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1 kill = 1 rally !


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Rallying more than one guy from one kill is a broken mechanic. Losing one teammate in a fight is already very punishing, making it heal one downed ennemy (because that is what rally is) makes it even more punishing, but healing ALL the downed ennemy team is nothing else than reterded.


I still do not understand why this change has been active in WvW for so long, while it isn't in PvP.

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It's super annoying, but useful mechanic to take advantage of in WvW too. I do think that this game could be healthier if killing an enemy only rallied on teammate. If a team has two downed players and the other has one, but that one dies and the team with two downs rallies, how is that fair? It makes for some interesting comebacks, but it ends up feeling more like the team with two downs won a fight they should have lost because they were outplayed but got lucky enough to kill an enemy.


If the full team rally mechanic was changed to single rally, how would the game choose gets rallied?

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not trying to be the "bad guy" but still dont get why people dont press F.

If 2v2, res if you got no stab, if you got stab F opponent (there is no way in hell you can kill them faster unless if u DD and use your ultimate)

If 3v3+ and you can not enter middle while opponent can, because tank.........then the same principle holds, you can simply not win a 2v3 fight, unless if opponent is new or dont use meta

I do get that there are some rare occations where both teams decide not to F, even in tourneys they try to insta res, there are of cause some instances they dont, but they can combine their bombs through talking to eachother, instead of using it whenever

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