4.7%

> >

> >

> >

> > **Matches where at least one team has average rating >=1500**

> > Old

> > * Average rating difference between teams: 56.87

> > * Average standard deviation difference between teams: 37.72

> > * Percent of games with average rating difference over 50: 41.3%

> >

> > New

> > * Average rating difference between teams: 23.67

> > * Average standard deviation difference between teams: 23.28

> > * Percent of games with average rating difference over 50: 8.8%


> I honestly dunno where you're getting these stats, my games are getting like 500 to 100 or 500 to 50 with me doing the pts...**constantly** ...your nw MMR not working at all



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> @"rwolf.9571" said:

> Matches haven't changed on my end.

> Honestly I'm tired of my Gold T2 kitten, fighitng plat 2 - legi all the time.

> I don't know how much more I can take of this....


> > @"Cal Cohen.3527" said:

> > Essentially our goal is to make the best matches possible based on rating, which should leave the outcome of the match up to the team that plays better. We want to avoid cases where a team is clearly favored and make the distributions as even as possible, and the new matcher is doing this pretty well as the data shows.

> >

> > Unranked matches will always have some additional volatility as players are more likely to be trying out new builds or professions that they're unfamiliar with, and with larger roster sizes making it more difficult to make balanced teams. I'm pretty excited to see what impact the new matcher has on ranked next season as it should be operating under more ideal conditions, especially at higher rating.


> So I lost 8 out my past 10 games. 8 out of the 10 games were clearly favored, like 500-100, 500-200 favored.

> I will remain skeptical come the next season of ranked : |

so, just putting out some more honesty



There is no way that ANET can balance all possible factors. They seem like they are doing their best in 'this' regard.


What their system WON't do....

it won't look at your player spec and the spec of all your team mates and class vs another team and try to make some 'fair' game.

Fair and rating balance out in averages, over time.

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I've been playing Unranked on new matchmaker and my games tend to be balanced. Now, as long as their's not a super team in play; the matchmaker works fairly well. Before the new matchmaker, most of my matches were blowouts. This is the best update for Spvp in a while. And I look forward to the next season. Thank you Ben and Cal for your hard work.

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I bought PoF recently so i was enjoying a bit of PvE during this off-season.

Played just a few games, but i've had one match yesterday that was one of the worst match i've being in a long time.

There was other 2 Rangers in my team and one of them was in his second ranked pvp match, it was a brazilian guy like me, and he said that he doesn't even know whats "the role" of a Ranger in pvp was.

I think something is VERY wrong with this new matchmaking. I understand what you guys told about stacking +2 classes to get a better skill rating pairment, but in this case the extreme class stacking didn't make any good to the match.


![](https://imgur.com/a/SyZMc "")


Any dev can take a look on this match? Don't know what level of data you guys have available, but i think this match is surely food for thought.


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**The new matchmaker seems pretty OK to be honest. It's the team comp that's tripping things up.** I apologize for reposting this link, but it's relevant here. This is the match setup in a recent ranked match.




Notice that 40% of the players in the match are Scourges. An additional 20% are FB's. **To make really fair matches, the classes would need to be locked and distributed evenly.** This would require solo queue and individual MMR by profession.


Yes, that would make waits long. It would be worth it for the match quality improvement.


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> @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> **The new matchmaker seems pretty OK to be honest. It's the team comp that's tripping things up.** I apologize for reposting this link, but it's relevant here. This is the match setup in a recent ranked match.


> https://www.dropbox.com/s/x0ssm46e6clnott/gw005b.jpg?dl=0


> Notice that 40% of the players in the match are Scourges. An additional 20% are FB's. **To make really fair matches, the classes would need to be locked and distributed evenly.** This would require solo queue and individual MMR by profession.


> Yes, that would make waits long. It would be worth it for the match quality improvement.



You could say Matchmaking Composition > Matchmaking Rating.


Only thing consistent in my matchmaking is the constant blowouts. I gave up Unranked entirely. It's a guaranteed loss. But now I'm seeing the same trend in my Ranked matches (Not sure if the new system was implemented before the new season)

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