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Brainstorming List of Improvements


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Was just about to post this in an other thread, but suddenlythe forum doesn't allow me to post an answer in that thread anymore

Guess it got moved to trash bin or so, so that it became impossible to post there anymore, cause I can't also find the thread anymore, but regardless, here a brainstorming I did over things I'd currently improve in GW2:

You can join naturally in this list, if you want to contribute somethign to it, or simply write something to those 31 points, if you want


1) Removal of Armor Types and Reimplementation of Town Outfits/Clothes by the Gemstore in a huge amount. Every Character should have a Combat Look, and a Town Look for when being in civil. One thing should override the other, players should be able to freely switch between both in towns, how it was originally the case.


2) Implement Epic Gear between Ascended/Legendary, that is like Ascended Gear with Legendary Stat Change, without all the Bling Bling and Effect Clutter of Legendaries.

Make crafting Ascended due to this significantly cheaper and easier to obtain, without a braindead Time Gate Mechanism to artificially slow our progress down, so that Ascended Gear becomes finally more multi character friendly aside of it being only accountbound.


3) Rework of the complete Condition and Boon System. Removing unneccessary obsolete effects out of the game, which work better and easier as baselined skill effects either, or as traits, or as upgrades, thus helping of to balance these effects more and making thenm more of an integrated part of each individual character build, instead of overflowing the game with these effects as an universal effetc as a Boon or Condition to which everyone has access too (and oftenly way too easily/strongly than is good for the game, without having to sacrifice something for it)


4) Rework Resistance as part of number 3 as a baselined Immunity System that effects the effeciency of Conditions, so that Conditions can't be applied anymore 100% guaranteed of all the times, forcing COndi Players to make more usage of then now reworked Dual Effect Attributes, so that they need same as much Conditions to minmax their DPS, like a Power Build needs, which is 3 different Attributes beign required, instead of only 1 to 2


5) Remove Raids completely out of the Game by redesigning the affected Maps into complete new explorable PvE Maps to which everyone can go and explore them easily, like normal and rework the instanced content into complete new 5 Man Dungeons instead, which simply are significantly harder to complete, than the Beginner Dungeons from the Main Game. These New Dungeons are differented then between Explorer Mode (Normal Difficulty) and Vanquisher Mode (Hard Difficulty of current Raids, which ups the Player Limit then to 10, but makes all the content also significantly harder to complete, this way get all plyers with Explore Mode also a simple Training Mode so to say with reduced difficulty, Raids should have never happened, Dungeosn should have get fixed and continued with new and better content - Dungeon/Raid/Fractal Teams shoudl get merged together and work from this point on only on Fractals and Dungeons.... Raids are a fail and are nothign but just 10 Man Dungeons with an other term attached to them


6) Rebalance the Base Health System, removing the outdated 3 Class Type Split and change it into a Class Individual Base Health System, where each Base Class gets individually balanced its Base Health Values, stopping to shoehorn all classes into this outdated 3 segmented system, that hurts only the overall Class Balancing Process.

Base Health Values need to become revalued, so that they are balanced with the current state of DPS, that Classes can dish out, which is by now like double to triple as miuch, than what Classes were able to deal 2012!!! This must get ASAP become corrected, because itsm uch easier to rebalance the Base Health Values of all Classes individually, than it is to balance individually all the skill and traits for all Classes by reducing their DPS values, not to mention that nerfing class dps creates only frustration and anger, while rebalancing Base Health feels like a neccessary thing, that causes not frustration and anger in the same way like skill land trait changes do that if you are negatively affected by the changes. Health Changes are easier compensated through Player Skill, Skill/Trait Changes aren#t so easily compensated through Player Skill alone, if the changes on skills/traits were just too much


7) Remove Gear Stats from the Game and change Character progression to a 100% classic gain of Attributes through just only leveling the Character Up from 0 to 80.

