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[Suggestion] Remarkable Influence of Players to Maps


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Dear ANet Team,

this is a repost of my suggestion in the german forum to discuss with the larger english-speaking community about my suggestion.


I occasionally follow discussions of players here and in other forums. Mostly I just read without participating.

For a long time there are statements of many of your customers, wishing a greater influence of their doings to the game world. What they want is the feeling of influence and change something in the maps.

Now that players come back to Istan, I often read statements written by old GW1 veterans, that are big fans of the old city of Kamadan (as I am). These are disapointed about what Joko did to their favorite capital city. Yes, there is a big repeating event to free the city. But because it occours every night again and the sunspears lose the city again after some minutes it feels like one more grind event to run with without a feeling of any feats.


Both Discussions I took for reason to think by myself about a multiserver-model that shows, how I would have liked player-influenced maps and *especially the attack to Palawadan / Kamadan.* This is just in hope, that there are more people that like this approach and to give the Devs some __suggestions for bolder experiments in game mechanics__ for upcoming LS updates and the next addon.


# Capture back Istan

Note: The state of conquest is synchronized between all server instances.


__Goal of the event chains as described here__ is, to enable players to capture large parts of playable maps, which has deep influence of occouring events on the map and - depending on the activity of the players - can be persisted over a long time. The time of preparation to capture or lose the city shoud be at least 1-2 days, but there is no maximum.


__Kinds of events:__


- __normal:__

local scaling, as usual

- __counted:__

really many (!) single events or event chains for 1-10 players that get counted for all server instances together.

There can be many different events, triggered different on the server instances to have a greater diversity on the maps. Players never know exactly which events will appear on their map.

Reaching a certain number of succeeded / failed events puts the meta event chain to the next state. (Events could also be counted in categories like military training, supplies, ...)

- __global synced:__

Huge fights for conquering of stratigic places

Lifepoints of bosses are synced over all server instances, the boss will die on all servers at the same time

These events scale on the average number of players participating on all server instances

If the number of participating players on a map is far below the average, extra spawned groups of sunspears support the players.

If the number of players is more than the average, additional enemies spawn.

By synchronizing the livepoints of the boss over all instances and "simulating" the fight with sunspear-npcs if needed, the event will result same on all maps at the same time (succeded/failed).


## Attack on Palawadan

### Preperation

During a lot of __counted__ events spread over the whole map, the sunspears collect military ressources, train new troops for the battle and move them to their place of deployment.

Occasional there are huge __global synced__ bossfights, about to capture back strategic positions on the map.


### Gather and preserve access

The attack on the gate is a __global synced__ event. The door opens on all instances at the same time.

After opening the gate, an asura technican builds up a temporary waypoint at the door for supplies.


The area around gate and waypoint is now a zone with __counted__ events. Enemy troops will occasionally try to attack the gate, evict the players, destroy the waypoint and close the door. By reaching a distinct count of failed events (success for enemies) the door will close and the waypoint disappear on all instances at the same time. No new players can now enter the city. In order to have a chance to succeed, every dead player must be revived in the city. Losing all players in the city will cause the attack to fail.


### Evict the enemy from the inner city and cut supply routes off

Evicting the enemies and cutting the supply routes is done by a lot of __counted__ events, that are spread over the whole city Palawadan and its harbor. Not every server instance will trigger every event. Maps with lots of players will have more events than those with a handfull of bold warriors.

This way conquering the city has a lot higher diversivity, because players never know which events will be triggert and whether they already have seen all events. If the players succedded in a certain number of events, the enemies commander will show up.


### Fight the enemies commander

As other bossfights, this fight is __global synced__. The fight itself stays as it is at the moment.


Possible addition: By chance of 10% dying players become a servant of Joko at the time of their death. Controlled by Joko they have a new auto-attack skill which cannot be controlled and triggers all the time on any "living" player around. After being killed a second time by a "living" player, they are finally dead and can respawn as usual.


After killing the commander, the building phase begins.


## Peaceful living in Kamadan

__Palawadan is now - as it was in ancient times - known as Kamadan!__


### Re-Building the city


Note: All events related to re-building Kamadan are __counted__ events. Results by doing certain number of these events will show up on all instances.


By loads of single events players secure the harbor, create supply routes (a permanent waypoint in the city center and one at the harbor), bring traders and craftsmen in and re-build the market place.


There are additional military jobs to reinforce walls and gates and build up defense systems all over the city.


### Disturbing enemy activities

In meantime the enemies troops try to regroup. By several __counted__ events and eventchains (also a lot of follow up events on failed events) and re-capture of strategic places (__global synced__) they prepare for an attack on Kamadan. Quite similar to the preparation the sunspears did before.


Players can participate in the smaller, counted events to disturb the enemies preparations or join the huge synced bossfights to hold or recapture strategic importand places.


For successful preparation for an attack on the city the enemy folllows the same rules on "successful" captures and preparations (-> failed on player side) as the sunspears do.


## Attack of the enemy

This works mostly the same as before during the attack of sunspears. But now the players have the role of the defenders and must evict the enemy from their city.


The main waypoint in the city centre is locked as soon as the enemy broke through the city gates. The additional waypoint at the harbor will remain until the enemy cuts off the supply routes at the harbor (same logic as before at attack of the sunspears)

The enemy will create a spawnpoint for new troops at the city gate as long as it remains open. Players can try to evict the enemy from the gate by __counted__ events.

In the same time, players have to work on many single events in the city and the harbor to keep traders and craftsmen in the city and to keep the harbor waypoint. Succeeding the appearing events is also important to prevent the sunspears commander from showing up (__global synced__ fight with a looot of enemies and champions, maybe legends with also synced lifepoints).


### Successful defense

If Players can close the door and kill all remaining enemies before they are able to kill the sunspears commander, Kamadan is safe.

Everything that has been destroyed during the battle (by failed events) is now built back up by triggering the corresponding events.


### Failed defense

The enemies succeeded in killing the sunspear commander and kill every remaining living being they can find in the city.

Now, again, the city is called __Palawadan__.


_But the sunspears aren't completely rotted out. They will regroup and start a new approach to take back Kamadan._

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