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Hello, I am new to Guild Wars, I am playing a thief and a necro...


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Hello, I am new to Guild Wars, I am playing a thief and a necro, I have addressed a similar question about my necro to the necro forum...

I don't have access to daredevil or deadeye right now.

I will be pursuing my hero points with grind groups.

But how is a good way to address my build while I am still a core thief?

My gear is power based, I have 2 decent daggers, a shortbow and a pistol.

I enjoy D/P but D/D seems to be better damage output.

Pretty sure the purpose of the shortbow doesn't require explanation in this forum.

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For the story and open world, without access to expansions, I would definitely recommend dagger/dagger weapon set, with the shortbow as your alternate weapon.


The double daggers are legit almost best DPS, maybe staff is a bit better, but I prefer daggers. SO it works for someone like yourself.


If you are playing PVP, consider the Sword/Dagger and Shortbow...it is probably the best you can get for not having expansions, but in all honesty if you are low enough in rnake for PVP, even a core Pistol/Pistol set can be fun.


This is only my 2 cents, I am not expecting any change.

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> For the story and open world, without access to expansions, I would definitely recommend dagger/dagger weapon set, with the shortbow as your alternate weapon.


> The double daggers are legit almost best DPS, maybe staff is a bit better, but I prefer daggers. SO it works for someone like yourself.


> If you are playing PVP, consider the Sword/Dagger and Shortbow...it is probably the best you can get for not having expansions, but in all honesty if you are low enough in rnake for PVP, even a core Pistol/Pistol set can be fun.


> This is only my 2 cents, I am not expecting any change.


Any recommendations on how to build it?

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[gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQNAoYVl8MhGnYhTw4JQ/EH0E1OPHu90nFpRZoDgJMCA-e](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQNAoYVl8MhGnYhTw4JQ/EH0E1OPHu90nFpRZoDgJMCA-e "gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQNAoYVl8MhGnYhTw4JQ/EH0E1OPHu90nFpRZoDgJMCA-e")


you can change the elite depending on the situation, but i normally run something like this. this build focus as power, but with some adjustments you can make it condition based.


i am not a pro but it has always worked for me. (in the open world, not PVP)


get some gear that boosts your power and precision, if not already. the other bonuses to skill/taste/preference

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> @"panchovilla.5986" said:

> This is what happens when I add my gear to it, and there's no way this is going to work as a condi build, all my gear is power.

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQNAoYVl8MhGnYhTw4JQ/EH0E1OPHu9UHATYE4zi0oMA-jBxfABAovhD1fQV5nEKBBA-e


If you have the laurels, I'd recommend changing your trinkets/rings/amulet to berserker stats. If you don't have any expensive sigils in your weapons, you can also convert them to berserker stats in the mystic forge. Valk armor with zerk for everything else is pretty decent for both PvE and WvW so you don't have to have 2 different armor sets. Runes of strength (balanced, good for power), the pack (balanced, decent utility), the scholar (dps oriented) , and the wurm (budget choice with vitality bonus while learning thief) are all decent choices as well.


D/D and the traits you have are great for PvE. If you want to do PvP/WvW with core thief, S/D is a good idea using DA/Acro/Trickery, picking up Mug, Panic Strike, Improvisation, Pain Response, Swindlers Equilibrium, Upper hand, thrill of the crime, bountiful theft, and Sleight of Hand for your traits.


For PvE, your utilities are great, maybe with the exception of your elite. Basilisk venom is great for sharing the stun to help with break bars for mobs that have them. For PvP/WvW, I'd recommend shadowstep, signet of agility, basilisk venom, withdraw, and your personal choice for the last (mine being Roll for Initiative).


Edit:I forgot to mention, if you like D/P in PvE, that's probably fine unless you run into groups that want you to be "optimal." The utility of D/P won't be much of a benefit against AI though, making D/D the better choice for PvE. D/P is great for PvP, but I haven't played core D/P in a long time so I can't help you there. Use what you enjoy in PvE and play with friends so it won't really matter what your weapon set is.

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