Gear should. A point, that should be done, if number 2 is out of question. If 7 is done, then is 2 unneccessary. Gear shoudl be differentiated only by its Quality, which defines the maximum Defense Values, its Skins and eventuall effects, which only Legendaries have. GW2 needs to become in regard of this again more like GW1, where obtaining Max Stats is easy/cheap, but if you want to xontribute to Fashion Wars and have the most prettiest/rarest skins, then you have to put in effort intho the game... Build Diversity should not get affected by Gear Stats, that you have to have either legendary gear, ort run around with a douzen of equipment sets which clutter only your inventory full, just so that you can have free build diversity!! When we play PvP, we also dont have this idiotic problem, so why can't it be more liek this not also too for PvE and WvW??? Removing gear Stats would make it possible, and it would make it possible to remove alot of unneccessary crafting crap out of the game and to focus crafting on more important and meaningful thing,s than stat sets... would make also craftign finally alot more overviewable then in regard of the UI...


8) Implement new forms of Gathering Jobs - Fishing (requires craftign Angling Rods and gathering7crafting various forms Baits, Digging (requires Shovels as a ressource tool), Alchemism being added as new Crafting Job with that you synthesize items out of all kinds of other items from the other craftign jobs, with that you craft also all kinds of forms of Potions, Elixiers, Powders as a new third type of Buff Item basides of Food and Reinforcements, comes with Alchemism and their Potions ect. now then the Buff Item Type "Alterations", which have much more directly effects on your skills and traits, if you use them, or your visual effects (Skill Skins)


9) Implement through Elite Specs new Weapon Types like Greataxes, Whips, Chakrams, merge Trident with Staff, merge Rifle with Harpoon Gun, these two underwater weapons are so completely unneccessary, and rework Spears as habrid weapon (Polearms) that can be used on land as like underwater and add more of the 1H weapons to be useable under water too, like Daggers, Swords, Axes, Maces, Scepter, Focus, Shield, can all work under water as well


10) Completely redesign the Elite Specializations and replace them with better ones, that fit better to the game under new names, mergign the ES System with the Mastery System, making this way ES part of the Mastery System includign a new added Mentor System that requires of you to get mentors for the fitting masteries to teach and test you with trials, before you learn to become said ES's, where then is also a difference, between just having only learned an Elite Specialization, and havign truly mastered an Specialization, where mastering an ES unlocks partwise the features of the ES for your Base Class, like becomign able to use the ES Weapon also with your Base Class, if you have fully mastered before the ES and gettign access also to the Utility Skills this way. Red Line stays the Traits and the Elite Skills, for them to use to woudl stil lneed to change to the ES to have access on those exclusively.

Would make sure under the Process of redesigning the ES, that also the old GW1 Classes Ritualist, Assassin, Dervish and Paragon find as part of ES their way into the game, but under new terms/names, while the old terms will find their way into the game as Enemy Terms in PvE when fighting intelligent species of the same class, like thats the case now in PoF


11)Implement Housing as one of the next big Expansion Features, together with the next expansion beign focused heaviliy on Cantha, the return of underwater combat/content/balance and finalyl the introduction of the deep sea dragon about which Anet makes such a mystery for 5 years now..enough is enough soon..


12) Implement new PvP Modes, like Codex Arena, Last Man Standing, Hunger Games, 2v2/3v3, GvG/Battlefields (15v15, 25v25, 50v50, 100v100), Duel Mode/PK(K) Mode integrated outside of Towns on own Risk for PvE with own rewards for taking on the risk together with an Reputation System and Headhunter System thats based on a Top List, Collosseum/Gladiator Mode where you fight in like a small Tournament agaisnt other players of like say maximum 32 players that participate in them to fight in these modes 1v1, while in the Collosseum can happen all kinds of traps and environmental influences in midsts of the battles at any time, like deadly tigers on chains getting released, spike traps appearign and so on ...to influence this way the positioning of the players, while they have to fight each other


13) implement new Fractal Types to make finalyl real usage of the potential that fractals have, which Anet seems not to realize yet, how much potential this game mode has to give this game all sorts of fun game content, that is free from the design borders of the normal PvE content/lore.

- Adding Heroic Fractals, which work liek Bonius Mission packs/Books you read to play Chapter after Chapter a story in the view of somebody els,e together with changed skilsl that are from that character, instead of usign your own skills, beginning with Ghosts of Ascalon, so that we can replay the history of this book and see, what happened exactly ouf of the eyes from Dougla Keane for example, or out of Snaffs view, or out of the view of any other revevant GoA Character that was there until the end

- Adding Dungeon Crawler Fractals, which are each time you enter them different, and become more rewardign, so longer yiou survive in them to reach the most highest or lowest realms of them, like beginning with the Sky Temple Tower of Dwayna or something like that, a 10 floor tower crawler with bosses on each 10 floors, which are the only thing ,that is always the same

- Adding Guild Crusades, a special new Fractal Type as part of Guild Missions as new guild Content, which is a mixture between Guild Missions and Dungeon Crawlers, unique and special only for Guilds, where you need to play them as guild group with coordination/splitting, while simple dungeon crawlers could be also played solo if you want.

- Hunting Grounds, special fractal based huge instance maps that are made for basically reimplentign the Vanquish Gameplay from GW1, where the goal it is to erase all monsters there as fast as possible and which can be used aslso to add maps, which give the player kind of the Monster Hunter gameplay, which you can play either alone, or as group to hunt monsters, where you find also alot more big to huge monsters that are a real threat and challengign to fight, without overflowing the player with health sponges only and mechanics, that force you to fight them with like a group of 20+ peopel or so to have a chance, how it is in certain cases currently with Bounty Hunts in PoF. Huntign Grounds coudl be used to add fractal based Bounty Hunts also as well into the game.


14) As part of all the above, reimplement Season 1 as complete as possible into the game, in the same style, how you did Season 2 with new own achievements you get, when repeatign the episodes, remove as part of this some unneccessary Fractals, add in for the removed fractals new Mass Fractals which bring people into new Mass Instances, where they can fight again the big Season 1 battles, that is Marionette, that is Lions Arch Defense with the 3 Golems, that is the Final Battle agaisnt Scarlet on the Breachmaker and an Invasion instance, so that this game doesn't look anymore like this cheesehole mess, that it is right now


15) Rework Scribing to a normal crafting job, that isn't bonded to Guilds and made to to this also significantly cheaper and easier to achieve


16) Add Gardening as new Crafting Job, allowing to plant herbs, fruits, trees ect. that can brign you this way an income of materials you can harvest later, includign thsi way an option to unlock dyes for you (in a legendary kind of way including gemstore dyes)


17) Add more Mount Types, like a Speedster (big Cheetah) , like a Crawler (Spiders with that you can run on walls, even upside down), like a Carrier (big Dolyaks/Junundus)


18) Add in general alot more masteries that are overall useful for the player as Core Tyria Masteries, which you can use practicalyl everywhere i nthe game and give you more the feeling of character progression and quality of life improvement, to make usage of the real potential that the Masterx System provides, instead of adding masteries, that are only useful in certain expansion maps, like the HoT stuff, Mounts was a nice beginning of that sort of type mastery, that GW2 needs more, as they are universally useful everwhere, andn ot just only in PoF maps


19) Improve the UI of the game, make it alot more customisable, there was a long time iago in the old forum a post of someone presenting an UI concept, that was simply mind blowing,

because it woudl have made the game not only look bette,r but woudl have made also usage with thingg ike Lore, Pictures ect. tomake the game also look more interestign that way


20) Implement the feature of Character History/Descriptions, where players can write their own character descriptions per character, which other players can see in to learn more about them


21) Implement alot more Emotes and in general features/mechanics, that make Role playing in this game more fun, including also own RP Servers with their own unique RP Rules in regard of behavior, Character Naming ect..


22) implement a Bestiary Feature, wherre you can look after all creatures youve already defeated at least once, what they can drop, where you fidn them, what their skilsl and their behaviors are in combat with strategies, how to fight them best, what their strenths and weaknesses are, some lore text ect, picture/model to look at and that from all angles, zoom in /out their modesl to enjoy simply their looks, maybe with lettign them do some simple sample animations on button press


23) Remove all forms of gambling RNG from the game, that comes with Black Lion stuff and gamblign offers fro mthe gemstore, replace these with direct offers that are honest and tell the person an honest direct price and make the black lion stuff either part of the gemstore to buy directly, or implenment some older stuff slowler as earnable rewards in the game, like the black lion weapon sets,, so older thwey become so bigger should become the chance, that they get someday addeed as just rewanable rewards ingame for doing some achievements/chalenging content and from that point on should be permanently removed from the gemstore to make space for new content thats sold there then


24) implementate an official own Build Template system, for that is the removal of gear stats neccessary, ascended forms of upgrades that are accountbound and unlockable for the accoutn need to get added for this too (Ascended Sigil, Runes) with runes beign redesigned in genral with the removal of gear stats


25) implement missing mini games, like Polymock and all the other stuff, that shoudl exist on Towns, to make towns lively places with unique reasons to go visit them all, implement a card collection minigame that is similar to Triple Triad and Gwent, with also similarities to Terra Battle as a card game based own story mode that you can play solo.


26) Add more new world bosses to the game, and make sure, that older maps also get revised, beginning with a redesign of Claw of Jormag, like Tequatl received one, that was neccessary, so it is with Jormags Claw too and implement a new dragon chapion world boss, one that represents Primordus and will be found in the fireheart map


27) Rework WvW massively, make sure, that WVW receives again constantly its own Tournaments, like it used to be in the early years of the game, rework the WvW into a FvF that is based on 3 Factions which are shared among all servers, so solve the population and night problems. No need anymore for so many servers, so that servers can get merged more when neccessary to make space for creating fresh new servers every once in a while, so that players have every now and then a chance to change to a fresh new server to populate it, after before have some servers been merged. This will create fresh new wind in the game. Make sure, while beign on this point, that the new FvF starts then also with 3 unique own Border Maps so that each Faction has its own unique Border Map, where one faction has map based by design a little advantage over the other sides. Eternal Battlefields and EotM get merged as a new multi layer WvW map, so that falling down from high is no death anymore, as you can then simply glide down to the eternal battlefield a layer down, and EB becomes finally a map with a castle, that you can enter always, due to the EotM mechanics having no queues there.


28) Rework the Trait System and make sure, that each Class with each of their ES have at least 3-4 useful builds you can play as them, so that there is for each class somehow a way how you can be useful in any game mode, be it PvP, be it WvW, be it PvE and its various sub elements like Fractals, Dungeons ect.

In order to ensure this, get all Classes their amount of Base Class Trait Lines also increased, to create more Build Diversity from 5 to 7.

- Elementalists for example gain the Traitlines Summon Rituals and Black Magic.

- Thieves receive Dexterity and Escape Techniques

- Warriors receive Motivation and Leadership

- Guardians receive Dignity and Morality

- Rangers receive Scouting and Hunting Instincs

- Necromancers receive Demonology and Spiritualism

- Engineers receive Saboteurism and Gravity Control

- Mesmers receive Mind Control and Telepathy


29) Complete redesign of Revenants and its E-Specs into Mercenaries, Rytlock becomes a unique story based Revenant as Class that is unique to him, so that this class becomes more in line with all other classes, able to use Racial Skills too, without this silly energy system that limits totally build diversity on this class, Mercenaries with the 7 Base Traitlines - Pride, Greed, Trust, Professionalism, Strategetics, Battle Creed, and lastly Perseverance with the Specs being Renegade still (but not anymore so super focused on charr lore only due to the hero crap) and Herolds becoming Legionnaires now.


30) Rework rewards, so that the start feeling significantly more meaningful, reducing of trash rewards, removal of junk loot, that absolutely nobody wants and exists only to clutter our inventories full, rewrok the login rewards, so that the feal more meaningful, without so many repeats of the same stuff in increasign numbers, thats uncreative and boring, improve rewards throughout the whole game, expand them, so that also older content gets again new reasons to be played, like adding new ascended and legendary racial armor sets to the game players can earn, as like new ascended and legendary dungeon armors and weapons. Implement new racial weapon skin sets for ascended and legendary as well.


31) implement a skill skin system, that allows us to change how our weapon skills and utility/healing/elite skill effects look like, for example makign it possible for starters as Ele/Necro/Mesmer/Guardian/Engineer/Thie/Ranger to change the look of their various summons and things they can create (Environmental Weapons), so that i can change the look of my undead minions for exampel as necromancer, or can change the look of the elemental avatars that i summned as Elementalist, or how the spiritual weapons look like, or the nature spirits that have been callen, to look different with an other skill skin beign in usage, other than the default one.

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